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[PP-F1] <<Third Lesson>> Training Regime III

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"It's a nice day to just sit somewhere grassy and enjoy the weather setting for today..." she said as she stood at a road. It was indeed a nice day for the Town of Beginnings and Shirogane must've felt the need to partake in such a chance given to her "...but no! we have to train me so that I can be ready for some quest!" she yelled beside the person with him. The bright sunny day turned into a heated afternoon with no relation to time with how Crozeph bugged her about doing the third quest. She began pulling on her hair as if she didn't want to do it right now "look senpai!"  she grabbed his head trying to show him the grassland before them "do you really want to waste the day looking for something or killing Poar Bups?" she asked. Turning around, Shirogane was ready to make a run for it "Town of Beginnings I'm going to relax today and do that quest some other time!" she uttered with enthusiasm.

Level 10
HP: 200/200 I EN: 20/20 I DMG: 6 I MIT 21 I ACC: 1 I EVA: 0 
Ko-naginata [DMG II] I O-Yoroi [HM I/MIT I] I Belladonna hair comb [ACC I/LD I]
2HAS [R1] I Heavy Armor [R2] 

Edited by Shirogane
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Crozeph grabbed her by the collar of her armor before Shirogane could even escape. For some reason, he felt the need to make things urgent for Shirogane about the things she still needs to learn or accept inside the game "look Shirogane I agree today is a nice day... a really nice day to train" he told her. It was a really out of character thing from Crozeph given how lazy the guy is but things change for the better, Yuki showed him that and he wants Shirogane to at least get better at going outside and exploring to make herself stronger. "I can't just take you somewhere dangerous with those kinds of stats, girl I'll whip you to shape if needed" he was pretty adamant about it right now and he hopes Shirogane understands.

"I'm gonna be joining the frontlines soon along with my girlfriend, there's a fifty-fifty chance I won't make it out alive so I want you to at least be better on a lot of things."


 Crozeph [Level 53]
  | HP: 1090/1090 | EN: 106/106
  | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 45
  | FRZ: 1 | BRN: 1 I REC: 1 | BH: 30 | LD: 1

  Total SP: 227
  Allocated: 217
  Remaining: 10

** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
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  • Regis Arma: Skadi Alter [T2 Perfect]
    -- Freeze +1 
    Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.
    -- ACC +1
    -- Burn +1 Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated burn damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Burn damage does not stack, but can be refreshed. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
    -- A huntress trapped in Dun Scaith, she survived and emerged victorious earning the respect of its ruler, Scathach. A huntress carrying the cold and harsh winter with her yet a ferocity likened to a flame now seen in her eyes. Skadi Alter combines two elements and fires it in one go should the wielder harness the same hunting instinct the huntress has. Either one would freeze in from its fierce flames or burn in its searing coldness.
  • Cloak of the  Evening Bells [T3 perfect]
    -- MIT +1

    -- EVA +2
    "Once worn by a king or a monarch, whichever it was it doesn't matter for anyone who dons this cloak is tasked to take the head of anyone who dares to cross the line and kill, be it humans or monsters." A black cloak with fabric at the collar. It is worn to cover the dominant hand of the wearer and put up an air of monarchy. It can also serve as a protection against attacks though not as efficient as heavy armor but boast its lightweight features to add speed to the wearer.
  • Ars Paulina
    -- Recovery +1

    -- ACC +2
    Description: "There is a time for everything and to that there is also an end but there is no need to fret for it is to be accepted." A pocket watch made by a powerful mage who possesses ten rings. This silver watch has no intricate designs outside yet its structure inside is powerful enough to restore energy and even make time dilate making its user see things slightly slower than the usual. 

[Battle-Ready Inventory]

  • Blessed Marble [+1 EVA +1 Life-Mending]
  • Dimensional Backpack


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Mod Count: 3/8

  1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
    > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
  2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 4/5 
    > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
  3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
  4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
  5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 5/5
  6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
  7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


  • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
  • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
  • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

Misc. Buffs

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  •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff


Edited by Crozeph
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"Let me go!let me go!" she tried to run as Crozeph held the collar of her armor "I want to kick back and enjoy the weather!" she added. It's not like Shirogane is lazy, just that Crozeph chose the wrong day to actually persuade her to finish the quest. It looked like a child throwing a tantrum or worse, some guy is forcing his way into a girl who is desperately trying to escape. Him telling her that he'll whip the lass to shape was not helping either "help! this guy is trying to whip and train me to do some really hard things!" she uttered as she tried to break free but Crozeph's grip was too strong for her. Passers-by are already looking at them suspiciously, it couldn't be reinforced however with how they're doing it in public.

Then his last sentence caught her off guard.

Shirogane stopped struggling as soon as she heard him talk about a boss battle. "I-I'm sorry..." she told him "I never thought it would happen this soon, I only hear of how scouts were almost killed looking for the boss room and it caused for some delay just to prepare," she told him. The atmosphere turned gloomy but Shirogane won't that happen all day. She slapped both her cheeks and puffed it up to hype her "ok, I don't want to worry you about me, let's get this done senpai" she told him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It might have been some kind of scary news to Shirogane but Crozeph is amazed by how she tried to steel herself about it. "If only she could apply that in battle, she'll be good friends with Yuki" he thought. Crozeph opened his inbox and pored at one of his drafts, he's been doing the habit of taking notes and saving them in his drafts, looking at them for references or guides. "We're going to meet someone, I didn't do this quest back then so the person will be new to me" he told her "but first..." Crozeph swiped and switched the message window into an inventory "...let's get you suited with something better" Crozeph pulled out an armor and handed it over to Shirogane. "That should give you an edge when fighting" Crozeph had been holding on to it for a while and he wanted Shirogane to have it to keep her safe while she trains.

"Also let me just check if I have some buffs for you" he returned to checking buffs for Shirogane. It would be an easy fight for him but for his kohai, things can get rough if they are not careful.

Crozeph gave Armor of the Sands [MIT II/Thorns I] to Shirogane.

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Shirogane almost forgot the armor, back when the Tanabata event ran its course, Crozeph was already handing it to her and for some reason, they sort of forgot about it. She could still remember how Pramanix pulled her away from the hole made by Skalaugh and its minions. I haven't thanked you for that, keeping me safe despite us not together that event. I hope that even with Skalaugh ruining the rest of the evening you had a great time with your girlfriend" she told him as she took the armor and equipped it.

From a glance, it looked like an armor with an almost jet-black color but it glimmered as if it had a violet hue in it "where'd you get this armor? this looks really wonderful" she said as she equipped it on herself. The armor materialized on her body as an armor that covers her whole body up to half-length of her thighs while a violet robe covered her back. Her arms were exposed and she felt comfortable moving both. The thighs, however, Shirogane was flustered and she began flailing "why are my thighs exposed?! you d-did this on purpose!?" she gasped she pulled the robe tied on her waist and covered herself "t-this is embarrassing! how dare you make me wear this" she told him.

Stats update
Level 10
HP: 200/200 I EN: 20/20 I DMG: 6 I MIT 30 I ACC: 1 I EVA: 0 I TRN: 9 
Ko-naginata [DMG II] I Armor of the Sands [Thorns I/MIT II] I Belladonna hair comb [ACC I/LD I]
2HAS [R1] I Heavy Armor [R2] 

Edited by Shirogane
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Crozeph shook his head as Shirogane complained about exposing some skin "look I may be a guy but even i have no control with what Cardinal creates, I got that from a quest so yeah..." he turned around and looked at his map "if you have time to complain then we can begin looking for this woman" he told her. The travel was not that far but Crozeph didn't want to waste time on trivial things "if it makes you feel any better, I tried it on too, not only my thighs are exposed, also my Muramasa is exposed. I suppose since you're shorter than me that's why the armor covered down to your..." Crozeph sighed "you know what? think of it as your mobility buff, it's hard to move on full armor unless you're an expert on it" he added.

They are to look for a woman named Hannah on this quest, something about looking for an item, and while it seemed easy, the place where it was located is quite dangerous for lower-level players who go unprepared. Further details are to be asked to the quest giver and the two of them are on their way to her.

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Shirogane tried her best to remain calm. While the armor did cover her down like a skirt, she still finds it hard to get used to wearing something like it. "Agh! I can't take it anymore" she opened her inventory and took out a pair of thigh-high socks and wore it as quick as she can while trying to catch up with Crozeph who seemed to be absorbed into finding the quest giver "he doesn't really care whether a girl is showing skin or not, maybe he's just trying to hide it" it was weird for her also, other players they passed by looked at her as if they're about to break their neck and Shirogane was getting more conscious of it "I don't want to complain more since he said he got in from a quest, it probably was a dangerous one considering..." she looked at its enhancements "...it's really for my tier," she thought.

Shirogane took a deep breath and ran towards Crozeph, catching up with him, she asked if they are already near "Do we kill something again? I can handle it much better now. I watched Jeca kill some high-level boar so I could probably take it on some on my level" she told him as she tried covering her legs while walking.

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The two continued to make their way to Hannah, wherever she is and whatever she asks for them to find, Crozeph has no worried for it himself. "Once we talk to the quest giver and gain additional intel on what to do, you know what you will do right?" he told her. Crozeph only saw a girl who was conscious of her attire, maybe it's still too much for her to consider now, and knowing Shirogane, she's just trying to be nice with the person who gave her something to keep her safe.

Crozeph turned around and walked towards her "here, let me fix that for you..." Crozeph grabbed her waist and adjusted the spread of the fabric strapped on it. at first, it covers only her back but now it also covers her side. While the cloth is too short to cover the front, it would feel better for her now, or so he hopes "...so are we good to go?" he asked her before turning around.

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