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[OP-F1] Earning a Living (Quest-Xaner,Diamond, Opal)

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It has been a couple weeks since the release of Sword Art Online... And people have been dying and been getting stuck inside the video game. All that didn't matter to Xaner... He wanted a new life. He hated his real life as it was nothing but just one punishment after another. So he put on his full dive and booted up SAO...


A tall, skinny man with dark black hair, white pale skin, and silver eyes digitizes into the starter town. That would not be too much of a problem, if he didn't spawn in the middle of a fight. Xaner barely avoided death as a player's sword narrowly avoided his face, as it was jabbed forward in an attempt to attack another player. Xaner stumbles backward, falling onto his bum. After muttering a curse, he stands up and now he is the center of attention, as he was obviously a new player.

(For me, doing this quest is for the mats only... for Dia and Opal, it's for both their professions and the mats)

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After dusting his pants off, he notices a woman going up and yelling at the attacking player. Apparently she was a person who loves to use puns, and apparently hates violence, wanting to avoid it at any means necessary. Then a thought strikes within his mind, which brings a dark grin across his pale visage.

Xaner walks up to the attacker and grabs him by the collar. Using his strength, he lifts him up and slams him straight into the ground head first. Xaner then kicks the guy in the ribs just to make sure he was unconcious, which he was due to the head-slam.

"Well, it's one thing to fight someone to the death, and if it is for personal reasons I understand," He begins, "However, when you attack me, even by accident... Well, that just crosses my line."

The somewhat tall, skinny pale man walks over to the woman, seeing as how she seems saner than most of these blathering fools who just crowded around to watch two idiots fight it out for some ungodly reason.

"Seeing as you tried to mediate the situation, I thank you for distracting him long enough for me to knock his lights out," Xaner says with a grin, "Would a nice, kind dame such as yourself possibly help me in getting me the most basic necessities to begin surviving in SAO, as I am new here. It's okay to say no, I just thought you could help me."

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Opal seemed to bump into someone, while she was being careless and not looking in-head of herself. Sometimes, she thinks she does this on purpose. Opal quickly scattered to her feet. Bumping into someone wasn't anything new, so she could get back up pretty quickly.

I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Are you alright? Opal asked, not noticing it was her sister...

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Xaner just stood there, watching the situation unfold. Unsure of how approach this, except in more laymen terms as everything he said flew right over the girl's head and she forgot what happened literally seconds ago, he clears his throat and says, "I knocked that idiot out, as this woman can not remember."

An idea struck his mind, and he acted on it. He bent down and started looting the unconcious person of his gear. A starter longsword, fifty-seven creds, and a dirty rag. Not much, be this can get him started maybe.

As he was kneeling over the unconcious person, Xaner asks the two , "I just joined SAO today, so I don't know much right now. Could nice people like you two help me get the starter equipment?"

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She's always this idiotic. Opal muttered, rolling her eyes.

Anyway, if Diamond wants to help you, then I shall help to! Opal was going along with this, only because her sister wanted to. But, I'm keeping a close eye on you... Opal squinted at this person. Oh, and I'm Opal! She introduced, like she had never said that she was watching him... And that thing over there is Diamond. She teased.

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Xaner straightens back up, standing at his regular 6-foot 6-inch tall height. He had asked for help not because he wanted help, in fact he usually plays any game, including MMOs, almost entirely solo. He asked for helped because he did not want to die on day one alone, as there was no second try in Sword Art Online. He didn't want his adventures to end because he was uninformed or unprepared. Although Xaner knew that he could not entirely trust everything the Ditzy Diamond had to say, Opal seemed at least knowledgeable and helpful enough to trust. It'll be easy to remember these girls' names as they are the same as gemstones.

The dark-haired man's smile returns and he says, "Nice to meet the two of you Gems. Now, since Dia didn't explain the entire situation, I just joined SAO a little under two minutes ago, spawning between a man attacking another player. The attacker is the fool who is laying on the ground, unconscious. Now, here we are."

He claps his hands and then quickly asks, "Now, seeing as you two were probably stuck here in this game for the past two weeks, you surely know the best tips for beginners. Would you give me some of this information please?"

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