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[SP-F6] Destruction of a mind {Calming the soul}

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By now all over the starting town, it was extremely common to hear about the strange rumors or experiences of players who had gained an usual skill. Leo had heard among many conversations in the Town square that there was this unassuming sized Waterfall located on the Sixth Floor of Aincrad. It's unsure to everyone as to when it appeared there, but it has been the cause of many deaths already and was a visiting point for the brave and wanting. (A Meditation skill huh? That would improve the Battle Healing I already know. I can definitely see such a benefit being the turning point for many players. Judging from every time I've heard it now, it seems my attempt to fetch this skill would be a quick fight considering my level.

That settles it. Whelp, here I go.)

Leo pushed himself up from the stone bench where he had rested for a good hour. It wasn't hard to figure out that the Starting Town's square would be the ideal place to pick up free information on all of the most valuable things in Aincrad. Due to the volume of succession in this rumor though, he considered it a victory and headed off towards the link between floors with a smirk across his lips.

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It had been a long and dangerous Journey, but the gate to Floor Six was only just ahead of him in a glowing shimmer that lit up in a blinding light as he entered through the void. This was the first time Leo had visited this Floor and everything seemed impossible to navigate like the previous Floors. No discerning features were among the vast sea of Trees all around him. Previously until now, he would line out directions on a Map inside his mind that had easily memorable placeholders such as giant Boulders or a Lake.

(Jungles and Forests are all the same to me, creepy as hell.) Leo's eyes circled vertically around his position in a dizzy frenzy to console his paranoia about the emptiness of this Floor. Only a slight White Noise in the distance had managed to draw his attention away from the illusion he seemed to be drawn in. If it was any luck, the Waterfall was calling to him like it was said to do to others. (They weren't kidding about the feeling you get here. It saves me a bunch of time from walking aimlessly between the Trees, so I'm not complaining.)

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Getting dragged by himself into a forethought of what he didn't want or need, Leon twitched his upper lip as he swung his face down into the palm of his hand. A short stop and correction of himself at the darkness he faced, Leon continued forward in the madness of the infliction and found his way there through pure want and the sounds he heard. He set his crimson eyes upon the sanctuary ahead with no heed or caution to what he heard before attempting the journey. "..Heh.." A short and prominent chuckle came from him before walking up to the shoreline of the lake that laid beneath the gush of water.

As much as he needed it right now, mediation was the last of appealing things he felt like jumping into right now. Forcing himself to calm down, he did the pose movies would show Monks doing in Martial art films. (Let's see what you look like, ba#%^rd.) A cycle of breathing in and out helped him focus on other things as whispers grew quietly in the back of his mind. "Wake up!" Another's voice called to him in his rest and warned him to open his eyes once more. "You were expecting no less?..."

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"How could I not? Let's get this over with and quit the talking. Leo nodded a tad bit and pulled his curved blade from it's sheath. His shadowed image smirked the similar smirk of Leon's and began to change immediately in agreement to start things early. The beast barely had only one extra arm popped through it's back and ready to attack before Leon took the incentive with concern and hatred. The Curved sword was held in place by another arm and hand that appeared from the creature's gut in the last moments before it had been pierced. "Not yet.... Leooooooon... it's all the more fun when it builds." The words and playful tone only served to piss off Leon more. Kneeing the monster in the elbow of it's dark limb, he let his blade swing free around the side without any protective arms and planned to cut right through to the back of the neck if he was quick enough.

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