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[F1 OP] (1-2 players other then me) <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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Ralacrest was walking through the market place in the Town of Beginnings, she wasn't there to buy anything, but she had always enjoyed looking at the things being sold. Sometimes players would come back from other floors to sell what they collected, which always caught her attention. The temperature was just right for a walk anyway, the feeling of a nice summer breeze mixed in with the warm sun gave her a good feeling of comfort, even in this game. Her hair flowed around in the wind and shined in the sun; she tried to keep it out of her face but she wasn't very successful.

She continued to walk through the marketplace until she saw an older man talking to some other people. She could tell the old man was an NPC, but why was he talking to other people like that then? Were they players? Was it some sort of quest? The last thought got her all excited, if she could go on a quest, maybe she could work her way to actually helping get everyone out of this virtual hell. She started to make her way to the old man, she just hoped that someone else would help her with this quest, because she had no idea what it had in line for the player that accepts it.

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Still only level three, still only a healer, still couldn't fight...Astralin had to get her level up, but how? She definitely couldn't do it alone! "At least it's a nice day out..." She thought aloud. The sun was shining in the sky, and many breezes blew all around. Astralin would make her way to the edge of the main marketplace, where a quest-giving NPC was said to be. If someone who could handle themselves was around, she could tag along to heal them! What a grand idea! She would smile as she considered this. It wouldn't be long before she was almost at the edge, for it was a fairly large marketplace, after all, seeing that this was the largest settlement in the game. She looked to her left and right as she sought out the NPC, based on a description she was given by another player...but as she was looking to the side, she accidentally bumped into someone. "Aaagh!! Oh, I'm so sorry, are you alright?"



Stats and Equipment:


Level: 3

Max HP: 60

Max EN: 6

Base DMG: 1

EVA: 2

REC: 1




Gloves of the Astral Storm(1 Bleed, 1 Paralyze)[Equipped]

Alkarina's Resolve(2 EVA, 1 REC)[Equipped]

Astral Cape(Vanity Clothing) [Equipped]


Sticky Ricky(3 DMG)

(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)




First Aid Rank 1

Martial Arts[Unskilled, sword arts unavailable]


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  • 2 weeks later...

She was making her way through the crowd, keeping her eyes on the old man and trying to get to him before he walked away; too many times had she missed an opportunity due to being too slow or not quick enough to make a decision. She was so focused that when another girl bumped into her, she just fell down, completely dazed. She looked up at the girl and gave her a small smile, saying, "Yes I'm fine. I've fallen from higher up then this." She laughed a little, half for the girl and half for herself.

She stood up and looked at where the old man was, seeing he was still there, talking to people, she decided she had enough time to talk to the other girl. She turned back to her and smiled at her, noticing that she herself was shorter then the blonde. She asked, 
"So what brings you to The Town of Beginnings? Or have you been here as long as I have?" She suddenly realized how rude her question was even if she had said it in a kind voice. Her eyes grew wide and she said, "I'm sorry. That was rude of me."

She looked around for a second before saying to the girl, "I should probably introduce myself. I'm Ralacrest."

@Astralin (I'm so sorry that took so long. IRL hit me really hard and it took me this long to recover.)

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The black haired girl smiled and said she was fine, that she'd put up with worse falls, and laughed a bit as well. She got up and looked over to where the quest-giving NPC just happened to be, though he was busy with others at the moment. She then looked back to Astralin and asked what she was doing in the Town of Beginnings. Of course, her eyes widened and she quickly apologized for what she believed was being rude. She then introduced herself as Ralacrest.

Now it was Astralin's turn to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you, Ralacrest, my name is Li- Astralin! My name is Astralin." She said, almost blurting out her real name again. "Sorry, it's just that I'm still trying to remember to introduce myself by my username, rather than my real name. In case you're still curious, I did leave this safe zone once. I gathered the courage to head for the second floor's safe zone, where I met someone who helped me unlock a skill. I still can't use it yet, however... I can still heal, but little else. I'm not very blade-savvy, you see..." She explained.


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Ralacrest smiled at the girl as she introduced herself. She waited for Astralin to finish her slight ramble before saying to her, "First off, its okay. It took me a long time before I got use to the whole, gamer name thing. This whole game feels too real.." She said that last part with a lost look in her eyes. She looked around for a second before gathering herself again to say to Astralin, "Sorry about that...anyway its good that you've left the safe zone before. Although I don't think I've ever met a healer before. Lots of loot gatherers come around here, but I've never heard any of them refer to themselves as healers, but then again I don't really socialize much, so who am I to say." She gave a slight nervous laugh before continuing, "Its okay to not be much of a blade user though, there's plenty of other weapons in the game." She laughed a little at her own joke, hoping Astralin found it funny too.

She looked up a little, her gaze clearly on the quest giver again, a determined look crossing her face. She looked back at Astralin as she asked, "Hey..so would you want to join me in a quest? It most likely won't be too dangerous..hopefully."


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Ralacrest said that it was okay, that it took her a while to get used to username introduction as well. She also admitted that she had never met a healer before, that plenty of gatherers were in sight, but not healers. "Well, I know a damage dealer who's also a healer. Oh, wow, I just rhymed!" Astralin noted with a chuckle at the end. Ralacrest noted that it was fine to not be much of a blade user, that there were other weapons in the game. "Ahahaha, not that I'd take interest, actually. I was actually quite surprised to find that this game didn't have something I expected at all...so my first skill was a support skill, as it was the closest I could ever get to magic...so in terms of offense, I decided on the Martial Arts skill, as, again, I don't use sharp blades or bulky bludgeons." Astralin admitted. Ralacrest would ask if Astralin was interested in joining her on a quest. "Definitely! If there is combat, I'll simply be by your side, healing you when things get too rough, as I still don't have enough skill points to make use of my recently unlocked combat skill..." She answered.


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Now that Life was back from isolation he was keen to see just how far the players had come and what the floors looked like these days. His first stop on this field trip no doubt would be floor one. The humble town of beginnings, where everything.. well, began. The streets still bustled with activity, players and NPC's buying and selling, generally just having a good time. One thing that surprised him was still the amount of players who refused to risk their lives to beat the game, preferring the safety of the beginner zone. It made him feel slightly better about his own stagnation, but also gave him feeling of unease. 

He wore an armored Yukata made from ebonweave material. To a trained eye in the light you'd be able to see a pattern like spiraling staircases, and the material would appear blue. However in most other places without direct sunlight, it appeared pure black. This colour scheme matched Life's hair, blue in the light but black otherwise. It was short in length apart from a fringe which went past his jawline, his eyes were a faded blue like winter skies during the evenings.

Life continued down the streets until he came across a familiar store, one in which players could find the quest <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>> he himself never took the quest when he was leveling and didn't have the ability to do it now, but he had helped others complete the quest before and brought back some good memories, those of which were few. Inside the store appeared to be two newbies about to embark on one of their first adventures. Life smiled and couldn't help but overhear the two talking. 

"Excuse me ladies, I couldn't help but notice you're about to begin a particular quest." He spoke softly, his accent was almost aristocratic, a deep upper-class British. "If you'd like I could accompany you two and give you some pointers? My name is Life by the way, pleasure to make you acquaintances."



Player statistics:
Level: 25
Health: 500
Energy: 50
Damage: 11 (1 base + 3 from weapon + 7 from rank 5 katana)
Evasion: 2 (Equipped Trinket and Armour)
Accuracy: 2 (Equipped Trinket)
Light Momentum: 2 (Equipped Armour)
Mitigation: 8 (Rank 2 Light Armour)

Inventory: T1 Health Potion x8 | Kami armguards (2Lm +1thorn) | Knightmare cloak (+2 evasion +1 Thorn) 
Equipped: Battle Kimono (+1 Evasion +2 Light momentum) | Blessing of the Goddess (+2 accuracy +1 Evasion) | Fates calling (+3 damage)

@Astralin @Ralacrest

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Ralacrest giggled a little as Astralin pointed out that she had rhymed, she clearly found it funny too. She noted what the girl said about the skill she had being close to magic, and that she had the martial arts skill, saying in return, "Well yeah, that makes sense. I mean this game is one of the first MMOs I've ever played that doesn't have some sort of magic system, maybe that's why so many people decided it was a good idea to get it.." She looked down for a second before looking back up, a smile crossing her lips as Astralin agreed to help her in the quest, saying in return, "Great! I bet this is going to be fun." 

She turned to start walking towards the quest giver, , motioning for Astralin to follow, but she stopped as she heard a male, British voice behind her. She spun around, her hair getting in her eyes a little, and she blushed a little. Ever since she was young, guys with basically any accent drove her insane, and in a good way at that.  She coughed a little to try to stop blushing, saying to Life, "I wouldn't mind if you accompanied us. How about you Astralin, would you mind if he joined us?"

@Astralin @Life

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"Well, in all honesty, I never expected this game wouldn't have magic...and here I am, in a world without magic, despite having played many games where magic was everything to me." Astralin admitted in response to Ralacrest's remark.

When the male player came and spoke with a British accent, Ralacrest turned around...blushing. Personally, Astralin would try to know more about someone before blushing in such a way as Ralacrest did just now. The male player would introduce himself as Life...and Astralin couldn't help but laugh. "Ahahahahaha!!! Ah, Ahaha, sorry, it's just... Sounds like a troll's name, In my opinion...not sure if that was your plan before the truth about this game came...no offense..." She remarked.

Ralacrest didn't mind Life joining the two players, and asked Astralin if she was fine with it as well. "Yeah, I don't mind him tagging along." She agreed. "Guess I'll have two party members to keep an eye on." She said with a smile, not knowing the other player's level...

@Ralacrest @Life

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Life smiled politely at the blushing womans reaction before turning to adress the blonde haired girl who had apparently taken an interesting interpretation to his username. "While I do get tired of the puns, no, it wasn't intended to be a troll name. But I suppose it has its irony considering the circumstances now. More than anything I suppose you could call me some kind of personification, sometimes a b*tch and sometimes a dream." Life smirked knowing that currently the b*tch side had been more prevelant, though he was working on that part of himself. He sent the two ladies a party request so that they would be able to do the quest together. "Well I suppose we can begin to get going now right. Where does the quest tell you to go now?" 

Life turned and made his way out of the store, holding the door open for the two to allow them to take the lead. While he was the most experienced his plan wasnt to take their experience away from the quest by interjecting. Hed allow them to figure the majority out on their own and help if they needed it. 

@Astralin @Ralacrest

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