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Method of Cooking?

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I think currently the fishing and cooking professions are still being thought of, just as performer was yet now it is being thought of a bit more the more that players discuss it and as questions, as of right now that is what I think they are doing.

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I think currently the fishing and cooking professions are still being thought of, just as performer was yet now it is being thought of a bit more the more that players discuss it and as questions, as of right now that is what I think they are doing.

Ah, I see. I do hope they'll confirm the method though, I wish to open my own shop in the near future ^^

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it hasn't been discussed yet but the staff would love to hear any suggestions on how the players would like it to work.

Well, you could possibly make it sort-of similar to the normal crafting method, just you can do it a larger amount of times and the chances of failing is lower.

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What would you make? What will they be used for? What will making better rareity do? Where do you get or what do you have to do to get materials? Is this an alternative to poiton making or does it do something different? What kind of quest would a person undertake to learn it? Lets get some creativity going and flesh out the idea.

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Alright, I'm going to answer this one by one.


What would you make?

Well, the vague answer is food. But this depends on what sort of shop the player is opening and specializes in; it can be a bar, a diner, cafe, etc.


What will they be used for?

Basic fulfillment of hunger and occasional buff.


What will making better rarity do?

The higher the rarity could make the food taste better, longer hunger fulfillment, more powerful and more buffs in one food item.


Where do you get or what do you have to do to get materials?

Now this is slightly more difficult, I think either by fighting certain mobs to get drops or find mats through searching areas. There's also the option of going to market places and buying the ingredients yourself; but that requires some sort of price list.


Is this an alternative to potion making or does it do something different?

Like what I answered for 2, no. It is not, unlike potions that give a buff of sort like healing, poison resistance, etc. Food is more of an energy supplement; without it, it can cause the player to nauseous, tired and feel dizzy and faint.


What kind of quest would a person undertake to learn it?

I assume like any other profession, the earning a living quest.

Edit; forget to add this. Restaurants are sort of a socialising place for others and can be used as a starter for roleplay threads, or just to converse with others. Can be eaten in the store or packaged away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i like where your heading with this but its very vague. saying you make food doesn't answer my question at all. think of it like a blacksmith. blacksmiths make armor and weapons right? well thats not exactly true. they can only make light metal and heavy metal armor. and they can only make weapons that there are sword skills for. they cant just make any armor they want or any weapon cause it has to fit within the context of the game.

as for hunger, it is true that in the canon players had to eat but this is not a system we have on the board. i personally think it would be very detrimental to the board to build in a system where players had to have food in their inventory to eat and keep track of their hunger levels. the point of the systems designed in the forum is to extend game play in new directions and while i agree that adding cooking is an extension, if its tied to a need for making people keep track of hunger then it becomes a deterrent. so as far as that goes i have to say i don't support a hunger system at this time.

with that being said, if there is no hunger system, then what practical use does food have? im all for it being in the game but it has to do something to benefit the game.

when i asked about the quest, yes i was referring to earning a living. but you missed what i was asking, or perhaps i didn't ask it properly. earning a living allows the players to make up their own quest to learn the profession. what would a cook have to do in this quest to learn to be a cook?

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