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(PP-F2) Grimm Scythe

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The day was pretty foggy as i walk through the streets. Come to find out about the dart that a guy named Jenkins made the equipment, but the enhancements on it were just Paralyze Poison! Why would they have that unless they want to kidnap Lady Nunia. There's numerous reasons what it could be that they want. My head starts to ache for thinking about it too much.

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Walking with my hands in my pocket as I see my brother lost in thought, from the looks of it. I clench my teeth thinking about the day I lost to him. I said things I shouldn't have said. Step by step I walk over towards him petting his back as I look at him with a smirk. "whats wrong you loser!?" I said sarcastically while rubbing the back of my neck.

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"Yeah hahah! It was really hard and I'm surprised I made it. But eh, nothing I can't handle! What's up with you brother!?" I notice my brother not asking if I was still upset or not, I thought it was weird but I didn't bother asking. "whats on today's schedule brother?"

Note: this will be after I've completed my thread. Just for everyone's information. I'm starting this as if I've beaten it! ^^

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(I explain what happened after I got up here. The details are in The Wanted List thread.)

...And now i'm trying to find this guy name Jenkins. I finished with a long sigh as i went to the Diner.

"Come on, the bill's on me this time." I said with a smile as i took my hat off.

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I sigh slightly after hearing that long ass story. After he finished he offered food to me at the diner, and even said he's paying the bill. "Free food!?? Sounds good to me!"As we walk into the diner and have a seat a lady asked us what we need. "Well I'd like some bread and cream...that would be it for me, oh wait, and some tea." I look over at my brother.

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"A sandwich with turkey meat and some OJ would be fine." I quickly said but made sure she got it. I looked around to find it slightly crowded with players and NPC alike.

"But yeah that's what happened while i was here, what about you? I take it you went through the Dungeon for your first time?" I asked curiously.

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As my brother is ordering I knew exactly what he'd ask for, this was his favorite meal in the real world to. I'm sure he knows I love bread and cream to. Hahah I wish sister was here to! After shaking my head outta thought I looked at him while smiling a bit before chuckling. "heheh. It was pretty cool, tho the monsters didn't stand a chance! Especially them boars! Anyways, I'm getting close to your level. I'm about to be level six really soon!" I slap the table gently while chuckling.

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"That's good to hear! Say did you know that she just got up to the 4th floor already?" I asked. Then the server presented our dishes before us and after giving my thanks i took a bite in the sandwich.

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After he tells me that our sister has reached floor 4 I was shocked a bit, and a little sad. As the waiter serves our dish I smile at my brother taking a huge bite into his sandwich. I hold up my bread spreading cream on it as I take a huge bite leaving cream around my mouth. "to be honest brother....last time I seen her was awhile back. But we have yet to fully speck to each other. I wish we could though." I chuckle leaving the cream by my mouth.

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I chuckled, "oh trust me, we will again soon." I said with confidence. Although I have been concerned about her, but she can fend for herself pretty well. Still, even the strongest can fall in battle, and with my current situation I'm afraid i just put my younger brother in the spotlight now...

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I smile as my brother told me we'd see our sister again soon. I took some more cream putting it on the bread biting it while taking a sip of tea afterwards. "Heh....I think I can beat her! I've gotten stronger since that last duel. I hope to see her again while I walk the solo player path. So far I can handle my own. Which is really good for a beginner!" I said before chuckling.

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After wiping the last piece of bread with cream and putting bit in my mouth chomping on it as I roughly speak. "Agg...gulp...I...w..would l..ove to.." I finally finish my food while sipping on the tea to wash it down while chuckling a bit! "im ready whenever brother!!!!"

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I cracked a smile as i drank my OJ and paid the bill. We walked out the Diner and we went around and asked about the Jenkins guy. But no one's heard or seen him which i found rather odd.

"Alright, i guess he isn't who we thought he was. Maybe someone working for him?" I continued to process it as i sat down on a bench near a park.

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Seeing that we had been asking around for a great deal of time I started complaining so we too a seat on a nearby bench. As my brother sits on the bench I lean my back against the side of his arm while lifting my feet over the rail on my side as I place my arm over my forward while looking up to the sky. "Maybe we still got some hope. Just because these losers don't know much don't mean anything. We should find an information broker? I heard they know more than just about dungeons and stuff. Or am I just over exaggerating"

Note: I'm dropping the sister thing. Act like I never said anything.

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"It's a possibility, we'll check on it soon." I said. After a few minutes of resting our legs had gone by, we went to the Info. Broker that was nearby us.

"Jenkins is a really infamous PKer who wants to be the one to have all the power over everyone's life. Those who prove to be. a threat he drags them out and takes them out of the picture. He has agents working for him and they listen to everything that goes around here." I had to stop the guy from talking any further as i gave him thanks and we left that area.

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After resting our legs for a while from that fully serving of food that tasted do delicious, we find the nearest information broker, the information he was telling us was really good, until my brother stopped him he began to walk away as I followed him. "Brother why didn't you ask the obvious question? Well never mind....I doubt he'd knew where to find him. So you don't have any clues where to find him? When was the last place ya saw em? This is rather difficult brother. But we'll figure it out!" I smirk while slapping my brother on the back.

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"Finding him would be simple, but if he's a PKer then he can't enter any safe zones without getting attacked by NPC Guards. Which means that the Paralyze Poison was also meant for him to confront the captive without getting interrupted." I explained as we head for the Valecyla's Mansion in the west plaza.

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I thought to myself, easy? How? Eh... Listening to my brother I look around the area were in as I speak to my brother with confidence while unsheathing my Anneal Blade. "Brother stop..... Someone's following us. My instincts are telling me this. I can feel it.... I turn around slowly.

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