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[PP-F4]Girl's Best Friend (Ruri+Shaya)

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Shaya was walking around on floor 4 when she sent a message to Ruri. She messaged her to see if she can come and keep her company.

It's really boring when Angels not around, and I tend to have too much free time. Would you mind coming down here and accompanying me? Perhaps we'll find a dungeon or something around here... PS. Bring a coat, it's freezing.

She pressed the send icon and waited at the teleport gates for her to appear in front of her.

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She grins as she sees the message from Shaya; she hugs her boy friend and crushes a teleport crystal in her hands. "Teleport Floor 4!" She yells as the crystal vanishes and the white light and white crystals consume her. It teleporting her to the floor 4 teleportation gate. "Hi Shaya!" She chirped as she gave her a fuzzy blue coat; activating her <> Skill as she smiles at the winter snow falling on her head. She giggles a tiny bit as she shakes her head and the snowflake lands onto her hand. Demolishing into only water droplets. "So how are you doing?" She asks her friend as she waves to her, wondering how her guild member and personal best friend had been doing.

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She sees her friend appear after a bright flash of pixels explode in front of her. She took the coat and put it on, Hey Ruri, it's been okay I guess. But I don't have anyone to talk to very much when Angel isn't around. She takes a look at the game guide, Hey Ruri, how do I become a beast tamer? I want to have a familiar like you. She thinks of all the animals in the game that she's seen so far, It'd be cool to have a companion to follow you around everywhere you went.

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She sees the familiar gypsy from before and pats her shoulder. "Hello Ma'm this girl over here would like to take your quest!" She smiles and points to Shaya. "Why-- hello Shaya..." The gypsy had said as she gave Shaya a bone for her to feed to a chosen beast. "Feed this upon your chosen beast then speak the name of what you chosen and your beast will be tamed; as you would be given the <> Title." She explained as she walked away and Ruri nodded to Shaya.

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She grins as she sees the Gypsy place the bone in her hands and walk away. "Lets go!" Ruri smiles over to Shaya as she takes her curved sword and places it on her shoulder. Looking over to Shaya to see if she was okay. "Make sure you place that in your inventory!" She states as she started to move forward talking along the way. "Did you hear that I accepted that redemption quest?" She said trying to make a conversation.

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Shaya put the bone in her inventory and looked back to her, Did you? I hear its a really hard quest to complete. She begins to walk into the snowy wasteland as it seemed, the snow began to pick up like a blizzard. She moves her arm in front of her face as she continues, Hey Ruri you're fine without a coat right? She looks to her as if she was crazy wearing her normal clothes out in the snow.

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Shaya tilted her head as Ruri ran after the tiger, Tag? She thought in her head. Alright let's go! she runs after Ruri and the tiger. She began to slow down seeing it was a whole family of tigers. Ruri, I don't think that's a great idea. The tigers begin to growl as she gets closer. Tigers are kind of... not nice to people that take their children.

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They begin to rush to the top of the hill together, hoping to find something at the top. Shaya ran past Ruri and jumped in the air at the top celebrating that she won a race that she never even challenged Ruri to. She looks around on the top of the hill and sees a small black and white striped tail sticking up out if the snow. She looks to Ruri and moves one of her hands above her lips and the other pointing to the little animal.

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"Hello there.." She said softly to the beast as she smiled and began to walk towards it slowly. It had been a large beast that looked as if some sort of leamor. This wouldn't be a good familiar as she knew she grinned for a second; "Ready?" She had asked Shaya before taking out her sword through her menu letting Shaya attack first.

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Shaya ran up to the lemur and looked t it closely this time seeing how much HP it had. Lemur: 7 HP. Ruri! It has 7 hp! I don't think we're going to win! She said jokingly as she swung her blade at the little monster. As she brought her sword down all she hit was the snow below her as the lemur jumped swiftly out of the way.

Ruri 57/57

Shaya 21/21

Lemur 7/7

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Ruri growled at the lemur as it was her time to attack, she circled her opponent once, then went in for 'the kill'. "TIME TO DIE, RAT!" She yelled as she jumped forward. Her katana's blade now in front of her. In one blow, she had deducted 6 Hp! "ONE HP LEFT SHAYA!" She yelled before jumping back to her original spot near Shaya.

Ruri 57/57

Shaya 21/21

Lemur 1/7

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Shaya watched as Ruri attacked and saw the lemur's health go immediately as Ruri slashed at it. Ruri got back next to her and all Shaya could do is let her jaw drop, it took a few seconds but she eventually came to, Holy crap Ruri! How are you so strong? She started walking toward the lemur and she charged at it after she got about halfway. She swung her sword as she ran past it cutting it cleanly in half. YAY! She cheered and made a cute pose and a peace sign with her hand. Anyway, wow! Ruri you are the strongest person I know!

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She blushed a little from the compliment she got. "Oh no I couldn't be as strong as Keith..." She said as she looked over to her as she scrolled through her menu putting her sword back into it. "So.. where is that tiger..." She said for a moment before moving forward, exploring the area more thoroughly. She tries to spy something a little.. fuzzy yet black and white as well. She grinned, finding something like that and seeing a more circled ear on the other side of the tree... this was it... Maybe it was a snow tiger family... She wanted to find out. she moved around the tree as she looked over to Shaya. "Two baby snow tigers, One large one." She said as she looked behind it still seeing Shaya in a small pause.

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