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[SHOP-F1] <<The Cherry Blossom Trader>>

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The Cherry Blossom Trader

Finally, he had started up his own shop. The house he had bought himself, was just located a couple of blocks away from the town center, so he figured that it would be easy to find, while still not being in the middle of it all. When you entered the door to the first room, it was a medium sized room with a long counter on the other side of the entrance, with another door next to it.

At the walls, there where shelfs and benches ((In lack of better words)) Where the merchandise would be placed. At the back room is where his storage would be, he had decided to not let everything be out in the open, and would instead have a a storage with only "Examples" in the front.

He had put up a hanging board outside, next to the entrande where it would say "The Cherry Blossom Trader"

-How trade proceeds-

You tell me what you want, and then we will either trade for it, or you will pay with col. This can be talked about.


Boar tusks x2

Wolf fur x1

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Seldentar wandering down the streets of the Town of Beginnings notices the new shop. A trade shop, that was different. Other then that one person who was selling things out of a bag on a carpet, he hadn't noticed many merchants. He wanders in, looking around the store for anything of interest, his eyes being drawn to the bars of metal.

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Sakuri put his finger across his mouth as he looked upwards a bit, this is also known as his thinking face. After a few moments of thinking he looked at the player again.

"First of all, if you are a blacksmith or any of the sort, i would always be happy to make trades with equipment which i could sell. Otherwise, offer me what you want, if it so is col or materials." He said with a smile.

((Guessing that you're a BS, so that if you got no orders and are just doing equipment for the xp, r using yourself, i would love to trade that. So i clear what i said a bit more.))

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Sakuri felt really happy by the anwser ha had gotten, since equipment is always useful, both for the shop and possibly for himself also!

''Well you know where to find me!" He said while chuckled a bit.

Sakuri felt kinda relieved that he had gotten a player interested in his shop on such short note, he had hought that ti would atleast take a couple of days from when he started it.

He felt like he already had to go out to gather more materials..

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Seldentar Enters the trade shop again, carrying a piece of paper with item names and descriptions. He places it down on the counter.

"Heres what I have that no one has asked about yet."

Uncommon Items

Aquatic Stinger:Light Dagger, +1 Damage

Sharpened Blade: +1 Damage Long Sword

Valorous Defender:Shield, On BD 8 - 10, negates next 1 damage taken

Rare Items

Finesse Rapier: Rare Rapier, Disarms Foes (See link for specifics)

Juggernaut Armor: Rare Armor, on Battle Dice 8 - 10 Prevents the next 2 Damage you take, Critical Hits always deal at least one damage.

Razor Edge:Rare Shield, on 6 - 8 unmodified Enemy Battle Dice, Enemy takes 1 damage

Suit of Blades: On Enemy Battle Dice Unmodified 6 - 8, Enemy takes 1 damage

Dagger of the Moon: +2 Damage

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That is actually lots cheaper than i expected.. He thinks to himself. He then thought that making some sort of a tarde partner could be good, so maybe he shoul give him a good price.

"Well, I will give you 4 for each one of them, thus 8 metal. As a token of friendship." He says with a smile hoping that it would be enough

"How does that sounds?"

-Metal in inventory-

Iron bars x10

Steel bars x5

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Sakuri notices the new stepping through the doors, asking for alchemical reagents. Sakuri had no real clue what that might be.

"Well i only got what you can see around" He said poitning towards the diferent stuff aroudn the shop.

"But what mig those reagents be? Maybe i can go looking for them for you." He said while he put on his thinking face.

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Sakuri notices the new stepping through the doors, asking for alchemical reagents. Sakuri had no real clue what that might be.

"Well i only got what you can see around" He said poitning towards the diferent stuff aroudn the shop.

"But what mig those reagents be? Maybe i can go looking for them, since i would love to have such things also." He said while he put on his thinking face.

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  • 1 month later...

As I walk around townI start thinking, I need To get some Unique metals So I can Get a new weapon I start asking around with no luck. Until I see a sign "the Cherry Blossom trader Wonder if they have any Metals for sale" I walk up to the door and knock A couple of times, but the door is unlocked And it opens a little. I move my head over to see if I can see anybody inside. "Hello anybody home I would like to buy some metals"

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