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[PP-F01] "Well, here goes nothin"! <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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"Yeah, for sure.. it's pretty amazing, I'm sorta glad we're all reverted back to our real selves, it's more personable that way. I just wanna find the right people, y'know? I don't wanna get myself stuck in a group of crazy randos who'll try and force me to kill or something. Gosh, can't even imagine the cult-wannabes out there. But I definitely can't go solo.. I'd go crazy. And I know I won't be that powerful."

He knelt down and rummaged around the small patch when they arrived, trying to find any trace of items to pick up.

"A guild, you say.. yeah, I heard about those.. gosh, I'm sure any reputable one would be hell to get into. You'd probably have to be a super-strong player. I'm just trying to make it. And by the way.. thanks again for your help, and I never told you my name.."

He looked up at him and smiled warmly, adjusting his glasses a bit

"I'm Charles! I know it says Charrlarr but, it doesn't really feel right anymore. Y'know?"

ID 169825: LD 6 (3/5 Quest mats found)




Edited by Charrlarr
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"You'd be surprised, actually.  Many guilds are open to lower level players.  Some even specialize in helping them level up faster.  Firm Anima's been both good to me and good for me.  Heck, I only left the Town of Beginnings myself about four months ago.  Ask around, and don't sell yourself short.  You never know who's looking for people.  You could even knock on Firm Anima's door, if you wanted.  I can't see anyone turning you away.  We have a pretty good batch of T1 members who have steadily been working their way up.  The guild hall's up on floor 22, if you're interested.  It's called the 'Cathedral of the Forgotten'.  Weird thing is, the people it was named to commemorate have recently returned." 

He chuckled as he glanced around, hoping to help Charles find his next quest item.

"It's good to know you Charles.  I appreciate your trust in sharing your name like that.  It's something most people keep close their hearts.  Not that I don't trust you, but I barely know you.  I hope you'll understand if we keep it at 'Freyd', at least for now?"

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"Cool, cool.. once I nail down the basics, I'll be sure to check them out, or any lower guilds. It'll take me a while before I'm ready for Floor 22. That seems like lightyears away. But it's good to know that guild's are normally accepting. It seemed like a pretty scary thing to shoot for, but again, you know what you're doing."

He stood up and sighed, looking off into the plateau with a spark in his eye. This small quest has done wonders for his hope and confidence, just finally leaving town, even if it's only a mile or two out, really helped him.

"The way I see it.. I should offer my real name because we're not really players anymore.. well, we are but given our circumstances, this is our life until we beat this game. I understand why others would want to keep their name to themselves, but.. for me? I'm here, and I'm here to make it through this world and out of this world. But it's me! I can't log off and go back to my real life, my job, my family.. so I've only got me right now. And if I do die, I want people to know the real me, y'know?"

He smiled and knelt back down, rummaging around the area again, looking for any mats. Maybe he won't punt one this time on accident.

ID 169826: LD 6 (3/5 Quest mats found)


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Freyd simply shrugged in response.  There was no right or wrong answer.  It was simply a matter of perspective.

"What you do with your name is entirely your business.  People around here have a lot of odd hang-ups.  Names... I dunno... names are like out last true personal connection to the outside world.  It seems like people feel that sharing them exposes them to being cut off forever - makes them feel vulnerable.  It can be a daunting proposition for some whose sense of identity has already been shattered."

Freyd parted some water lilies near the lake's edge, seeing some additional plants in the water that resembled some of the others that Charrlarr had already found.

"Hey are these some here?  I can't tell without having the quest active."

He pointed at the water, just trying to be helpful.  Gathering had never been Freyd's strong suit.  He had a ton of materials in the bank, but they were almost entirely from mob loot and quest rewards.  Unfortunately, giving some to Charrlarr wouldn't help here.  He just needed to go through the motions.

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“Yeah.. I guess you’re right. Personally I don’t hold it very highly because it’s.. well, it’s me. but I understand why others do. I might feel different soon though, i still have a lot to figure out. But it’s all good, i’ll understand everything, even myself, better in due time. I don’t mind not knowing people’s true names, because they associate theirselves in SAO with their username, which in this case, is also them of course. So either way you chose to go by, it’s still you. It’s just preference, i guess. or emotional attachment. I understand both, for sure. I’ll try and figure out people’s perspectives in this world, i’m interested to see how everyone handles this world in their own way. Maybe it’ll help me, too.”

He looked over to where Freyd was parting the lillies and checking for more mats, squinting his eyes a bit. He walked down near the bank of the lake, knelt down and stared.

”Hmm.. lemme take a look.”

ID 169925: LD 12 (4/5 Quest mats found)

Edited by Charrlarr
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Nodding in agreement, Freyd kept the reeds apart for a moment, checking to see if any more around.  Not finding anything, he stood and resumed his walkabout.

"That sounds like a perfectly reasonable perspective, Charrlarr.  You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.  Just make sure you keep them attached, and you'll be fine."

A cluster of lilies caught Freyd's attention.  He wandered over and picked one of the flowers from the patch, musing over it for a moment, seeming to forget where he was or the substance of their conversation.  His gloved fingers touched the petals tenderly, before his hand closed around it, the plant having been surreptitiously dismissed into his inventory for safekeeping.

"A new dungeon was recently announced," he said calmly, directing the conversation in a new direction.  "If you can get a few quests under your belt, you should see if some other Tier 1 players will bring you along.  Sort out your gear and get to level 16 or so, before you consider doing so.  I don't want to be seeing your name on the Monument of Life anytime soon."

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"Ah, thanks. I try to live by something my Pop always said. "Today's a good day, for a good day." That keeps me going a lot, especially back in the real world. I try to be as optimistic as possible, but that leads to me being overly trusting. In this world, moreover, its definitely a worse trait to have. But if you don't find the good in a situation, its hard to finish it good."

He sighed, lifting his axe off his back and into his hands, looking down on it. It brought back many memories of the real world, this is what connected him back to before all this mess. It wasn't perfect, but it was close to an instrument he had back home. Now it can protect him, which is a nice thought to have. He gazed at its  wood, shimmering in the sun. He thought it was wonderful to have little details like this in the game. He watched Freyd as he walked over to the lillies, not sure what he was doing but at this point, I think they were both just enjoying the peace.

"Oh yeah? I didn't know they just kinda 'opened up', but that's cool. I'll remember that when I get the chance to take one on, after I'm ready of course."

He sheathed his weapon and knelt down, starting to rummage around the bank of the lake again. Surely he'd find something this time.

ID 170033: LD 20 (5/5 Quest mats found)

"Oh! Hell yeah, found it! Haha!"

He jumped up and held the material in the air proudly, then showing it to Freyd.



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Freyd smiled, watching Charrlarr go through the same paces and victories as so many before him had done.  The sense of accomplishment was important.

"Good job, guy!  Let's get those back to Zackariah so that you can craft that... whatever the hell it is he wants.  I always forget.  Then we'll see if we can get you hooked up with some other players in your tier who would benefit from your company, and vice versa."

Freyd led them back to the shop and let Charrlarr get to business, finding himself a stool next to the same barrel of molasses he'd fallen into during a past visit.  He tapped its cover, remembering the incident fondly.

"Don't worry if you mess up on your first try.  Zack's a big softy and will give you extra materials if you mess up."  He shooed the man ahead, giving him a reassuring nod, sparing a sideways glance at the NPC, who was pretending to mind his own business, a knowing smile creeping onto his face.

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“Finally.. we finally did it! God, that seemed like a lifetime. And I already know i’ll have to do quests like this in the future.. might as well get used to it. Lead the way, Freyd. And again, thanks a million for your help.”

When the two finally arrived at the Zackariah’s shop, he listened to Freyd’s advice and cheers. Taking them to heart, he sighed and smiled, walking over to Zackarias’ and sitting the crafting materials onto the counter.

”Alrighty, Mr. Zackarias. I’m ready to finish your quest! This won’t take as long as the rest of it.. hopefully. Anyway, let’s get to it.”

He inhaled, then got to work. Not really knowing what he was doing, he first tried to set them on top of each other like building-blocks, to see if they’d lock into each other like other game’s crafting systems. Not so. So he grabbed some of the tools sitting on the counter and fiddled around with them, banging and clanging away at the materials. Quite some time went by, around maybe an hour or so.. but he finally made.. something? Yeah, something. Let’s see how it turned out.


ID 170061: CD 11 (success)

”And.. there! I.. think I did it? Could you two take a look at this?”

He looked back and forth between Zackarias and Freyd, looking for confirmation. He still didn’t know what he was doing fully.

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Thread Summary:

Charrlarr receives:

4 SP (1 page, +1 event, +2 quest)

400 col

- 5 Tier One Health Potions of Rare quality. (+40 HP)
- 1 Tier One Damage Potion of Uncommon quality. (+1 Damage)
- 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion of Special quality. (+50 HP to maximum HP for remainder of thread)

Freyd receives:

2 SP ( 1 page, +1 event) assisting only.



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