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[F-01] [SP] Ruined Temple, Ruined Blade <<Katana Acquisition>>

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“… It’s exactly because of the circumstances,” Rei smiled, looking back forward up the steps, “Because of everything being like this, I need to keep moving, I’m a bit scared of dying, but I don’t want to stay still doing nothing and rotting away, I’m finally in a world where I can fight to my heart’s content to survive and get stronger, if I’m not seeking fun, life hardly has any meaning, right?”

“I can’t really agree to all of that, but… I understand,” Takumi nodded,

“Same here,” Yuta nodded, “We’re already in this together, so let’s just hang out and have fun, yeah?”

“Yeah…” Kenji gave a small smile,

“Well, so long as we don’t die,” Rei added,

“Oi, you just worked us up, don’t put a damper on it now,” Takumi groaned,

“Read the mood man,” Yuta sighed, slapping him on the back and sending him stumbling up,

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“Hey, it was a joke,” Rei protested with a small laugh,

“Eyes forward, I see something,” Takumi nudged them, making them turn forward,

“Ah, holy crap!” Yuta cried out in surprise,

“I… think this is it,” Kenji slowly murmured,

“Yeah, I suppose,” Rei nodded as they all reached the top of the stairs, it was an interesting temple for sure, had a large open space, stone tiles lined the ground creating a huge square, the edges of it had normal dirt, it was almost like the gathering spot for an imperial army and the temple up ahead was more like the palace where the emperor would look down at his vast troops and give a rousing speech, it was that large of a space.

The four of them wandered forward, eyes wide with awe as they looked around, this was a place you’d see as a movie set in one of those live action wushu drama shows,

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It was the first thing on Rei’s mind, but he didn’t yet say it, since he didn’t expect it to be a trap. As the four of them set foot on the stone tiled square and were well into it, there was a loud shrill sound,

“What’s that sound!?” Takumi cried out, weapons summoned,

“Look!” Yuta alerted their attention, following suit with his weapons.

The stone platform they stood on created a shimmering hexagonal tiled, slightly transparent barrier, it was simple a wall barrier that rose up to the sky, eventually closing off, trapping them in a box.

Rei barely caught a glance at the temple, seeing a large statue staring down at them before leaping off the platform and crashing into the square, now an arena. The statue as not alone, there were 4 of them, presumably for 4 of them, they were each to face a strong enemy, these stone statues were depictions of old soldiers, wearing splint or scaled armour, with stern, fury filled faces and wielding weapons like spears and swords.

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“They’re coming! Watch out!” Rei shouted out a warning when he saw the four Terracottas brace, lowering themselves for a lunge, his brow furrowed, the Terracottas were still too far away to reach them from there though.

However, his observation was proved wrong, this was a game and physics is not always faithfully followed. The Terrcottas lowered their body as a Olympian might prepare to sprint, then with a forceful kick, they shot forward like a coiled snake, no, more akin to a boulder from a catapult, the stone tiles beneath their feet shattered and detached, flying through the air behind them. The loud boom of activity showed that despite their real, weight as a hunk of rock, they were strong enough to launch themselves that far.

Rushing towards them, the four of them hurriedly split off from the group, ensuring they could concentrate on each of their own fights, but not before diving to a side to avoid the four cannons that shot themselves at their location.


ID# 134368 
BD: 7+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 3 = Miss

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 260/260 | EN: 24 (-2)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 44/50 | 15 DMG

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The platform of their new arena was now divided into quadrants, each of the party instinctively spaced out and the Terracottas that crashed into their position at the centre slowly turned, each one facing one of the party, stomping their way over full of arrogance and power, it made Rei frown in anger at their expressions and self-confidence,

“For just being a statue, you’re sure as hell being cocky,” Rei snarled, readying his blade over his back, he lunged forward, would a sword even work on a statue? He was worried but still struck when he was in range, the Terracotta stopped some distance away before Rei realised that they had a curved sword not unlike a Chinese Dao, a curved, single edged saber like weapon.

The Terracotta lunged forward with a thrusting strike, bending low and far like a fencer’s lunge thrust, these attacks were hard to see coming and harder to dodge, even so, Rei twisted his body to the side.


ID# 134369
BD: 7+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 9 = Crit +1

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Damage Received = 15 + 1 - 8 = 8

Rei: HP: 252/260 | EN: 23 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 38/50 | 15 DMG

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It was a twist of his upper body and a step to the side, allowing him to glance at the stony blade punching through the air past his chest, his glare returned to the stony opponent, lowering his body and arms, he lunged past the enemy with a horizontal Rage Blow that cracked into their torso with a devasting crash like a ocean’s wave, complete with a neon burst of blue light and some fragments of rock.

The moment he could move his body again, he hopped forward, blade already recharging, he saw that the Terracotta was turning to face him but he also heard the high pitched noise of a fully charged Sword Art and struck, hoping to take hold of the opportunity, his blade slammed into the statue’s shoulder, causing another shallow cut wound and cracks scattered through it’s body with a loud boom of impact. But the Terrocotta didn’t even flinch.


ID# 134370
BD: 5+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 8 = Hit

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Damage Received = 15 - 8 = 7

Rei: HP: 245/260 | EN: 22 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 32/50 | 15 DMG

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It was just a statue after all, unfeeling and emotionless, it took it’s blade and slashed out at Rei, cracking him across the chest where his leather armour was, even as he jumped back to avoid it, it didn’t stop his HP from decreasing from the attack, it wasn’t much, but it was a sizeable amount, these were probably one of the stronger enemies in the first floor.

He looked back up from his body, his hand clasped there instinctively in search of the wound but it was just digital, a pain that was dulled by numbers, he glared at the Terracotta that strode towards him with killing intent, taking his blade, he prepared for another clash.

The statue struck first, it’s blade fell in a downward arc which Rei avoided to the side, bringing his Raging blade to bear, striking against it’s shoulder bone with another crack, some more stone cracked and only a shallow cut wound was made by his sword,


ID# 134371
BD: 10+3 = Crit +2 [Rage Blow] [Target is Immune to Bleed]
MD: 8 = Hit

Damage Dealt= (3 + 2) x 2 = 10

Damage Received = 15 - 8 = 7

Rei: HP: 238/260 | EN: 21 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 22/50 | 15 DMG

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He tried to get away, but it felt like the Terracotta wasn’t even trying to defend itself as it slashed out at him, taking the opportunity to wound him whilst he was still in his cool down state from using Art, that short moment where he couldn’t move, paralysed he could only dodge a little too late, the stone blade cutting into his chest a second time.

The moment he hopped back, taking the shallow wound to his chest, his foot touched the ground and before his other touched as well, he lunged forward immediately, his blade by now was on his back, by habit he charged the blade already with the next Rage Blow, dashing past the statue, his blade shone a bright radiant blue, crashing like the wave of the ocean against the Terracotta’s side.

He knew it was a critical hit, bleed should have inflicted but being made of stone meant that it couldn’t take effect, he couldn’t rely on the lucky break a status effect would give him for this fight.


ID# 134372
BD: 1+3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 9 = Crit +1

Damage Received = 15 + 1 - 8 = 8

Rei: HP: 230/260 | EN: 17 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 22/50 | 15 DMG

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He turned around just in time to raise his blade to protect himself as the Terracotta turned around mechanically and struck out without concern for the wounds on it’s body, the blades clashed together and the strength of a stone golem as expected blasted Rei back several meters, off balance and taking it head on meant he nearly fell on his back after being thrown off his feet from the impact.

He looked up at the statue when he landed, eager to go for the next round, however, before he could even recover and charge his blade, the Terracotta already had other plans, executing a brace like when he first dashed, it charged, shooting off like a cannonball with a booming explosion, more of the stone tile shattered into the air as the statue impacted into Rei.

The Terracotta’s stone sword arced towards Rei’s neck, he barely had the time to block with his sword but the impact still meant he took damage and was thrown to the side.


ID# 134373
BD: 4+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 3 = Miss

Damage Dealt = 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 230/260 | EN: 16 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 16/50 | 15 DMG

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The looked up at the stone soldier with a grimace, the statue’s eyes were now gleaming red, did it enrage? Glancing at the HP, it would seem to be below half, that was the trigger then. All around him the explosions of battle were ongoing along with the clash of steel, but he was focused at this moment on his own opponent, not willing to turn his attention to his others least it break his razor focus right now.

He glared at the opponent, a gash on both of it’s shoulders, as well as both sides of it’s stomach, he had landed 4 hits so far on each point of it’s body so far, he was doing well, he was in no danger of death judging by the damage he received, but he didn’t want to use that as an excuse to get pummelled around like this. He charged his blade and rushed forward, there was no point waiting to counter when they could shoot forward with that lunge attack if he got too far away.


ID# 134374
BD: 1+3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 9 = Crit +1

Damage Received = 15 + 1 - 8 = 8

Rei: HP: 222/260 | EN: 13 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 16/50 | 15 DMG

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He lunged forward, his blade crashing straight down the middle of the statue’s head, causing yet another gash and crack in it’s stone, unfazed, the Terracotta moved faster and more nimbly than before, it lashed out at Rei at high speeds but this time he manage to jump back, avoiding the blow, but he neglected it’s follow up, not willing to let him get away with it, the Terracotta pursued him with intense, quick but short range footwork.

Ever forward, the Terracotta lunged and stepped, slashing to his sides and front with a barrage of attacks, each attack was a step forward and for Rei, each parry was a step backward, he was being pushed into the defensive and he could feel the pressure of being overwhelmed staring at him in the face in the form of a wrathful soldier with red gleaming eyes, he took several blows to the body, causing him to cough up, but he tried to block and counter whenever he could,


ID# 134375
BD: 3+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 9 = Crit +1

Damage Dealt = 3 x 2 = 6

Damage Received = 15 + 1 - 8 = 8

Rei: HP: 214/260 | EN: 12 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 10/50 | 15 DMG

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As Rei and the Terracotta exchanged a heated flurry of blows, their clash of blade and stone weaponry ringing out constantly like a excited war drum, it was clear that Rei was in a panic, stuck on the receiving end of the aggressive barrage of attacks.

The others were doing no better, the first phase wasn’t too bad, but the moment it’s health dropped below half, the statue began to move like a real person, blocking and parrying attacks, assuming combat stances and pressing the attack, whilst in the first phase, it was mindless, content with getting into range and hitting them with it’s weapon without care for itself, not anymore.

Yuta clashed with his dagger against the Terracotta’s stone spear, he flailed it in front of him, desperately trying to deflect the hailstorm like thrusts from the soldier, but each time he was a little off, his blade would never quite manage to fully parry, whether it be his fingers, his cheek, his arm or body, he was receiving constant small wounds.


ID# 134376
BD: 2+3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 8 = Hit

Damage Received = 15 - 8 = 7

Rei: HP: 207/260 | EN: 9 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 10/50 | 15 DMG

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Yuta had tried to get in close, but the Terracotta had gotten skilful in it’s 2nd phase, he was finding it hard to defend let alone attack back, he tried to grab at the spear and move in for super close quarters, but the spearman wouldn’t let him, at first he would manage it, even going for a few kicks and punches for take down executions, but it was a statue and didn’t flinch.

On the other side, Takumi was grimacing, his round shield blocking the swordman’s fierce blows as best as he could, too close for him to use his spear effectively, he was constantly trying to make distance, however the swordsman would always close in, with the weight of his armour, shield and spear, Takumi was getting tired of the constant retreat,

“I’m not getting anywhere like this,” he twitched in annoyance, with a loud cry, he switched tactics.


ID# 134377
BD: 3+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 8 = Hit

Damage Dealt = 2 x 3 = 6

Damage Received = 15 - 8 = 7

Rei: HP: 200/260 | EN: 8 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 4/50 | 15 DMG

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Stomping his back foot into the ground, he halted, the soldier that was aggressively pursuing him walked straight into the shield, almost hitting itself, it swung it’s blade at thin air, if it was human, he would be winded from the sudden halt, but it didn’t even flinch.

Takumi used the shield to take the impact, but it was a statue in the end and even braced, he slid backwards a bit from the weight, he then ducked past the soldier, his spear charged he punched forward into the soldier’s back, to his surprise the blade cracked off the stone but left a mark, he was doing damage.

With a small smile, he felt like he understood what tactic he needed to use to win this fight, he could only hope his stamina held out until then, or better yet, either Rei or Yuta would be finished up and help him.


ID# 134378
BD: 2+3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 1 = Miss

Rei: HP: 200/260 | EN: 5 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 4/50 | 15 DMG

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Past that was Kenji, shuddering in fear, he nearly cowered behind his large metal kite shield, he was dressed in heavy plate armour resembling a knights so seeing a heroic visage act so cowardly was a near comical sight. Kenji felt shame, but more than that was true fear of death, his heart pounded in sync with the rapid and heavy clashes of the Terracotta’s stone spear against his shield, his heart jumped in fright each time, sweat poured down his skin and if he could pee he would have done so already.

He lifted his head and looked over at the statue only in time to see the blade coming for his face, too late to react, it felt like he had been clubbed in the face by a concrete block, knocking him straight on his back, his head cracked off the ground, he looked up fearfully at the statue’s gleaming red eyes and squeezed his own shut in anticipation for the inevitable when the shadow disappeared over his body,


ID# 134379
BD: 4+3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 5 = Miss

Damage Dealt = 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 200/260 | EN: 4 (-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Terracotta: HP: 4/50 | 15 DMG

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“You alright!?” Rei cried out in concern, his expression warped in a grimace as he faced the disadvantageous position of trying to fight a spear with a sword alone, he had managed to get the aggro off Kenji and onto himself after finishing his own Terracotta soldier, his HP hadn’t recovered, which wasn’t a problem, but it was the Energy he was worried about, he was already feeling tired from climbing the stairs, and even more so now from all this combat. He was breathing heavily and out of oxygen,

“Rei!” Kenji recognised, hurriedly pushing himself up,

“Help me out here, shank the [asdasda] from behind!” Rei directed him with instructions as best as he could,

“R-right!” automatically, Kenji followed the orders without thinking too much, a automatic reflex or habit that is to say, charging his sword with his best Art, he chased after the clashing pair, trying to align himself behind the statue was difficult because they kept moving, not just back and forth but side to side,

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There was a bright flash of golden light as 3 arcs shot forward like snake strikes, cracking into the soldier’s back and leaving several marks on it’s body, it’s health plummeted but they were not quite in the clear, the aggro quickly shot back over to Kenji who cried out in fear when he realised that the statue had turned, readying to attack him now. Faced with the unexpected crisis, he froze in place, his mind blank, he didn’t know what to do.

Rei grimaced as he raised his blade over his back, using the last of his energy to launch a Rage Blow, cracking into the statue’s head with a booming impact, the pair of players glanced over at the Health bar and watched it drop to 0.

There was a moment of stillness before the statue crumbled into debris, and more moments before it shattered into glass as normal.

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Rei collapsed onto the ground on his hands and knees, panting heavily, his energy bar was nearly out, he couldn’t do anything right now, propping himself into a seated position, he gulped down the thin chilly air, he didn’t realise until now that the battle was over, why was there no snow here? Now that he realised it felt like a glitch in the system, it just stuck out painfully and felt alien and foreign now,

“Are you alright?” Kenji worried, sitting next to him,

“Yeah… I’m fine… just tired,” Rei nodded, panting heavily, they turned their gazes to the other two fights, from here he couldn’t see their health bars so he didn’t know how far along they were, but judging from the gleaming red eyes, they were at least in the second phase.

He watched as Yuta punched the dagger straight into the statue’s chest, both froze up and after a moment, the statue crumbled into debris then glass. Yuta wiped his brow and cast his gaze around, finding them resting and Takumi still in the fight.

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Yuta naturally went over to help Takumi, with them together it didn’t take long to kill it.

“Thanks for helping me,” Kenji eventually spoke, glancing nervously at Rei,

“Yeah, no problem,” Rei breathed, “that was a tough fight,” he looked over as Yuta and Takumi walked over, and at the barrier that dissipated since the fight was won.

“Hah… I… Hah…am not… doing that… again,” Takumi spoke between his heavy breaths, crashing to the ground next to them, exhausted,

“You can say that again, we still have to make the trek back home later,” Rei laughed,

“How did your fights go?” Yuta asked curiously, staring at Rei,

“Not bad, won anyhow,” Rei shrugged,

“Fighting against a statue is hard,” Yuta genuinely frowned as if he didn’t already expect that outcome,

“Well duh,” Rei still pointed it out with a small tone of mocking, “And it was a spear against a dagger, you had a bad match up,”

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“I suppose,” Yuta shrugged, glancing around and noticing the barrier’s disappearance, he looked over at the temple that awaited them, supposedly with treasure, “Then let’s get going,”

“Wait… wait…” Takumi wheezed,

“Yeah, good god I’m tired,” Rei agreed whole-heartedly,

“I don’t want to wait for those things to respawn, so come on, let’s go,” Yuta crouched down and grabbed them but the armpits to pull them to their feet with a grunt,

“Fine, fine, I’d really not want to go through that routine over again,” Rei sighed deeply,

“A-agreed,” Kenji nodded eagerly, following them over.

The temple was… as expected? It’s hard to describe, but it looked like a large dojo almost, the roof was tiled and layered like a large feudal castle, the side that faced them was not walled, it resembled a open veranda, inviting them inside past the thick stone pillars and before the huge statue of the wrathful god, Bishamonten, various candles were lit despite the lack of people and at the feet of the statue was an altar.


ID# 134380

LD: 10 = Fail = No Treasure

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