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[PP|F1] <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> Harvesting the Weeds

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"I don't know how to get better gear and I can't afford it either" Orvilla threw her sword down into the dirt, either as a sign of a threat to the player or a sign of her frustration with him. Catching the Ovule she quickly placed it into her inventory. It took all her strength not jab him through the heart, but sadly he was stronger than her, pulling her sword out from the dirt she soon sheathed it back where it belonged, the eyes on the handle no longer they're usual purple shade but rather a deep orange. Turning towards Damien the wolf faced girl pointed up at him and spoke, her voice like seeping like acid.  "You have my thanks for now. But know this I don't forget people who have annoyed me and you sir have annoyed me more than you could ever know" Pulling her hand away she turned to leave the forest not saying another word to him and not acknowledging his existence any more. 


Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2  | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1


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