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[SP-F1] Earning a Living {Quest}

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Hisamuya strolled through the town of beginnings eager to learn how to smith in the world of Sword Art Online. he wanted to create weapons not only that he could use but also sell to others and help the people of Sword Art Online. If he wanted to obtain strong gear then he had 2 options. Option A was to farm kill ridiculously hard mobs until getting one of the ridiculously strong weapons or armor that can be dropped from them or master the ways of crafting. he seeked out a quest or a way in which he could learn how to do so.

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An NPC stood in front of what appeared to be a forgery area for blacksmithing. He was a tall man wearing green high level armor of his own design. He had a head of brown hair that connected to a full grown beard. There were words above his head that read as follows 'Master Blacksmith.' An exclamation point loomed over his head show that he had a quest available.

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As Hisamuya strolled through the town he instantly noticed the Master Blacksmith standing in front of the forgery. He glanced at the exclamation point above the Master Blacksmith's head and walked up to the blacksmith. When he approached close enough a menu appeared which read


Quest: Earning a Living

Do you Accept?

Yes No


Hisamuya touched the yes button on the menu that had appeared in front of him and then the menu Disappeared and the Master Blacksmith began to speak.

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Hisamuya listened to the blacksmiths words then raised an eyebrow. He seemed to be confused about someone that the master blacksmith just said and felt like he should speak up about that. He took a deep breath and replied to the Master Blacksmith by saying. "Yes I would like to be a blacksmith but I was unaware I could choose. How did you know Blacksmith was what I was aiming to be in this game when I wasn't given a menu with multiple choices stating such?" Hisamuya asked the Master Blacksmith.

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The Master blacksmith let out another sigh. it was clear to him that this young player did not go through the professions tutorial and did not know what this quest involved. The master blacksmith then proceeded to say "Well you see little man there are various quest with this same title scattered throughout the Town of Beginnings one for each profession. Blacksmithing is just one of them and I happen to be the Master Blacksmith do you see where I'm going with this?" The Master Blacksmith crouched to the young players height now face to face with him and awaited an answer from him.

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Hisamuya nodded face to face with the tall blacksmith. He did not like to be mocked by someone taller than him but he was eager to learn how to forge metal weapons and armor so he decided to put up with it. Hisamuya responded by saying"Ok I understand but once I have completed this quest would I be able to do the quests for the other professions?". Hisamuya was curious as to whether or not someone could master every profession or if there was a limit of some kind based around these quests.

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The master Blacksmith grinned after hearing what the young player had to say. He was impressed that someone was smart enough to ask this before starting their profession quest. It was something that rarely ever happened when someone took his quest. "No can do little man. Once you've completed one profession quest all the others will become unavailable to you so before we get this show on the road tell me one thing. Are you sure you want to be a blacksmith or would you rather check out the other professions first?"

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Hisamuya took a moment to think about it. Knowing there were multiple professions that he could learn but he was limited to learning one then he might have believe that it would be better to take a look at the other professions before accepting. Then he remembered that crafting or Blacksmithing were usually his best things in other RPGs he had played before SAO and came to a decision. ""Yes sir I still accept. I wish to be a Blacksmith so go ahead and teach me how I can forge things." He said to the Master Blacksmith with a determined look on his face.

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The Master Blacksmith smiled at the kid. He liked his determination because he could tell that this young player was ready to learn the art of blacksmithing. "Very well then let us jump right into the lesson." The Master Black cleared his throat and got ready to begin the lesson. "First things first to craft anything you need mats." The Master Blacksmith said not explaining much about what mats are and what they do. "Certain types of mats are used for certain types of crafting."

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Hisamuya raised an eyebrow confused. Not in a single RPG he ever played had he ever heard of mats as anything other than a decoration that you could place inside of your home. He needed the Master Blacksmith to explain more about those. "Sir I need to you stop for a moment. Could you explain to me what mats are?" he asked the Master Blacksmith while looking at him in confusion.

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The Blacksmith stopped and laughed at himself for a moment. He was amazed that he forgot to explain what mats are. "Sorry about that little man my mind got away from me for a second." The blacksmith said while still laughing a little. he pulled himself together and continued to explain what mats were. "Mats are short for materials. If you don't know what materials are then you must be stupid."

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The master Blacksmith nodded knowing that it was ok for him to continue. "Now that as I was saying you need certain mats to create certain types of items. In this case you want to create metal based items like swords and armor so you would need ore based mats to create them and if you wanted to create a cloth coat you would need some form of thread and for leather you need hide based mats." He took a breath after saying all of that because he did not take a breath in between. "Ok you know this now it's time for a pre-test. Just one question. Tell me 3 ways in which you can collect mats."

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Hisamuya listened to the Master Blacksmith's question. He took a moment to think about the possibilities and then he came up with an answer. "There are actually 4 ways you can collect mats in the world of Sword Art online. You can gain them by killing various mobs. You can gain them by harvesting them from the environment. You can gain them as rewards from certain quest and you can be gifted mats from other players or buy mats from other players." Hisamuya smiled confident that he had gotten the correct answer to the Master Blacksmith's question.

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The Master Blacksmith smiled. Most people who took his quest usually forgot about the gifting or buying from players part of the first question. "I only asked for 3 of those 4 but excellent job. Now I shall explain to you the process of crafting itself. You see it's all in how you roll the dice." The Master Blacksmith reaching into his pocket and brought out a set of dice. He then put away 2 of them.

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The Master Blacksmith smiled at the player's confused face. "Confused huh little man? I can get that it's not a common system to base crafting on but that's what makes SAO so unique." The Master Blacksmith rolled the die around in his hand showing the player all the different numbers on it. "You have 3 dice. Battle dice crafting dice and looting dice. For now focus only on this die. The crafting die is the only important die right now."

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Hisamuya nodded to the Master Blacksmith. He was paying close attention to the lesson being given by the Master Blacksmith not only because he wanted to learn how to create metal items but also because he wanted to know the reason this system was based around dice and how it would work. He has hypothesized by now that the system will be luck based.

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The Master Blacksmith nodded back still playing with the die that was in his hand. "You see the quality of the item you craft assuming you role high enough to craft anything at all is completely dependant on this die. If you roll too low then you will fail to craft an item and possibly lose your mats. If you roll the highest possible number then you will craft a perfect item.Everything in-between can range from a bad item to an uncommon item. Lets demonstrate." The Master shake the die inside of his hand a rolls it onto the floor landing next to Hisamuya's feet.

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