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<<F01>> The (not so) legendary timid player Sparky

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Sparky walked around the town of beginnings while humming a song that Cloud had taught him. He liked the town and always was there. He hadn't moved to any floor except floor one and loved it there. His humming was clear and calm as the day. It was clear that humming connected Sparky to his twin brother. Nobody knows why he didn't go up to floor 2. Maybe he loved the open space of floor 1 or he was trying to get his level up. In reality he was just too scared to face strong monsters. He knew that if he died then he would never see Cloud again and that thought kept him at floor 1. He usually spoke to the two covetous serpents that he wore around two of his fingers. They made him feel safe in a dangerous place. Obviously he named them Beowulf and Hydra. Sparky seemed weird to other players but he was always like that as a child. He wanted to learn how to forge his own weapons so that he could impress Cloud once he got back to reality. He would probaly suck at it though but he wouldn't care at all. He had the will to survive and would probaly live on floor one until the game was cleared. Sparky refused to put himself in any danger that could possibly kill him. He knew that death was permanent in this game and that he would die in real life as well.

Edited by Catlover220134
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Life wondered the first floor, rekindling some memories. He hadn't really had a decent meal in a long time and he hated the fact that he still felt hungry despite the fact that he didn't actually need to eat. It was surprising to him the sheer amount of players that refused to take part in the game, preferring the safety of the walls of the town of beginnings. On his little hunt for decently tasting food, Life bumped into a player he hadn't seen before. He looked mature though he stood 6 inches below Life. Life blinked, looking at mans gear, all the starter gear only. "Ah, my apologies, are you ok?" Life spoke with a upper-class aristocratic British accent. Life was a deceptively dark figure, his hair was black, yukata was black, and sword were black, but in high visibility light, they all appeared blue. 

Edited by Life
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