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[PP-F1] Setting up and moving down

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Floor one, Not the place I wanted to see myself on really. People looked at me like I was some sort of weirdo, but I felt like that because I am really not used to be in the spotlight at all. My armour was shining on the sun as the silver-like metal from my full plated arm and shoulder as well as the chest guard were bright with the red engraved flames. My spear was on my back and I had a map in my hand as I walked around the floor for a bit. Some people looked at me knowing my level just by looking at my equipment and others just walked around me to avoid eye contact in the first place. I was really not paying attention to my surroundings either, just looking up from time to time to see If I still was going the right way. I was here for a reason to maybe find a place to set up a shop and get started on making my armour and maybe someone else as well. But I mainly was going for myself.

I got to one of the plazas where a lot of people gathered, it seemed that around here were a few places open for a shop. I looked up for a bit and notice that people were around that a lot of players, mainly low-level players, were around here. But I didn't pay attention to them as I went and sit down at a table to start planning and thinking about what my plan was for my shop. While I was planning I didn't really notice a kid, of I, don't know his age joined me at the table and stared at me. "Miss? Hi! Your a high level right! and I wanted to ask you if you could help me with a quest on floor 10," he said. I looked up at him and sighed, "No," I said sounding a bit ticked off and looking back to my paper. He spoke again, "Oh come one I can make sure I just need someone to help..." I looked up just in time to stop him and intercept him speaking "Help you being carried passed the quest wailing Banshee who you think I can kill with one shot so you can move on and level on your own. Well too bad, your weak you can't do the quest alone then you should not ask higher levels to help you with the quest at all." I said harshly to the player who got a bit scared by my tone and faces as I stared at him angrily. I was not mad, I just make sure that he doesn't do stupid things after thinking he is a high level he will get himself killed. 

He looked at me if I was telling him something disgusting and he spoke again, for the love of all, "I am not weak miss, maybe your just scared yourself," He said to me trying to sound mean. That was it nope he is too stubborn to understand what he is risking. I slammed my hands on the table that really scared him, "I could beat you right here and now, you are weak. Look at your equipment, its useless. Weak, so you better leave me alone now or I'll show you what will happen if you get too cocky," I said to him looking really angry now. "FINE!" He said and walked away clearly being a bit scared.


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It had been a pretty glorious day in the Town of Beginnings with the weather feature currently beaming thick rays of sun rays with a cool hint of tradewind breezes keeping things nice and fresh. Normally, Titan would be eager to teleport to another floor with a gaze for new quests to continue the grind to tier two but today felt a bit different. He’d been working incredibly hard and some of the more veteran plays with a few more levels kept telling him to enjoy the journey. The frontlines would be there when he had climbed that hard but it wasn’t worth burning out before even reaching the tough content and Titan had to agree with them. He was already level 15 and felt really good about everything he had going on with progression and the friends he had made, the guild offers too were incredibly enticing.

So, Titan decided to enjoy a day enjoying what the town had to offer. Mostly finding his way to the plaza area for a bowl of noodles just like the way they made it back home. He truly had been minding his own business, eyes acutely aware of his surroundings as a woman with impeccable armor stomped through to find a seat. It was obvious that she was high leveled but maybe not at the front lines based on her gear. A newbie asked her for help, something Titan had done many times before, only for her to outright disregard helping and deciding newbies just were not worth her time. Perhaps this is exactly who Shield was talking about when he mentioned some players who weren’t willing to help out.

Titan needed to think, how would he engage with her without pissing her off and ending up in a duel where he’d ultimately lose. “ I don’t mind helping you, kid. Just add me and message me. I just need to get a bit stronger first, okay? ” Standing from his seat, hand on the other’s shoulder as they exchanged information and the kid who had been bullied now felt a renewed sense of ambition. He then turned over to the lady. " Kid bothering you too much? " He asked a harmless question, curious as to why she'd been so adamant about not helping out. 




Titan (Level 15) 
HP: 300 / DAMAGE: 5
EN: 30 / MIT: 9
ACC: 3 / EVA: 0
KEEN: 1 / PARA: 1


  • 1-Handed Assault Spear (Rank 3)
  • Searching (Rank 2) ( + 2 LD )
  • <Rested> -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  • <Clean> The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
  • <Relaxed> Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts


  • ( P ) TERROR'S REACH | 1H Assault Spear ( KEEN / DAMAGE / PARALYZE )
  • ( U ) ARMOR OF TOTH | Leather Armor ( MIT )
  • ( P ) EYE OF HORUS | Trinket ( ACC / ACC / ACC )


  • ( 3 ) Starter Healing Potion ( Heals 50 HP )
  • ( 6 ) ( U ) T1 Healing Potion (Heals 40 HP )


Edited by Titan
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I didn't pay much attention to what happened next, sure I heard a voice but I didn't look up from my paper as I was mapping out the places on the floor where I maybe could set up a shop so I could start crafting on my own. I really wanted to, and I was focused on it now so much that I even was trying to find someone who was willing to teach me the ropes around the forge apart from that old man that gives you the quest. When the voice spoke to me I didn't really look up and spoke, a bit less cold and even a soft and nice voice, "nope, I just hope he learns of what I said. They get way too cocky, and if he wants to grow out of his weak shell, then he must learn it by himself that this is not just a game where you can get carried to the top." I said my voice being one toned and calm, completely different from before when I spoke to the kid. "And if you are weak like him, you end up killed and be just another name on a wall," I said sounding colder but my voice did hesitate and even sounded worried a bit.

Then I looked up and saw the face to the voice, "Hm... Fitting," I said looking at the person who spoke to me, his blond hairs did fit him. His face seemed friendly and I even was amazed by his blond hair as I did not see many guys with blond hair at all. "I mean your voice fits your face," I said to him not to sound weird or mean. I looked him up and down and nodded, "but you seem like I can have a decent conversation with, without getting asked to carry you to the top," I said to him and pointed at the free stool still at my table. I waited for him to sit and smiled friendly extending a hand to him, "Shion Kikenna, Or you can call me Azhoda or any sort you want to be honest. pleasure meeting you here," I said to him waiting for a nice handshake to be at least a bit formal. Not like the kid from before who just randomly interrupted my line of thought and asked me something without even knowing me at all.

On closer inspection of the player I invited to sit with me, I seemed to notice his gear. It was clearly still on the lower side and still not up to peek at all. But It looked better than the kid from before. However his armour or weapon I did notice however his weapon of choice. A Short Spear with clearly some output of damage to it. I knew someone else with the weapon of choice like the guy before me but she was more bluckier build and proven to me that she could handle the world on her own as long as she works with a team that she can trust.


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