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[OP-F1] Earning a Living (Quest-Xaner,Diamond, Opal)

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(OOC: Sure, but this quest in this thread will be for me getting the materials... I'm getting the profession in my other thread xD...)

Xaner sighs, seeing that his trust in Opal was all for naught as she did not say anything he expected for a tip... Then the two girls have a small back and forth with one another, so Xaner looks over his shoulder and notices the motion returning in the limp body of the previous attacker. He then strolls over to him and bends over, placing his right hand on the back of his head, and gripping it tightly. He pulls his hand up, lifting the man's head up as well, then promptly smashes the guy's face into the ground. He was still alive, but at least we won't be moving for a long, long while!

He shakes his arm, and his hand follows suit and shakes back and forth along the wrist, as the face-smash strained a muscle in his wrist. He turns his gaze towards the girls again and asks, "Okay. Food is always delicious, and I already knew that I would die in reality if I die in the game. I joined this game fully knowing this... That aside, how about any skills or jobs or items to obtain? Or something useful to learn that can get me a good start? Do you know anything on those lines?"

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Xaner knees nearly gave into the urge to collapse and let the man smack the ground with his forehead. He actually wants to fight that unconscious idiot now, as he would be gaining more progress if he did that rather than talking with these two. He opens his mouth one last time and says, "Okay. How about this... You allow me to join you for a while, so I can get experience under my belt as I help you do your tasks... Is that simple and easy enough?"

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Xaner followed Opal, passing by the entrance sign that read "Missy's Miscellaneous Items." Xaner thought that this was a very catchy store name. Entering the store, he noticed that some of the potions of the top shelves were glowing, as if they were freshly made, while the majority lost their shine and color, as if they were made almost a week ago.

Xaner taps on Opal's shoulder and asks, "Are you sure this is a good place to shop from? I mean, this shop seems to be selling barely mediocre quality items..."

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Opal looked around at all the glowing bottles. "Wow..." She said in surprise. Then, Opal felt the tap on her shoulder and looked back over her shoulder at Xaner, jumping a little from shock. She fully turned around. She was going to say, "What," be he had already asked the question.

"Sure, of course!" Opal said, reassuring. "Hopefully..." She added under her breath. Really, she had never been shopping over the past few weeks of this game. She continued to look around.

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Diamond quickly followed her sister like a puppy and a mother dog. As she entered the shop, she saw all the potions. All the glowing and not-so-glowing liquids amazed her like noticing shooting stars for the very first time.

Whoa! Look at these things!

Dia told her sister, whether she was paying attention or not. Everything in this game was amazingly realistic! It was almost as if she didn't realize that they were trapped in the game, which she didn't most of the time...

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Xaner took note that Opal herself was too sure in the quality of these items. Sure, these items may look to be decent, but the quality consistency wasn't anything but lackluster. The only thing that looks to be of good quality were the books stacked on top of a rickety wooden table. He strolled over to the table and noticed that his observations of the books were mostly right... Only five out of the forty something books looked to be in good quality.

He pulled each of these books out. The first book was called, "The Philosopher's Way," with the subheading displaying the words, "Alchemy at it's basest compounds." Xaner was not really interested in this, so he just put it in a separate pile on the less broken table on his right. The second books had to cover, but from the first paragraph is just a diary of a player's adventures in the first week of SAO, who Xaner presumes to be dead as they would be continuing this book. He sets the book to the left of the alchemy book, as this would actually be useful to him. The third book looked to be in good quality, but the instant he opened the book, he noticed the illegible font that made the words within the book very unreadable.

The fourth book was titled, "The Art of the Hide." Using easy deduction skills, this book was most likely about how to turn animal hides into leather armor, and stuff like that. This was slightly interesting, but Xaner decided against getting this book as he doesn't want to learn how to sew... He wants to know how to survive.

The final book was titled, "The Tales of Alfheim," which had the subheader that was titled, "Stories, Lore, and Tales surrounding Alfheim." This book was the second only thing that interested him greatly, as learning more about the pre-determined lores and history of the places within the game will give him a great advantage in his adventures...

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Opal continued to look at the potions in envy, wondering how they could make this, when she saw Xaner picking books from the wooden table. She walked over to him in curiosity, "What's this?" She murmured to herself as she picked up the book called "The Art of the Hide" and looking down at it.

Opal was still deciding on what she wanted to be, but because, out of the game, she wanted to be an engineer, clothing would probably be one of the closest thing to it. So that was on the top of her mental list she called "Be What I Want To Be". Second would be weapon making and third would be alchemy.

But, since she had the book of tailoring in her hands, Opal decided she would be a tailor. Her face lit up. It was kind of like being an engineer and my life goal is to become one! But this doesn't have to do with studying and memorizing! Opal's face didn't look as bright when she realized something. Well, that probably isn't completely true... I would probably have to memorize the... the... the whatever tailors have to remember! She shook her head.

"I'm going to take this one." She told Diamond and Xaner.

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