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[PP][F04]<<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 4: the Diamond Hatchling>>May the fourth be with you

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The blinding blue flash dissipated, leaving the two companions alone in a small clearing surrounded by winter cottages of the fourth floor, standing on the teleport gate located there. Ozwald found himself suddenly wishing that he was more clothed, the fourth floor was an icy landscape, covered in both snow and ice. "Well I guess, the dragon can probably be found in a forest, maybe a tower, or snowy cave. Got any ideas?" Ozwald both stated and asked his companion beside him.

Snow was falling all around the pair, sticking to the trees that could be seen as well as the floor they were standing on. Ozwald looked around waiting for chase's response, the town they were in was less of a town and more of a hamlet of sorts. The only buildings that could be seen were basic log cabins with smoke billowing out of the chimney. Ozwald made a note of this place, he wanted to come here with Valentine someday it was very beautiful after all.


Name: Grimm Reaper
Level: 19
HP: 380/380
EN: 38/38

Damage: 10
Mitigation: 5
Evasion: 1
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Soul Devourer(tier 1/Perfect/Hand Wraps)[DAM 3]
Armor: Death's Shroud(Tier 1/Perfect/Light Armor)[EVA 1][REC 2]
Misc: Damned Souls(Tier 1/perfect/trinket)[ACC 3]

Martial Arts [Rank 4]
Light Armor [Rank 1]

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions(+50 hp)*3
[T1]Health potions(rare)(+40 HP)*5
[T1]Damage potion(uncommon)(+1 DAM)*1

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.



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<<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 4: the Diamond Hatchling>>

With the dragon taken out and the group having moved on to the fourth, it wasn't long before they had entered the cold. This floor was one that Chase was all too familiar with. Be it because he dressed in an overall frost-themed way, or because Shay used to live here. On this floor was the first house he was allowed to live in as if it was his own since entering this world.

956002889_ChaseDBPHappy.png.8b55097b26c7d2ad9342450f88455565.png"... I know where it might be around. I want to visit somewhere though, if that's alright. Uuh, not visit, just... watch. This is my favourite floor.", he promptly said without revealing too much about it, smiling warmly and beginning to head towards the exit of the settlement with the same stupid grin printed on his face almost. He felt too happy and nostalgic to be back here again. "I'll lead us there. If you're fine with it.", he offered once more, stopping once they'd exited to look over his shoulder. The hatchling was their main priority, but until they got there, they had little to worry about. Even so, to find it they had to look around a bit- there was little of the fourth floor that Chase didn't know about though. With the Night's King, the Avalanche monster, the Essence of Steel quest, Absolute Zero... He knew every nook and cranny of the place, bar its northernmost side.

[ChaseR uses Mega Slime Farm! (+2SP)]


Name: ChaseR
Level: 73
HP: 1490/1490
EN: 146/146

Damage: 19
Mitigation: 43
Evasion: 3
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: <<Fragmented Blade>> (T3/Perfect/2HSS): PARA I, HOLY II
Armor: <<Azure Overcoat>> (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): V.DEF I, HBS I, MIT I
Misc: <<Chained Bracelet>> (T2/Demonic/Trinket): EVA II, ACC II

Two-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 5]
Light Armor [Rank 5]
Battle Healing [Rank 5]
Searching [Rank 4]
Charge [Rank 5]
Howl [Obtained]
Parry [Obtained]
Extended Mod Limit [Obtained]
Fighting Spirit [Obtained]

Extra Skills:
Familiar Mastery: Fighter

2HSS Finesse [R3]
Sprint & Acrobatics
Focused Howl

Battle Ready Inventory:
Insta-Life ++ (T2/Perfect/HP REC III)*1
Woodland Armor (T3/Perfect) MIT III (1/3)*1
Teleport Crystal [F21]*1
Imugi's Inspiration (Mass HP Recovery)*1
Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Decor [Potted Tanabata Bamboo Tree]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild:
Kumatetsu Statue: +1 Base Damage for a thread

Wedding Ring:


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Ozwald walked in line with chase idly petting Ryoto as he walked with his blue haired partner. "That is of course fine, you are the boss after all." Ozwald smiled at Chase warmly. "I can understand why you like this place so much, it is beautiful. Although it is a little chilly for my taste." Ozwald would follow Chase to nearly anywhere he wanted to go. Despite the fact that Ozwald had only known Chase for a few days now he trusted the man immensely and believed that with him there was no way that Ozwald could fall into harms way.

Ozwald wondered where they were heading as they walked, deciding that he would rather just see what it was when they got their, rather than pry into what seemed to be Chase's Personal life. Following behind his frost themed companion Ozwald watched the snow fall around them, gathering on branches of trees before the snow grew too heavy and it fell to the ground below.

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The response and nod in agreement got Chase only happier. He had avoided contacting Shay to not make things more awkward between the two, but knowing her, she was probably up to something stupid. Making herself feel worse if anything, and sitting by idly blaming it all on none other than herself. Nothing he could do until she sorted her own problems out of course, which is why he didn't dwell much on it.

339852936_ChaseDBPAwkwardSilent.png.33f269685d1a37b726bf35e1933a74c1.pngLooking back to what Ozwald just told him, he cocked an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder with a somewhat awkward smile. He hadn't paid him too much mind so far but the whole 'boss' thing was starting to feel less and less like a joke. "If I told you to jump off a cliff, you wouldn't just go "Of course, boss!", right..?", he teased, unsure how to feel in full about his companion. He was a bit too quick to agree to a worrying extent, and while Chase himself wasn't planning to take advantage of it any, knowing the people in his guild... No, never mind that. Now was a time to be happy, back in the fourth and in its cold yet heartwarming embrace. No more throwing shade at Firm Anima for a while. "Just making sure you're not in any trouble that way.", he tried to avoid any ill intent in his poorly worded question, laughing awkwardly.

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Ozwald laughed a bit at Chase's remark "It depends on what's at the bottom of the cliff and why we are jumping. I trust you Chase, I know you won't purposefully lead me somewhere too dangerous for me, so until the time we are on equal footing you say go, and I will follow." Ozwald was probably too trusting of the people around him, he believed that no one had any reason to do him harm so they wouldn't. Maybe that is a problem, but to Ozwald that is just the way he has always been, Chase was Ozwald's friend and so he would stay by his side. 

Ozwald's curiosity finally overtook him he couldn't wait to ask where they were going any longer. "Where are we going anyways?" Ozwald finally asked of the blue haired man by his side still making sure to keep pace with him despite the fact that he was faster than Ozwald.

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The answer took Chase by surprise, honestly. To hear about his blind faith just like that, he was left speechless for a good moment or two, before smiling warmly again. This persistence, this trust in him despite how little they'd known one another, it began to remind him of Lily back in the real world. With a deep breath, he raised a hand to wipe his eyes prematurely of tears that would form, the warmth he felt getting slightly stronger.

344229448_ChaseDBPHappy.png.3e8c17c2020487b002a170d29d793731.png"I can't tell if you're being naive or if you can read people well. I appreciate it though. Maybe this is why I feel more comfortable around you. I'm usually quiet all the way.", he disclosed as much with Grimm and let out a deep breath, looking up at the sky, alongside all the snow raining down upon the two, the snowflakes hitting the ground and adding to the white blanket covering it. "I want to see the first house I lived in here. It wasn't even a month ago, but... I can't explain it. I feel nostalgic. To be back on the lower floors like I have now, down here. I can't explain it. I'm bad with words as is.", he just joked as he always knew how to, poking fun at himself for his weaknesses. One of them being his verbal communication, of course.

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Ozwald smiled Chase was a sweet man, and he was glad he was the first person he really met in this hell hole. "I completely understand that nostalgia, I am glad I get to share it with you for this day." Ozwald thought about what Chase had first said, about him being Naive, and he didn't really know how to feel. Was it true? Ozwald just believed that when it came down to it people are good, and that they will do the right thing when it comes down to it. He shook his head, there was no point thinking about whether or not Chase was right, he wasn't going to be changing anytime soon.

Ozwald walked in silence with Chase, for him it was a comfortable silence rather than one that made the situation awkward. Ozwald was naturally an awkward person when he met people for the first time, but he always seemed to somehow remain good at talking to them, despite the awkwardness. It was the same way with Chase, Valentine, and everyone who he had met in the real world.

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The silent walking continued for a while longer. It wasn't long though, before they began to go up a snowy hill. And atop it, was a view of hot springs in the far, far distance, a wooden shop and lights showing through the windows. Chase quietly stood at the very edge, looking over the shop. He just realised he hadn't answered the question exactly, huffing and enjoying the view.

694137467_ChaseDBPHappy.png.a95ccd50ea936ebbf0eb50f7b45a3920.png"Even from afar, it's so much more beautiful and comfortable than it might really be. I hope Shay is doing okay, even if she's being her stupid self.", he thought to himself and looked to the side to make sure that Ozwald had been keeping up just fine, before stuffing both hands in his jackets' pockets and just glancing back at the shop. "Shay lives there. She taught me how to move around this world. She was level 34 last I saw her, and I'm 73 so far. It's been around four days since. Funny enough, these quests are the most experience I've gotten now lately to level up because there's no other quests left for me to do, bar few. Sorry for the detour. Since we broke up, I've wanted to check on her. Not by showing myself though, she'd tell me off probably... Or I wish she would. I'm not sure what's up with her anymore.", his words took a sadder tone before he turned back to face Grimm with a contempt smile. "I thought you deserved a proper explanation. We can go back to the dragon now, I think I know where it is."

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"You got pretty far, pretty fast." Ozwald commented "I think it is incredibly kind of you to check up on her like that even from a distance." Ozwald stood a few moments more at the shop that could be seen in the distance before turning to face Chase "Well then, I do believe that we have a dragon to go kill." Ozwald said turning to face away from the hot springs and shop.

"You said you know where it would be, so you lead the way." Ozwald waited for Chase to take the lead before falling into pace slightly behind him. Ryoto, who was laying acrossed Ozwald's shoulders like a scarf, had begun shivering, it was much too cold for a non warm blooded creature like himself. Ozwald lifted the small thing before holding him up firmly to his chest, Hopefully this would keep him warmer for the time being Ozwald thought.

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And with them now beginning to move away from Shay's shop and off towards the northernmost part of the floor, Chase knew where to look at- where he hadn't gone before, obviously. Although he also did notice that one of them was shivering, and it wasn't him nor was it Ozwald. Quickly sorting through his inventory, he took out what seemed like a crystal and threw it towards Grimm.

1759597416_ChaseDBPHappy.png.25bda820965b9a47599e007a9b1e696c.png"Use that on Ryoto. It's a vanity crystal that temporarily lets you shake off low temperatures. My bag's a mess of vanity items, so don't ask. If I see something's up, I try and help. That's all.", he quickly explained, although he didn't seem to have used one on himself so far. He was just enjoying the cold. Honestly, winter was his favorite season and snowfall his favorite phenomenon. In a game where for most of its duration he was hunting frost auras and freeze related items like his weapon all the way up to now, it began to make increasingly more sense. If anything, Chase was turning into Jack Frost's Aincradian reincarnation. "It'll be a while before we're there, so Ryoto will need it if he's already cold."

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"Thankyou" Ozwald replied catching the small vanity potion that Chase had tossed to him. "Turns out combining birds and reptiles, doesn't make them any less susceptible to the cold." Ozwald thanked Chase for the vial as he used it on Ryoto. The bird almost instantly stopped shivering, and seemed to gain his liveliness back. The bird like creature launching into the sky above, cawing every once and a while. "Well it seems like he is happy about that." Ozwald said smiling, he was really glad the bird was doing all right, however tenuous the link might be, it was the only link to his father he had left really, in this world or the real one. Ozwald stopped watching the bird and went back to watching the forest that was all around them, paying attention to all signs that might indicate that something was off. It was up to Chase to lead them where they needed to go, so Ozwald had more time to pay attention to there surroundings.

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And the closer they got, it was almost like this part of the forest to their left and right had been completely shaved clean. A cone-like part of it reaching all the way to the far, far ends of the floor walled off to the players, completely blank with nothing but a wasteland of snow and few icicles here and there in the shape of spikes. They were getting close, even though they still had a moment or so.

287506903_ChaseDBPEyebrow.png.09e70991111b6633d2c2c326c8b1b236.png"The way that the game combines many monsters, animals or both into one single creature but labels them the same is off to me. Either way, at least he's better now.", he agreed with Ozwald's note and took a deep sigh, taking his left hand out of his pocket and resting it on his sword's hilt. "I know this floor like the back of my hand. Never came here, so if I didn't see a dragon elsewhere, this is where it had to be. The fact that this place looks like a boneyard for dragons though, like a movie setting almost... Damn. Kayaba was definitely feeling creative when he was making this part.", he joked lightly and shrugged, ready to slide his own sword out of its sheathe the moment he saw movement. For now though, nothing. It was all silent, howling winds and snow falling all around them, like it had been for the rest of the floor.

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"As much as I don't like complimenting  Kaiyaba, this game is amazing, if it was just a game." Ozwald gave his opinion, despite the fact that this game was just a death it was an amazing game. If SAO didn't have the whole you die in the game you die in real life cliche going for it than it would have been the top ranking game of its generation. Ozwald remembered how excited and hyped he had been when the game had first been announced, along with the nervegear, it was like christmas morning when he finally managed to pick it up. 

Ozwald scanned the barren part of the map that lay before the two, with not much more effort they would be able to se where they were supposed to go. With this section of the map being so barren it would be incredibly easy to find whatever structure the fourth dragon hatchling was hiding in.

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Chase was on the same boat. Kayaba's creativity had gone to naught with how cruelly he had treated every player, but if that's how things had, then so be it. And now, the boss was starting to reveal itself- rather than laying about in some structure, the collared hatchling began to crawl in the snow between all of the huge icicles planted in the ground, slithering lowly.

1688942837_ChaseDBPDefault.png.b991f0d1c314ba28235f79d929eb5520.png"I'm pretty sure it's moving around. Try to get the jump on it and I'll follow up.", he gestured him to begin the encounter, taking his sword out and holding it with one hand while uncurling the chains wrapped around his arm tightly with the other. There was no issue in taking the aggro from Grimm as soon as the hatchling set its eyes on the duo, and he was certain they'd have no trouble. But he didn't want to keep hogging the spotlight, so long as they weren't in any imminent danger. This time, unlike before, they knew that it was all alone, unprotected by NPCs or any unknown enemies. "I'm right behind you."

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BD: 3 + 3 - 1 = 5(Miss)

Grimm Reaper | HP:380/380 | EN:38/38 (-2, +2 REC) | DMG:10 | MIT:5 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | REC:2
ChaseR: HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 19 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 43 | BH: 74 | HOLY: 12 | PARA: 9-10 | V.(DEF): 74 | HBS: 16 | LD: 5

Ozwald's armor was really not designed for stealth in the snow, the area around them was almost completely white and grey and the sun was bouncing off of the snow and causing it to bounce into the two people hunting the dragon. Ozwald was much stealthier amongst the shadows, but he still gave it a try. Crouching low, Ozwald slowly advanced on the dragon that he hoped hadn't already seen the pair. Ozwald was only 10 feet away when the dragon looked over at him, launching itself into the sky, with surprisingly loud wingbeats, it seemed like each and every one of the dragons were getting bigger as the floors passed. Ozwald sighed, he hoped to get an attack off, but with it launching itself into the sky, it would not be possible. Ozwald stood, there was no more reason for stealth after all "I guess you've got this one." Ozwald called out to Chase "I am useless when it is that high up."


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As soon as the little guy took off the ground and the necklace began to hang from its neck, it was obvious why Grimm was having so much trouble getting to him. And it was hard to blame his companion too- he wasn't agile enough nor was it possible for Chase to get down either.

1730639614_ChaseDBPAwkwardSilent.png.46e41702ccd1ec8ada856a91806162ac.png"If it helps you feel any better, I can't reach it either.", he grumbled with a nod and scratched the back of his head, waiting until the hatchling seemed to start descending lower and lower, trying to sweep in for a clean strike on the bluehead. And with a sudden movement, he whiped his arm up and slashed it right under its chest, managing to wound it but not kill it all at once- although a loud blip and its health was severely depleted, almost to the point of death. It'd probably be low enough for Grimm to sweep the kill on it, or so Chase thought at least. "See if it's any easier for you to hit it now that it's grounded.", he said with a grin, tilting his head.



ChaseR uses Galaxy Destroyer on Icefyre! (BD: 4+3-1=6)
20 * 13 - 50 = 260 - 50 = 210

Icefyre attacks ChaseR! (MD: 5+2-3=4)

[0] Grimm Reaper | HP:380/380 | EN:38/38 | DMG:10 | MIT:5 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | REC:2
[2] ChaseR: HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 136/146 (-10) | DMG: 19 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 43 | BH: 74 | HOLY: 12 | PARA: 9-10 | V.(DEF): 74 | HBS: 16 | LD: 5

Icefyre: HP: 40/250 (-210) | DMG: 85 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

<<Tiny Ice Breath>> : On a roll of 9 - 10 (naturally), this boss will breath ice on your character and immediately be frozen in place for a turn removing your evasion properties.


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BD: 10(Crit) 10 | 12 * 9 = 108

[2] Grimm Reaper | HP:380/380 | EN:30/38 (-10, +2 REC) | DMG:10 | MIT:5 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | REC:2
[2] ChaseR: HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 136/146 | DMG: 19 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 43 | BH: 74 | HOLY: 12 | PARA: 9-10 | V.(DEF): 74 | HBS: 16 | LD: 5

Icefyre: HP: 0/250 (-108) | DMG: 85 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

LD: 14 CD: 8

unidentified T1 Rare Weapon
unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable

HP*3 Col: 750 Col
LD Even: 500 Col
CD Even: 500 Col

The hatchling who had been being a nuisance by flying in the sky, was now spiraling to the ground. The damage that Chase had dealt to the dragon was too much for it to maintain the flight that it was holding. Hitting the ground the small dragon caused snow to explode out from underneath it, showering the pair in snow. Ozwald walked up to the dragon, prepared to launch himself away at any time if the dragon seemed to strike. Ozwald reached the dragon, initiating his strongest sword art, acupuncture. Punching the dragon multiple times in the span of a single second, exploding the pure white dragon in a shower of blue fragmented shards that mixed well with the falling snow to create a beautiful winter scene. Ozwald added the loot that Icefyre had dropped into his inventory turning to face Chase "That is four down. Only five to go."


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Chase was surprised that Ozwald even managed to get loot out of it, yet the jewel was still on the ground with the gem fully in it. He moved over, picked it up and began to pry it right out of the socket it was stuck inside. And after no more than half a minute or so of struggling, he managed to take it out, with an additional loot window showing up to reveal the quest item had been placed in both adventurer's inventories.

200093249_ChaseDBPDefault.png.bb7472ca486bd8fde9909514c9aaeb14.png"Not bad at all. I didn't know that you were able to loot these monsters, nice catch.", he complimented his efforts and just offered a wink, chuckling as he turned to face the settlement's general direction once more. These icy wastelands were beautiful, and the icicles all around them were adding a certain scenic feeling to the area, but it was their time to go. The other five dragons weren't just going to drop dead because they wanted to take them out right now, after all. "So then, let's get moving. Five more to go, as you said.", Chase confirmed and wasted no time starting to head right towards the exit of the wasteland, letting out a sigh. He wasn't tired, but this wasn't the most creative or intuitive of quest lines either. At least not yet.

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"This one and number three were the only ones that I have been able to loot, I think." Ozwald explained to his companion, following him in the general direction of the fourth floor's main settlement. Little did Ozwald know, their thoughts about this place were the same. It was beautiful, the way the sun seemed to make the icicles glow and the way that the snow always seemed to be falling lightly on this floor. Ozwald was excited that they were getting closer and closer to the mysterious castle on the tenth floor, once they beat this next dragon they would be half waythere after all. Ozwald's thoughts began wandering again, for what was the 100th time that day. Ozwald couldn't help but imagine what would be in the castle, evidently an amazing weapon, but what would the boss guarding it be? Maybe Chase was right, maybe it was a huge dragon, they would find out soon.

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And like so, the duo's departure had begun. They were headed all the way back to the next settlement, with deep sighs and silence taking over. Knowing the track record of the less experienced adventurer, at the rate that the hatchlings were getting stronger, if they kept increasing their health pool he'd just keep rolling in the loot, were he to get the last hit on all of the following. The only thing worrying Chase about that plan was that not only would setting that up not be optimal, but it happening on its own was also not likely, given how quickly their mitigation upped as well.

Regardless, that wouldn't hinder them from slaying any more dragons to unlock the castle up on the tenth. A castle that curiously enough, even the bluehead had never even seen before. Maybe it became available to those that held the gemstones, or maybe it was just in some obscure corner of the map. But until then, they had little ways of knowing. All they could do was clear the monsters, and wonder while still on their way to the top.


Thread Rewards:


  • 6 SP (2 quest, 2 Mega Slime Farm, 1 page, 1 event)
  • Icefyre's Diamond (Quest Item)

Grimm Reaper:

  • 4 SP (2 quest, 1 page, 1 event)
  • 2850 Col
  • Icefyre's Diamond (Quest Item)
  • 1 T1 Unidentified Rare Weapon [ID: 175984a]
  • 1 T1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumable [ID: 175984b]


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