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[SP-F2] Breaking the Unbreakable

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Shade slowly made his way through a group of players who were whining about some large rock. Oh please. As Shade got through the crowd, he saw the rock they were talking about, and was less than impressed. "Really? Surely you must be joking. If this is what all of you are complaining about than you must be more pathetic than I thought."debate broke out among the players and some of them tried approaching Shade. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you break it, tough guy." One boy said, calling Shade out. While all the others would go, "Ooooooh!" Shade scoffed and pushed the Player against the rock. "I'll do better than that. How about I break your neck?" Everyone got quiet and went on their way.

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Shade looked at the rock a bit longer and scratched his neck. "How the hell am I supposed to break this rock?" He muttered, as he looked at the boulder looming over him. "Psst, looking to break that rock?" A voice said from behind a tree. Shade looked to the source of the noise and furrowed his brow. "What's it to you?"

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The voice gulped and spoke again. "Nothing! Nothing at all! I was just looking for someone with you... Attitude, to come along. And I must say, you are a perfect candidate for what I have in mind!" Shade crossed his arms and began to walk over. "Oh? And what exactly might that be? Before I agree to anything, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am not some simple test monkey. Understand?"

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The source of the voice came out from behind the tree, who was wearing a coat, scar, and had a hood up. Allowing no facial features to be seen. "Trust me! I promise you will get the utmost respect during our operation. Now, are you ready to start?" Shade scoffed and glared at the figure. "Fine. But the second I lose interest, I won't hesitate to take it out on you."

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The figure made a gulping sound and pulled Shade's sleeve. "Y-Yes... L-Let's get going! We have quite a bit of training ahead of us." Shade rolled his eyes and followed along, as he took the stranger's hand off of him. "Hmph. Fine, so long as you keep your hands to yourself." He scoffed, following the stranger.

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As Shade followed along, they came to a rocky valley, about 30-ft deep. Shade looked around as the crevice was filled with boulders and then some. He took a few more steps and bumped into the stranger who had stopped. "We're here! Now, take off your clothes." Shade grimaced and looked at the stranger with resent. "What? Did you just say to me?" The stranger held up his hands defensively and shook her head. "Gah! No, you see, I have weighted training gear for you!"

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Shade scoffed and accepted the gear. "If I see you trying to look at me, I'll snap your spine faster than you can say, 'Oops'." Shade said, walking behind a boulder and changing his clothing to the weighted gear. Walking back out, Shade breathed heavily to move, and struggled to stand straight. "This is... No-Nothing..." He lied, trying to hide his struggle.

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"Haha! Yeah right! Look, you can hardly even speak it's so heavy!" The stranger mocked Shade, who balled his fists and glared at the stranger with hate. "You... Cur..." The stranger sat back up and danced around Shade. "That's right! Just keep trying to move! Your body will adapt soon enough!"

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The stranger danced away, jumping away as Shade gritted his teeth together. "D...D-Damn it all!" He yelled, trying to walk. The weights on his legs sternly kept him slow, his arm weights prevented any momentum, and on his back a large concrete block weighed him down, forbidding any speed to be made.

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Shade took a few more deep breaths and fell to his knees, trying to wipe sweat off of his forehead but the weights on his arms would not allow that. He struggled, yet stood again, walking for what felt like years. After he made only little progress, he fell forward and his eyes shut.

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Shade woke up at the feeling of something touching his face. He blinked a few times and looked at the feeling. Burner had brought a leaf cupping water and was gently pouring it on Shade's lips, trying to get him hydrated. After Burner finished, he set down the leaf and nuzzled Shade's neck, wanting only his master's affection.

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Shade rolled his eyes and gave Burner a pat on the head. Burner made a happy, excited screech and lick Shade's cheek. Shade scoofed and took a few deep breaths, slowly pushing himself up with all the weights on him, and he began walking again. "Everyone plays the good guy in this game... Trying to get their love to fuel them..."

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"They think of their friends... Their family... Their loved ones..." he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "I have no friends! It's me, myself, and I! I don't need anyone! And my family!? I hate them! Hate, Hate, Hate! They thought video games would substitute for them never being around for me, no! Did they ever think for once in their lives they could have spent a day with me!? Or perhaps make sure I'm not having Christmas alone!?"

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He took deep breaths and kept going. "I hate everyone! I have nothing for me out of this world! And my parents? They probably don't even know I'm in a death game right now! Why the flaming hell would they care!?" he screamed, now letting a small fraction of his pent-up hatred fuel him.

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Shade ripped into a sprint, taking off as he ran through the valley, determined to find the stranger who put him through this. Once Shade got his hands around his neck, he would never let go. "Where are you!? I did it, now give me the power to destroy that boulder!" Shade screamed, rage claiming his mind.

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The stranger was clapping his hands together up on a boulder, looking down at Shade. "Power? There is no power! In fact, if you're such a brat about it, why not make me come down and give it to you?" She laughed, clapping his hands as Shade's eyes grimaced with the urge to kill.

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"I'll destroy you!" Shade snarled, as he ran at the stranger on the rock. Shade began trying to jump, yet couldn't reach the stranger. He roared in anger and began beating his fists against the stone. "I'll put your head on a pike!" He ranted, pounding the rock at the end of each word.

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Shade's fists became encased in a blood-red light, and with a few more hits, the boulder was reduced to pebbles, as Shade smashed it into little, tiny, pieces. The stranger was seen in the smoke, coughing and as the smoke cleared. Shade walked through the dust and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "Swear to me!" He yelled, balling his fist.

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The stranger screamed and began panicking. "Please! Stop I beg you!" Shade glared at him with utter hate and scoffed. "You have ten seconds. Better not make me angrier." The stanger gulped and began. "What you just did right now, ripping apart that boulder with your bare hands, that was it! The power to get to the next floor!"

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Shade's grip loosened and he tossed the stranger aside in the ruble. He looked at his hands, opened and closed them and then looked back in front of him. *Ding Ding*

<> Achieved


Shade blinked and clicked accept, turning his back to the stranger and walking away, while switching out of his weighted gear.

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