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[AB-F8] Adventures... Adventures...

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Zelrius waited for another Azure Brigade member or two to join him in a little exploration of Floor 8. This was the first time he'd been to the floor and he had just walked out of the teleportation gate. He didn't like what he saw. It was almost like the Floor 6 jungle, Other then Everything was at elevated Ewok Villages and not just the starting city. He didn't like it already, but was willing to give the floor a try.

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"Zelrius? Its been forever!" I yell happily as I run up to him. I give him a quick hug and stand there, happy that my friend isn't dead."So what's up? Ready to explore Floor 8?" I ask him. I open my map and check fro any info I have on the Floor 8. Like Map data and monster data."Any idea where you want to go. Also this is for you for the boss battle." I say, tossing Zelrius <>.

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Zelrius caught the potion named <> and examined it. He looked up to Clarence with wide eyes as he finished reading.

"This is for me?! Wow, Thanks. Glad to see you're alive too." He said then put the potion away in his inventory untill he'd need it for the boss battle. That certainly was going to help. That Plus Sange's already increased damage, would give him a serious advantage against the Boss

"Eh, It's up to you where we go. On a side note, How are you feeling about the upcoming Boss battle?"

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Miaki jumped down from a branch above and landed next to Zelrius and Clarence. "Sup gents. Looks like we have the main group here." The <> stepped forward and began to button his trench coat. "Good to see you Clarence. Whose ready for an adventure?" He said to the two players.

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Zelrius smiled. It seemed this was all they needed. He looked to them and raised an eyebrow.

"Anyone got any map information I could have? This is honestly the farthest I have ever been in Floor 8" He said from his position on the final step of The teleportation gate which only reached about 6 feet from the actual gate. Zelrius looked to Miaki knowing for a fact he'd been here since the Boss.

"Guess that's not entirely true, I did go to a meeting once..."

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Sakuri just arrive to the newly opened floor, and it was astonishing. He had become fond of floor 6 already, since he loved to just roam around in the wildlife and the nature, but this was so much better. He had gotten a memo from the someone named Miaki, which were told to be the guild leader of ''Azure Brigade'', and he said that they were interested in him to join the guild.

This was a very pleasant surprise to Sakuri since he had never been in a guild before, and it was also becoming dangerous to be alone since most of the players were such a high level compared to him.

Right in front of him at the teleportation gate there were 3 guys standing, which he figured had to be Miaki and other people from the guild. He approached them with his back straightened and his head high, to get some good authority.

''Hello, I'm Sakuri. I've been told to meet a Miaki here, could this be one of you?'' He said while he friendly nodded towards the people which was standing in front of him.

''It's regarding the guild'' He added so no confusion would appear.

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Zelrius only pleasently smiled at the new comer. He didn't mean this in a friendly way. No, Zelrius loved to play word games and ask question to people he recently meets only to see who and what they are.

"I am Zelrius, You must be Sakuri, the newest member of our Guild. Welcome. You may know who I am, and if not, I am the Blood Buccaneer, Zelrius." He said, now the real fun would begin.

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Sakuri was really confused, why would he know who that person would be? Well, either if he should know or not, he didn't. He Looked at the person which had introduced himself as Zelrius.

''Yes i am the new member of the guild, which i am thankful for being. So thanks'' He said while he once again, did a friendly nod to show his gratitude.

He then looked around the floor they were on.

''I really like the looks off this floor, it feels so welcoming'' he then turned towards the group of people again.

''So, could i get a hint of what's going on, what's the plan?''

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Miaki turned his head to see a black haired player walking up to them. He and Zelrius greeted each other and Miaki learned that the person was Sakuri, the player he was told about by a fellow player. He had heard that Sakuri was leveling up well and on his way to getting through Aincrad but didn't have a guild he was a part of. For the moment, Miaki had discussed things with the <> about opening recruitment of some players and they agreed. So Miaki sent Sakuri an invite to this little excursion on floor 8.

The <> walked around Zelrius and extended a handshake to the new guy. "That would be me you got the message from." The fedora wearing fighter said. "I'm Miaki Murakami, newly appointed leader of the <>. Nice to have a face go with the name Sakuri. As I said in my message to you, we'd like to see about you joining the Brigade. You could say this outing of ours will be your initiation."

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"Well, before we get ahead of ourselves. I'm Clarence, the medic of the guild. Nice to meet you Sakuri." i say and hold my hand out Sakuri."I have a bit of map info Zelrius. Also Miaki, this is for you for the boss battle too." I open my inventory and hand Miaki a potion called. <>."Pretty much a copy of Zelrius's potion <>."

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''Thank you for giving me this chance''He told to the person which had introduced himself as Miaki while he shook his hand. He closely took a look at Miaki and thought he looked mysterious in some way. Maybe it's the fedora He thought to himself, the guy seemed like he knew what he was doing though.

''I am eager to start it then''He said while he looked decisive. He then looked over to the person who were supposed to be the medic of them,Clarence.

''Hello Clarence, nice to meet you'' He said while he once more nodded friendly.

He heard him talk about about potion for an upcoming battle so he got curious.

''Are you preparing for the next boss fight already?'' He said while his face and voice kept neutral.

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Zelrius opened up his inventory and requested a <> from both Clarence and Miaki. Then looking to Sakuri he said

"Ah well, It is no fun if you do not know who I am. So no games today. Anyways, Since Miaki knows the area best he can lead us off today, Tomorrow I might attempt to make some leading, but do not expect anything special." He said as he invited all of them into a party.

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Miaki accepted his potion from Clarence and thanked him for it. Truly having one would be invaluable for defeating the boss faster.

"Yes, I've recently had a meeting with leaders of the other top guilds so we have the boss raid all planned out. This is an exploration of more of the floor. Really anything is up for grabs today."

Miaki saw that everyone was ready and they set off to a further town.

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Are they going to engage the next boss already? They just killed the last one.. he thought while he got back to a standing position again.

"Well then, good luck with that! I wish I could join and help you all, but as you already know, my level is to low for that..."

He then placed himself next to Miaki and crossed his arms.

"Well, I heard that you shall lead the way today, so I'll be following you! You can go when you're ready for it."

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"You'll be ready for later raids. Don't worry. We still have alot of floors to cover. You have plenty of time to raise your skill level." After making a final check of everyone including checking health levels, inventory, map data, and quest logs, he decided to get everyone moving. "Alright then, let's get moving." He said as he began leading everyone across a long rope bridge leading to the next tree. "Today I'm thinking we will do some mapping of a dungeon. We will keep to the usual rules of engagement and respect of item drops. Col and materials will be split with the leftovers going to the one who found the chest or dealt the final hit."

Miaki lead them across the floor for an hour using a couple of shortcuts he noticed when reviewing map data he collected. The Shanok and Zelrius keep up a nice conversation with Sakuri while Clarence keep beside Miaki using his passive detection skills to keep them out of trouble. The two of them kept up their own conversation about different things from rumors and trends to shops and battles.

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Zelrius walked along after his conversation about the latest things was over. The small thud thud as they each took a step on the wood was now being ignored as it just seemed like a natural sound now. He began whirring in his mind about the past few months since the game began. It was all so Interesting.

He had started out, Grinding and hiding up in an inn, afraid of the Dangers that were to come. The thing that the Boy feared the most at the time, were PKers. He lived every day in fear of his low level and how he could easily be wiped out while on the field grinding. Eventually, he gathered the courage to join a guild, The Knights of Christ, and went on with a group of them to the Frontlines. After they had opened up Floor 5, Zelrius was well high enough level.

He decided to overcome his fear of PKers. Instead of what most people would do and did do, which was gain level and Ignore the PKers, Zelrius took it under himself to kill a few. Killing a small guild of PKers (--OOC See RP Vigilante Justice) He was done. At that Moment Zelrius knew no other PKers would challenge him. And so he went on, Killing more and more People to make sure every knew who he was on sight. Thus adopting the Title, The Blood Buccaneer.

He liked it, and he also liked the fear that came with his sighting in some towns. Zelrius liked everything about being the most Infamous PKer in SAO, except one thing: He wasn't allowed in Large Cities. To this end, He didn't care much, He could make do from the other Settlements and Villages that were on each floor.

(--OOC To be Continued?)

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Over the course of the next hour my ears are perked slightly like a dog as I listening for any other monsters/ Pkers wanting to attack us."Can you believe the silly rumors there are? Kayaba Akihiko streaking? I feel bad for the sorry soul who tries to debunk that rumor. Anyways, hows your new shop going? I've heard good things." I say with a smile, looking over at the guild leader.

I continue to walk and add into the conversation that Miaki was having with me. I laugh at a joke Miaki and call back to Sakuri and Zelrius."So, how are you both?" I call and turn around slightly. I look at Sakuri and start sort of figuring him out (OOC Hi Fighting Strategy, personality, ect.).He seems shy, him liking to listen more then talk. He also seems brave. But, very paranoid considering his head shifting and looks everywhere. I smile slightly and turn back aorund.

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He heard he got the question how he is today, Sakuri felt like it was a bit late to ask such questions, since it was usually something you open up with, not that it matters, it was most likely used as a friendly gesture.

"I am doing pretty okey, how about you?" he said with a small smile. He then noticed that he was being inspected, but that didn't really bothered him since it wouldn't matter, but it still felt strange somehow.

Sakuri now realized that he had no knowledge about the guild he just had joined what so ever. Could be a good time to see what kind of people who were in this guild,or what they stood for.

"It just came to mind that I barely know anything about this guild. So would you guys like to kinda,give me an summary of it? Stuff like, what the goal is with this guild,how it started,or anything else that might be useful to know?" he said as he looked towards the whole group so everyone should feel addressed by the question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At hearing Sakuri's question about the brigade and it's origin, Miaki decided to be the one to fill him I. And give him some background into the brigade 's history. He slowed down his pace for Sakuri to catch up and coming between himself and Clarence. Miaki then began to recall the formation of the brigade and it's development since then. "Well originally the <> was a very closed group consisting of six of us. Seven if you include Keith's wife Cicila. We didn't have a set leader per se but we all pretty much looked to Keith as our leader on an unofficial status. All of our decisions were made by the <> which consisted of the six original members: myself, Keith, Zelrius, Clarence, Shanok, and Daeron. Our goal was pretty self-centered honestly. We did what we wanted and whatever would benefit the brigade as a whole." Miaki thought back to those times when they had first gotten things started and how well things seemed to have been going.

His tone dropped a bit as he recalled the near disbandment of the brigade. "Things were going well until one of our former members blatantly killed a player in a horrific manner. It nearly broke us. Keith left and placed me in charge and I left for a while feeling unable to take up the responsibility." His mind lingered on the short time he went on a journey of self-reflection which led to a reunion with a few players. "One day when a few of us were in the labyrinth, we found the boss room and it was like nothing we'd ever faced before. I knew that we would need a lot of people to take it on and so I took up my post as leader and contacted two of the other top guilds to begin planning and building alliances." He realized quite a lot had changed since the brigade was first formed. "Now I'm picking up the pieces with the help of those still remaining." He looked to his three commandants that were with him. He wouldn't be able to do much of it without their help and support. "Were no longer that self-centered group we once were and are going through some changes. But I feel that ultimately we will come out far stronger than before."

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