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[PP - F01] Demons in the Distance <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Gathering - ID#: 192465 - Loot: 19+7=26 - Material Found +2 Bonus
EXP Gained: 3
Total Materials: 44
Total EXP: 49

Taking his winnings, Shield put a hitch in his step and picked up the pace. He had very mixed feelings. Checking his HUD, it seemed his experience from searching was close to getting him his next Gatherer rank. This wasn't anything to sneeze at, though the further he walked to the exit the more the weight truly settled in as to how much grinding was in his future.

"You sure I can't convince you to leave your treasures behind?" chimed a familiar, slightly anxious voice. Nemo was at Shield's elbow, greeting him with a half-joking smile.

"'Fraid not," Shield quipped back without skipping a beat. "I appreciate your dedication to your guardianship, but I'm afraid I'll be keeping what I'm finding, Nemo."

Shield had a little chortle to himself that was not returned by the NPC. He consoled himself by taking a moment to gather a small handful of the odd fruit that had refreshed on the hedge.

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Gathering - ID#: 192466 - Loot: 17+7=24 - Material Found +2 Bonus
EXP Gained: 3
Total Materials: 47
Total EXP: 52 [Rank 2 Attained]

Before leaving the hedge behind altogether, he grabbed one more handful of fruit 'for the road,' though unlike the implication behind the idiom, he had no intention of eating any of them. "Thank you for being my guide once again, and for not trying to kill me this time."

Nemo gave a nod, leading Shield the last little bit of the way to the exit and guiding him back to civilization. The two nodded to each other, which was more cordial than Shield typically was with NPC's, and he made his way back towards the main settlement of the first floor, The Town of Beginnings.

As he made one last tally of his gains, he noticed a small notification in his display, denoting a promotion to the second rank of his newly gotten profession. "I'll be finding Demonic Shards in no time!" he though to himself aloud, more out of denial and force of will than anything else. "Here's to another... how much experience do I need until max rank?" He checked his note from Hikoru and groaned.



<<Quest Rewards>>

EXP: 800 [1 Page]
Gatherer EXP: 52
Materials: 47
Col: 400 [1 Page]


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