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[PP-F03] Well this is a load of bull! <<Search for the Hoya>>

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Luna hummed as she wandered through the streets of Delilah; the bluenette wore a smile on her face as she took in the atmosphere of the peaceful settlement. It was whimsical, like something that you would expect to read about in a classic fantasy novel; full of wonder and intrigue.

“Too beautiful for a death trap…” The slender teen murmured as she neared a bulletin board, which had a few players milling around, some of them actively reading, others simply socialising.

She regarded the scraps of paper pinned to the wooden frame with curiosity, and spent some time reading through them.

“Fair few quests…hey, I know!”

The bluenette then opened her menu and typed out a message to Yuki, the pink-haired girl that she had bumped into on floor 2.



Hey Yuki, it’s Luna! I’ve found some quests that we can do on floor 3, come and meet me, I’m not far from the teleport pad!’


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Yuki was through the teleporter within a minute. She didn't have much to do right now other than quests, so when she saw the message from one of her favorite people in Aincrad, so far, she didn't hesitate making her way to floor 3. She didn't even actually respond to the message Luna had sent her. She approached the bluenette and gave her a glowing smile.

"Kon! Choushi wadou?" Yuki's Japanese came faster than a bullet. She realized that Luna couldn't understand what she just said based on the confused expression. "Uh, Gomen- Sorry. Hey, what's up? You found another quest for us to do then?"

She looked through her inventory to make sure she had everything she needed, equipping the armor and sword she received from Mac and the rings she had received from some stranger in the Town of Beginnings onto her active inventory. She also checked her consumables to make sure she everything she needed.


Level: 4 | HP:  80 | Energy: 8

DMG: 3 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 27 | ACC: +2

Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
Aegis(Shield): 2MIT, 1 Regen
Saber(OHSS): 2 ACC, 1 DMG
Silver Serpent Ring: +2 LD
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring: +1 LD

3) Starter Healing Potions(50HP)


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“I really need to learn some Japanese so I can figure out what the hell you’re saying”

Luna replied as Yuki greeted her, before sending the Pinkette a party request.

“Yep, found a pretty easy one, I could solo it without much trouble so this should be a piece of cake. It’s in some weird labyrinth on this floor according to the map.”

She waited for the other player to accept the party request, before the girl tilted her head in the rough direction of the main exit out of Delilah.

“Might as well get going, quest isn’t gonna complete itself.”

She said with a smile before turning around, her dress fluttering in the wind as she did before she started to make her way towards the quest marker at a rather brisk pace. She had grown a little more confident, and thus was eager to complete another quest and bring herself closer to the strength she needed.


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Yuki laughed at Luna's response to her Japanese. She clicked the party accept button and looked up at Luna's health bar to ensure it was accepted.

"I could teach a bit of basic Japanese if you're interested. I was number one in my school for English class and I'm native Japanese if the name Yuki didn't give that away." She explained. It was pretty obvious that she was Japanese from her thick accent. If that didn't give it away, her name surely would. 

"When you say hello to someone, you first think about what time of day it is, like in english. For example, Good Morning is Ohaiyo Gozaimasu and Good Afternoon is Konnichiwa." Yuki started going on an English to Japanese lecture as they started walking towards the quest marker. It wouldn't take long for them to reach the massive labyrinth since they were actively avoiding combat with the scattered mobs. 

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ID: 136855 
BD: 2 (Miss)
MD: 9 (-2 EVA) =7 (Hit) 
CD: 6 (1-5 Yuki 6-12 Luna) Target= Luna

Luna led the way to the labyrinth in which the quest was meant to take place. It was a seemingly ancient complex of crumbling stone walls, covered in moss and in an advanced state of disrepair.

“Pretty creepy, huh?”

She remarked to Yuki as the slender teen rounded a corner, and promptly froze. She was staring down a massive Minotaur, one which seemed rather unhappy.


She yelled, and then quickly drew her rapier. She had to react quickly, to make sure that they could take down the beast quickly. She dashes forwards and jabbed at the creature, but somehow managed to miss. In response the minotaur turned and lashed out with its axe; the force pushed the bluenette back and she let out a strained grunt.

“S-some help please!” She called out, her voice seemed slightly shaky, although it was mostly from the shock of the impact more than anything.

Luna HP 99/120 DMG 5 MIT 9 EVA 2 EN: 10/12 (30-9=21 DMG) 
Yuki HP 80/80 DMG 3 MIT 27 ACC +2  Thorns 18 EN 8/8 T

Minotaur HP 45/45 DMG 30 


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Yuki, who was lagging behind Luna quite a bit, rushed forward to her calls. She rounded the corner to see the Minotaur. Unluckily her ally had missed her own strike and taken a hit. She peered up at Luna's hit points while rushing to her aid, sighing in relief that it didn't do some massive damage to her. Her blade glowed a neon, rose-pink color.

"Don't worry Luna, I'm here!" She said, stabbing the blade into the minotaur's side in quick succession. It didn't appreciate that gesture, turning to combat her now. "There I got it's attention. I'll be your shield, just do what you need to." She says with a smile and shield raised, ready for the minotaur's next attack.

It felt great knowing that she was able to be effective with her tanking. Although she had originally intended to become a support to aid her allies, tanking surely felt like she was able to help her friends by making sure they don't out right die, or even really get hurt... Or well, not hurt that much.




Luna HP 99/120 DMG 5 MIT 9 EVA 2 EN: 10/12 
Yuki HP 80/80 DMG 3 MIT 27 ACC +2  Thorns 18 EN 5/8 -3 Energy, Snake Bite Hate: 1

Minotaur HP 36/45 DMG 30 (3x3) = 9DMG 


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ID: 137090 
BD: 5 (Miss)
MD: 2 (miss)


Luna backed off quickly as Yuki rushed in to tackle the beast head-on. The bluenette watched in awe of the other player’s bravery. It was impressive, how willing she was to act as Luna’s shield, how eager she was to take the brunt of the enemy’s attacks.

“Nice hit Yuki!”

She called out to her companion before she stepped forwards herself. She had missed her first attack, and now she had to make it count. She knew that all she needed was a couple of solid hits with the right sword art, and then the thing would go down. The girl rushed forwards and thrust her blade at the minotaur, which then blocked with its shield.


She cursed, as she watched the Minotaur swing at Yuki, although the attack seemed to glance harmlessly off of her armour. A miss, although in this particular case it wasn’t great, as they needed Yuki’s thorns to activate.

Luna HP 99/120 DMG 5 MIT 9 EVA 2 EN: 9/12 
Yuki HP 80/80 DMG 3 MIT 27 ACC +2  Thorns 18 EN 5/8 

Minotaur HP 36/45 DMG 30 

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Yuki watched Luna's rapier bounce harmlessly off the minotaurs shield. It was obvious she hadn't draw it's attention enough and she needed to distract it more so Luna could get good hits in. Unfortunately the beast didn't quite hit her either, so of course that meant thorns wouldn't proc for that round. Disappointing concidering it was the bulk of Yuki's damage and her main form of dealing damage in total. She'd have to rely on an attack of her own, so she raised the pink blade once more and went for another series of stabs. The three hits pinged of the minotaurs shield and did no effective damage.

"Crap, this thing has better defenses than I anticipated, but I still have its attention Luna, feel free to make your attack. Remember to keep you head calm and take your time!" The pink paladin encouraged standing in her defensive posture to block any massive damage to herself.



Luna HP 99/120 DMG 5 MIT 9 EVA 2 EN: 9/12 
Yuki HP 80/80 DMG 3 MIT 27 ACC +2  Thorns 18 EN 2/8 -3 energy

Minotaur HP 36/45 DMG 30 


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