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[SP-13] Treasures in the Yard [Nature's Treasure]

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"Don't let it get you down, Quaestor.  Admittedly, it sucks that you're likely to have to start leveling back up from scratch, but you have friends and allies to help you with that."  Freyd nodded, confirming his intent to help in any manner possible, even as he cast his line once more into the trickly, bubbling water before them.  

"Thanks again, my friend."  Quaestor stood and summoned his weapon once more, staring towards the unknown lingering on every horizon.  "If this little scene is any indication, fishing might not be practical or healthy for me."

"Heh.  Yeah.  I get that, and it's a bit sad, but you'll find your way.  Besides, I know a guy who has an inside scoop on getting you decent gear."  A wink was enough to set Quaestor laughing again.  Patting Freyd on the shoulder a few times, he politely excused himself and wished him luck, choosing to continue his strolling tour through the Eden.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200119 | CD: 2+1=3 (0 mat found) | LD: n/a
+6 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 162/300 (Rank 3) 


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Watching his friend slowly wander down the same meandering trail that brought them together in the first place, Freyd was glad to have met him.  There was something wise and forthright about Quaestor, like a solemn sincerity that told you he could be relied upon, even in the very darkest of hours. Fate had certainly been unkind to the man, but his spirit seemed to finally be on the mend.  There was life in his face and his step, that had previously come across as a shadow of itself.  Now, it shone.

Turning his gaze back to the pond and creek before him, Freyd lazily reeled in his line, allowing himself the rare gift of a daydream about assorted and inconsequential matters.  When did he ever do that, before?  As if sensing his abnormal relaxation, the game spawned another Gilded Hand at his side.  This one's bow tie was green, as if it somehow made for any kind of actual variety.  Locking down the rod, Freyd stood and made ready for the inevitable fight.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200120 | CD: 12+1=13 (1 mat found) | LD: 16+3=19 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 173/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200121 | LD: 1+2=3

+1 Material
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200121a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200121b]
T4 Rare Trinket [200121c]

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One hit was all it took.  Well-targeted and effective, he snared the mob between two digits, lifting it off the ground and slamming it into a nearby tree.  It exploded like a child's water balloon. As nice as it was to receive the loot, none of it was ever going to be of any use to him.

"Still, it might be nice if I could make some of this useful for a few friends."  Persi flit her tail around, twice, as if in agreement.  

"We could probably put together a half-decent kit for a lot of low-tiered players if this drop rate keeps up."  Sparing a moment to check his inventory, he could see the amount of gear already collected, as well has his limited progress in the skill.  "Rank five could take awhile.  Might as well put the effort invested to good use.  What do you think, Persi?  Should we do it for our friends?"

Slotted azure eyes opened just a sliver and blinked once before turning around to face the other way.  Apparently, Freyd was meant to put in all of the effort.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200122 | CD: 4+1=5 (1 mat found) | LD: 10+3=13 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 184/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200121 | LD: 16+2=18

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200123a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200123b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200123c]

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Clouds passed overhead, casting a pattern of shadows upon the ground that came and went with regularity over Freyd's rock.  This place could actually be quite serene, if you let yourself enjoy it.  A pair of six-foot tall metallic, bat-like things swooped down nearby and decimated some poor critter.  Freyd took note to avoid those, and let the illusion of bliss slip back over him again.  Even Eden had its problems, it seemed, but he wasn't here to solve them.  All he wanted was a little peace and quiet for a change, and the opportunity to still his mind when he needed it.

Persi purred.  Most people would call it snoring, but he was certain that she would never admit to such a thing.  The sound seemed to bring good fortune, as if the universe was compelled to be nice to the people in it whenever a small furry creature slumbered.  It didn't make sense, but also didn't have to.  Sure enough, moments later, Freyd fished up another chest.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200124 | CD: 6+1=7 (1 mat found) | LD: 17+3=20 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 195/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200125 | LD: 5+2=7

+1 Material
T4 Rare Weapon [200125a]
T4 Rare Weapon [200125b]
T4 Rare Consumable [200125c]
T4 Rare Consumable [200125d]

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Another quick tap yielded more loot to be added to the tally.  How many of these things would he find?  Between the Hands and the chests - the eerie possibility of other body parts adding to the mix drifted through his mind - it seemed rather difficult to actually focus on catching actual fish.   Not that the fish turned out to be 'fish', per se.  The game just interpreted it as an anonymous widget of 'stuff' that could be converted into other stuff by applying some process to it.  It was typical video-game logic, really, and not at all jarring to someone with extensive gaming experience, until someone took the trout you'd just fished up and then handed it back to you as a battle helm.  That... got kinda weird.

A whistling sound could be heard traveling along the path.  The light copse of trees at Freyd's back obscured his vision, but few actual dangers announced themselves in song.  He'd have to remember that, and whistle next time he meant to kill someone.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200126 | CD: 3+1=4 (0 mat found) | LD: n/a
+6 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 201/300 (Rank 3) 


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It turned out to be Nemo, wandering by again as part of his regular gardening duties.  

"How are you enjoying things?   I hope that the clouds haven't dampened your experience?"

Freyd smiled at the play on words, while politely acknowledging his host.

"I've had no complaints.  Though I had been meaning to ask: what's with all these Gilded Hand things that keep cropping up?"

Nemo tilted his head like a lot puppy, somehow failing to recognize the name, or Freyd's meaning.  

"They are a part of this place, as is everything else.  Has there been a problem?"

"Well... no, not exactly.  But it seems odd that they keep spawning so frequently.  They give nice rewards, and all, but I really wouldn't mind just being able to fish... for fish."

Nemo's eyes narrowed in confusion.  He clearly couldn't fathom fishing functioning any other way.  

"Nevermind," Freyd added, waving the strange man off and turning back to his latest catch.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200127 | CD: 6+1=7 (1 mat found) | LD: 17+3=20 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 212/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200128 | LD: 13+2=15

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200128a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200128b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200128c]

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"More goodies," he added, smiling to himself.  Freyd was never truly jubilant.  It just wasn't in his nature.  Dour?  Sure.  Distant?  Just about always.  Considerate?  More often than you would think, assuming he could actually process the mood.  Sometimes, it just didn't register.  Lack of frame of reference could be a problem.  He might even laugh at a given circumstance or situation, but often only for its paradoxical nature or as a result of some exercise in wit.  He had a penchant for intellectual humour, and no appreciation for foolish impulses or poor choices.  People ought to know better, he'd always think.  The machine-like reasoning that drove him had never truly faded.  It had simply been forced to adapt to the re-emergence of other self-spawning inputs, otherwise labeled as 'emotions'.  The machine hated them, and the irony of that reaction, even moreso.

He straddled a perilous line, now, between logic and feelings.  The two were often incompatible, and Freyd worried that he would struggle to choose between them.  There was a simple elegance to just thinking from one end of the spectrum, but it was also hard to ignore humanity's allure.  Whether he let himself be governed by emotions or not, he still had to contend with the impact of them in others.

Eyes drifted over the water.  Would it be any better to just be a mob?


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200129 | CD: 5+1=6 (1 mat found) | LD: 18+3=21 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 223/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200130 | LD: 17+2=19

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200130a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200130b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200130c]

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The rod gave jiggle and judder that had already become familiar in the Whisper's gaze and memory.  A golden hand, nearly six feet tall, spawned a few feet away within seconds.

"How are newbies ever going to benefit from fishing if you lot keep showing up all the time?  Don't you know that it's rude to interrupt someone's vacation, regardless of whether its official?!"  The hand just blinked, which was weird to even consider.  "Alright.  Looks like I'm just going to have to get used to this.  At least the rewards were good, even if not particularly needed, thanks to past efforts.  More never hurt, and he could always barter the stuff away.  Freyd wasn't beyond the notion of generosity, but it had to deliver some form of benefit - whether mutual or not.  He had a transactional mind that couldn't fathom simply giving away that which he put in the effort to earn, without at least achieving progress towards some greater goal.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200131 | CD: 5+1=6 (1 mat found) | LD: 2+3=5 (No Treasure Chest)
+8 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 231/300 (Rank 3) 

+1 Material

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His staff's impact nearly split the hand in two, just from the force of blunt trauma inflicted.  The damage to the creature's mesh was brutal and extensive, reminding him of a scene in one of the classic terminator movies, where this liquid metal dude had been completely blasted apart by a grenade, but was still walking around.  Except, in this case, it was walking on fingers.

So weird.

Addled by the blow, the hand just stood, staggered, in its current place.  Its eyes had ended up at different ends of its sundered shell and we staring off in opposite directions, which was no doubt straining its targeting processes.  Freyd took the opportunity to walk around the mob for the purpose of inspection.  He noted subtle details about its skin and mobility, even as it struggled to stand.  Studying a foe that he was likely to encounter repeatedly was always something worthwhile.  It would be even more so if he could glean something that could be shared.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200132 | CD: 5+1=6 (1 mat found) | LD: 6+3=9 (No Treasure Chest)
+8 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 239/300 (Rank 3) 

+1 Material

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"Did it just wonk at me?"  Freyd wasn't sure what the sound was meant for, and even less sure of who he was supposed to be asking.  The Gilded Hand was stuck, for lack of a better description, pinned beneath his staff and a large rock.  "Please tell me that wasn't a whimper.  Do mobs whimper now?!"

He tried shaking it off, to no avail.  Bracing a foot against on of the backs of its fingers, it occurred to him that the most dangerous part of the mob was likely behind it, in the direction towards which all of its joints bent.  Short of surprising flexibility, the things simply weren't constructed for ease of movement and reach in their facing direction.

"Oh, for goodness sake."  Unable to dislodge it, Freyd just stepped back and lifted the entire mob overhead, then slammed it back down onto the very same stone.  It shattered into shards on impact.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200133 | CD: 11+1=12 (1 mat found) | LD: 1+3=4 (No Treasure Chest)
+8 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 247/300 (Rank 3) 


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"Are those things as ridiculous as they look?"

A stranger's voice came at him from the left, and not without warning.  The man's heavy armor clanked so loudly that Freyd wondered if it was meant to be some new form of hate mechanic.  

"So far?  Yes, actually."  For a quiet, out of the way spot, he seemed to be attracting a fair share of visitors.  "Are you looking for someone?"

"Erm... yeah.  Kinda."  The new arrival' whose garb was slightly reminiscent of a knight's templar, save without the red cross, reached up and ran a heavy gauntlet through his hair.  He was a stout one, for sure.  Likely some form of tank, or possibly an Oscar-esque berserker DPS.  "You haven't seen a crotchety orange-haired woman with a matching icon over her head, yeah?"

Freyd blinked, furrowed his brow and twitched his hand to grasp for an absent weapon, just out of an abundance of caution.

"Do you mean Mari?"


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200134 | CD: 1+1=2 (0 mat found) | LD: n/a
+6 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 253/300 (Rank 3) 


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'Lancelot' blinked, as if Freyd had just slapped him across the face with a wet fish.  His eyes mirrored the internal struggle between his brain, perceptions and expectation.  A complete stranger who knew Mari by vague description was not at all what he'd expected.

"I....er...umm... yes?!"  The man had a naive, knightly air about him that made Freyd think he was just a kid, despite his considerable stature.  It was likely some manner of overcompensation, or romantic infatuation with noble ideals.  'Poppycock', he thought to himself while maintaining a distinctly neutral expression.  "How... uh... do you know her?"

Freyd wondered the same thing.  This guy seemed like a totally inept goof, a lost puppy who...

Everything clicked.  Mari picked up a sort: usually naive, sometimes just plain stupid, but most often just misfits who couldn't get their shit together.  And then she mothered them, somehow involving lots of scolding that they dutifully endured because they were enamored by her kindness and experience.  They never realized that she was way more broken than they were.  ChaseR immediately came to mind.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200135 | CD: 4+1=5 (1 mat found) | LD: 20+3=23 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 264/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200136 | LD: 16+2=18

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200136a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200136b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200136c]

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"Oh, we met at the Tanabata event last year.  It's a bit of a weird story.  You should ask her, if you get the chance.  My name's Freyd.  She'll probably curse when you mention it, but we both know that's her most obvious sign of affection."  He delivered the entire spiel with a pleasant smile on his face and without missing a beat.  Their was far more complicated, though there was a sufficient kernel of truth to his words that it suffused the rest and passed muster.  Freyd and Mari has a tenuous past, mainly due to the strange notion he had that she was a hero in waiting - deep, deep waiting - whereas she just seemed to hate that he didn't put up with her usual shit.  Well, plus the whole soul-ripping gemini-thing, but that wasn't really his fault.

Something tugged at his line, just then.  "Hey, guy, if you're particularly squishy, you may want to step back for a minute."


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200137 | CD: 11+1=12 (1 mat found) | LD: 12+3=15 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 275/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200138 | LD: 17+2=19

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200138a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200138b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200138c]

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A quick spin and lateral strike sent the Hand spiraling sideways and left a deep rut in Eden's previously pristine lawn.  Nemo wouldn't be happy, but that was a problem for later.  Lunging forward and holding his staff like a spear, Freyd stuck the mob mid-knuckle, where the middle finger met the hand.  It seemed like some sort of equivalent to its solar plexus, but the damned thing's anatomy was so weird that there was no true comparison.

It could just be like a hand.

Freyd scowled at his shadow, whose mocking sarcasm was not appreciated.  These things were like the nuisance weeds of fishing in Eden.  He wondered whether they should have been skinned as barnacles instead - or seaweed?  Mari might have appreciated that.

A quick snap of his staff crushed the thing's pinky even as he flipped and smashed the other end against its thumb.  It wonked again, awkwardly, before giving way to the shower of lights and sparkles that marked its demise.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200139 | CD: 6+1=7 (1 mat found) | LD: 11+3=14 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 286/300 (Rank 3) 

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200140 | LD: 20+2=22

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Weapon [200140a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200140b]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200140c]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200140d]

Random Dungeon Map [200140e]

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"Holy shit!" 

'Sir Flabbergast' seemed a bit too agog to have much combat experience, or maybe he was just easily impressed.  Returning to his seat and plopping himself down onto the same spot, Freyd couldn't help but wonder if the game would eventually imprint his butt-cheeks into the stone if he stayed here long enough.  Probably not, but the thought was amusing.  A casual shrug was all he offered to the stranger.

"What's your name, anyway?  Please don't say Lancelot."

"Uh... what?  No.  I'm...err... Vayl.  My name is Vayl!"

"You anxious about something, Vayl?" A single raised eyebrow helped refocus the man.

"Oh, right.  Sorry.  I was looking for Mari.  Have you seen her around?"

Freyd frowned.  

"Was she here with you, or are you just searching randomly?  Speaking of which, how are people in different parties are even in this dungeon?"  Realization dawned on the Whisper that Quaestor hadn't entered with him either.  Was this place like it's own zone or something?


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200141 | CD: 9+1=10 (1 mat found) | LD: 1+3=4 (No Treasure Chest)
+8 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 294/300 (Rank 3) 

+1 Material

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Flipping open the lid on his latest catch, Freyd barely noticed as the contents spilled into his inventory.  

"Vayl.  My name is Vayl.  And, uh... Mari's kind of wandered off.  I'm not really sure how I ended up here.  Some Captain Nemo person invited me in, and I guess I sorta figured that he might have offered the same to Mari, so I followed."

Freyd looked completely unimpressed.  

"Let me get this straight.  You have no idea where Mari is, so you just decided to wander Aincrad randomly on the off chance that you might bump into her?"  If Montjoy could speak, Freyd expected that he'd be apoplectic at the moment.  He didn't suffer fools particularly well.  Neither did Freyd.

Vayl grinned sheepishly.   

Freyd dismissed his rod and started following the western shoreline towards a more sheltered area that might attract fewer weirdos.

"Haven't seen her.  Good luck."  It took all of his willpower not to be shaking his head as he left.


Post Action | Fishing: ID #200142 | CD: 6+1=7 (1 mat found) | LD: 14+3=17 (Treasure Chest Found!)
+11 F-EXP earned (includes +2 from ornate pond +1 from ambition)

Total F-EXP: 305/300 (Rank 3) - Rank 4 Achieved!

Opening Fishing Chest: ID #200143 | LD: 11+2=13

+1 Material
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200143a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200143b]

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"YOU!"  The declaration came from upstream.  

"Momo?" Freyd muttered, confused by the strange gardener's sudden and inexplicable hostility.

"NEMO!"  Flustered to crimson, the mob practically plowed a furrow as he stormed along the water's edge, making a bee line for the Whisper.

"What's the problem?"  Something nibbled at his line, forcing Freyd to divide his attention.  Not that he was particularly inclined to listen to the man's rant anyway.

"You're depleting my fishing stock, that's what's what!  I spend years repopulating this area and I won't have you wrecking the place on your first visit."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"  

Both men turned, not expecting a third participant, only to see a small skeletal figure wagging a mitt-full of chicken bones at them from atop a nearby tree.  He wavered and vanished in a blink the instant they focused on him.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Freyd muttered, bringing his hands to his forehead.  Nemo, meanwhile, just lost it.  An instant later, his form was replaced itself with that of a large, green and very annoyed dragon.


Post Action | AoE-I (x15 AoE, 11 EN, +2 AoE Shift, +2/hit,): 15 EN - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 12 EN.  Charge (CD 0/3) (8 EN)
Free Action | Activate Rhino's Horn

ID #200144 | BD: 4+8-2-1=9 (hit, Rhino's Horn +3, Charge +5).  DMG (15*32=480-100=380)

ID #200145 | BD: 7+1=8 (hit).  DMG (164-78=86)

Freyd | HP: 854/940 (940-86 | EN: 108/128 (128-12-8) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 8 | EVA (-1) | BH: 51 | LD: 5 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8

Nemo, The Wind of Gaia | HP: 92/472 | DMG: 164 | MIT: 100 | EVA: 2 (472-380)
This mob uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Twin Fangs On a natural BD of 9 with a CD of 8+, the boss tears into the player with razor sharp fangs, inflicting 35*Tier unmitigatable damage.
  • Nature’s Roar On a natural BD of 10, Nemo unleashes a gust of wind on the player, inflicting 65*Tier mitigatable damage.
  • Gaia’s Protection Nemo cannot be reduced below 10 HP, and the fight ends once the player reduces his health to this level.


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The two opponents charged at each other, one fueled by rage and the other by mild irritation.  The dragon lanced through the air with surprising speed, it's impressive and malicious maw aiming to devour its foe, only to find nothing but shadow and an impending collision with some very, very hard ground.  Nemo crashed, face first, too stunned to manage any form of a dodge.  Freyd, meanwhile, came plummeting down on top of the reptile's head, braining him so hard that Nemo nearly bit off his own tongue.

Unexpectedly, the lizard splayed out its arms and whimpered pleas for mercy.  It was rather pathetic.

"Looth, LOOTH!"  Blood dribbled from its mouth, leaving crimson pools that marred his floral paradise far more than anything Freyd had done.  Nemo held out a small emerald-coloured warp crystal - the key to its Nature's Treasure, offering it as recompense for sparing its life.  Freyd grimaced, spare a glance at the treetop where that elusive Guy had appeared, then snatched it from the mob's clawed hand.  Bending low to reclaim his fishing pole, he offered the gardener the coldest of glares and a valuable bit of advice.

"Momo, stay out of my goddamn yard, and never try to pull something like that again."


Freyd regains +4 EN
Freyd regains 51 HP fro mBH
CD 5 (No REC proc) ID #200146
Charge (CD 1/3)

Post Action | AoE-II (x18 AoE, 14 EN, +2 AoE Shift, +2/hit,): 18 EN - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 15 EN. 
Free Action | None

ID #200146 | BD: 4+8-2=10 (hit).  DMG (18*24=432-100=332)

Freyd | HP: 905/940 (854+51) | EN: 97/128 (108+4-15) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 8 | EVA (-1) | BH: 51 | LD: 5 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8

Nemo, The Wind of Gaia | HP: 10/472 | DMG: 164 | MIT: 100 | EVA: 2 (92-332)
This mob uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Twin Fangs On a natural BD of 9 with a CD of 8+, the boss tears into the player with razor sharp fangs, inflicting 35*Tier unmitigatable damage.
  • Nature’s Roar On a natural BD of 10, Nemo unleashes a gust of wind on the player, inflicting 65*Tier mitigatable damage.
  • Gaia’s Protection Nemo cannot be reduced below 10 HP, and the fight ends once the player reduces his health to this level.


Thread Summary:


6863 words / 30 = 228*5= 1140*Tier
6863 / 300 = 22 seeds

Freyd receives:

14421 EXP (Word Count [1140*11] + 15% from event)
3331 col (400 [1 page] + 2163 [Laurel, +15% of EXP as col] + 30% from event)
36 mats (24 [loot] + 50% from event)

22 Seeds (Event)
0 tags (
none) ID: 200148 (CD 5); 200149 (CD 3); 200150 (CD 3)

305 Fishing EXP

T4 Rare Weapon [200087a]
T4 Rare Weapon [200087b]
T4 Rare Consumable [200087c]
T4 Rare Consumable [200087d]
T4 Perfect Weapons [200104a]
T4 Perfect Weapons [200104b]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200104c]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200104d]
Random Dungeon Map [200104e]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200106a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200106b]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200109a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200109b]

T4 Perfect Weapon [200113a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200113b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200113c]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200116a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200116b]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200121a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200121b]
T4 Rare Trinket [200121c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200123a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200123b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200123c]
T4 Rare Weapon [200125a]
T4 Rare Weapon [200125b]
T4 Rare Consumable [200125c]
T4 Rare Consumable [200125d]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200128a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200128b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200128c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200130a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200130b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200130c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200136a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200136b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200136c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200138a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200138b]
T4 Rare Weapon [200138c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200140a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [200140b]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200140c]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200140d]
Random Dungeon Map [200140e]
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield [200143a]
T4 Rare Armor/Shield [200143b]


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