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(PP-F2) Grimm Scythe

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I turned and was about to ask what when he noticed a dark hooded figure standing on a roof as he shot a silver dart at Zauis. i quickly unsheathed Xilanvale as its smoky-like blade radiating a unnatural dark feeling as i blocked the dart from hitting Zauis. Seeing that this is my chance, i dashed towards the building the figure was standing on who is now running from. With a simple jump, i landed on the roof and chased after the figure.

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Not noticing what was coming toward me my brother slashes it away while dashing toward the hood figure on the building I firmly grip my Anneal blade, dashing toward the hooded figures location as my brother followed him I rushed to the front of the hooded figure to block him off, leaving him for no escape, or so I thought. "Damnit brother!!!! We've gotta get him!!!

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I held my breath as i burst at the figure and tackle it to the ground just a few feet from Zauis. The figure grunted and tried to break free, and it sounded like woman's voice. Not taking any chances, i stapled the figure's hand with my Xilanvale and the we heard a cry in agony as i got to my feet and i tore off the hood to confirm that it was indeed a young girl. Guilt hit my heart, but i ignored it.

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Stand a few feet from my brother and the hooded figure I witness my brother tackle them and staple their hand as he rips the hood off I notice it's a young girl as my brother is forced to use strength to hold her down I dash over to them and walk a little behind my brother while pulling out my Anneal Blade. "We've got some questions for you lady....we're gonna need you to a honest and well let ya go, ya understand? If you wanna act difficult then you witness the Black Flames. " I smirk while talking camly.

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She stopped moving as she begins to sob. I couldn't tell if it was from pain or from something else.

"I swear... I swear i didn't mean to do it..." She murmured as she cries. I couldn't help but feel bad, then i took a risk.

"If i pull this out, will you try to run again?" I asked. She noddded as she begins to shake.. I took my sword out of her hand and i blocked her path to escape on one side while Zauis has the other covered. She did as she promised, she sat up straight as she rubs her hand that got stapled.

"What's your name?" I asked. She looked at me with blue eyes

"Its... Its Farris..." She said as she pulls her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Ok Farris, I'm going to ask you a couple questions and all of this will be over alright?" I said in a soothing tone.

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Zauis wondered about the girl as soon as she pulled her long blonde hair behind her ear I thought to myself, this girl? She looks rather familiar. I'm not sure why but I know for a fact I've met her before. Not recognizing her name made me feel as if I'm just dreaming that we've met but I knew who she was. Just couldn't put the pieces together. Having her blocked off both ways it seems my brother really is eager to know questions. He even went as far as stapling her hand, though I did point my sword at her. Rubbing the back of my neck while getting the courage up to ask her something I give her a smile before proceeding. "Farris? Do I know you from somewhere? I'm sure I do.. I just can't grasp why and how I know you." Zauis said with a hint of confusion.

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She looked at Zauis and studied him for a minute.

"If I'm not mistaken... i believe i ran into you a couple times on the 1rst floor." She said and looks back at me.

"Alright, question 1, who sent?" I asked. She hesitated as her eyes widen in fear.

"It... it was Jenkins... He was the one giving me directions and telling me what to do and when to do it..." She said.

"Why did you follow his instructions?" I asked. Her face grew red as she was on the verge of tears.

"I didn't want to... But he... he has my sister... He and his men kidnapped her while she was going on a night's hunt... I didn't know about it until he messaged me the next morning... Ever since then I've been following everything he says so that he doesn't kill her!" She said with misery and distress on her face as she starts crying again. I took a deep breath as i was about to ask her the last question.

"Where is he hiding?" I asked. She looked up at the sky as she closed her eyes.

"Last time i saw him, he was around a cave with a few PKers including my sister... Please, you must save her!" She begged. A cave that's big enough to house a few players? If I'm right, they should be around the big mining shaft just half a days worth of walk from here. I thought to myself.

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Zauis thought to himself, my ass I ran into you on floor 1. She's lying but I don't have time to waste on her. I'll let it go for now but I think I remember who she is. Should I kill her? Nah not now... After Farris told us the information she seemed to know very well, almost as if she was a information broker. I didn't really believe most of it though. It was too well put together in a matter of minutes. But it's better off going anyway, that way we'll have clues and maybe find something near.

I run my hand through my curly black hair as I sigh. "Thanks the information little lady. I'll make sure we save your "sister"" I turn my back to them and rub the back of my neck while looking at the crystal blue sky.

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I nodded in agreement.

"Zauis, may i ask you a favor...?" I asked in a rather empty tone.

"Could you save the girl? I got personal business to take care of with this Jenkins and his guild..." I explained as i did bear hatred towards them.

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Zauis wondered why his brother wanted to send him away. Like he told me I could help him with the job but now it's as if he is about to do a massacre. I shrugged a bit knowing what the problem was. "Why the hell do you plan on doing everything alone? I could see if it was monsters your going to fight but as you know, in this game, players are worst than monsters. You can't easily figure out a pattern because they are real people and have multiple skills. Don't do this alone dammit...." I said emotionally.

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Zauis clenched his teeth while turning to his brother he quickly unsheathed his Anneal Blade while growing Black Flames onto it as he swiftly dashed at his brother swinging the sword, hoping for a clash to test his strength. "Tch....."

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Without hesitating or even blink, i swung my sword as brother charged at me. With a single stroke, my Xilanvale blew his sword straight out of his grasp as my intent to kill started to reveal itself as i held the point at Zauis's throat.

"As i said, i can't let you witness this with your eyes. All you have to do is make sure her sister gets out before all hell breaks loose." I explained as i continued to glare at him with killing intent.

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Not caring that my sword flew out my grasp, not caring about what my brother said and definitely not caring about that look he gave me. He's my brother and I love him so I can't.. I'll knock some sense into him. As he looked at me I quickly grabbed his arm where he's holding his sword as I knee him in the stomach making him release his sword I jump on top of him and began punching him in the face. "why don't you understand damnit....WHY!?!?"

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Getting punched in the face repeatedly, my inner self starts to crack into the surface of my mind. Grabbing his punching arm, i kicked him off as i got on my feet. Anger was starting to swell up inside me, but knowing him he won't back down. That's just how stubborn he is. I smirked as i looked at him getting on his feet fixing to charge at me.

"Alright, you can come along. Just know that you've been warned. Another thing, Jenkins especially is mine that i want to take down, understand?" I assured.

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I reared up while hitting him as I see the angered look within his eyes he kicked me off of him as I fly back toward Farris I quickly get up about to charge again until I heard his words. This was magnificent that I changed his mind. "No worries. I'll just have fun with his minions and I'll be looking for Farris's sister while you take care of him. Take this brother." I toss him a potion to regain his health as I do the same. I smiled back at Farris before saying "We'll rescue your sister....I promise" Still thinking it was a trap I play along.

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I drank the potion brother gave me, and after we got calmed down we escorted Farris to the Inn and bought a room for the night. After that we departed for the Mining Shaft where Farris had described. We fought a couple monsters to warm ourselves up for whatever is up ahead. The Mining Shaft looked abandoned with pickaxes litter the floor with minecarts spotted here and there, but there wasn't any sign of them. I was starting to think that Farris's information was false when we got surrounded by at least 7 players that had orange cursors over their heads. i drew out my Xilanvar as i quickly scanned the surroundings.

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As we are surrounding by the orange players I sigh a bit knowing that I should speak up now and tell my brother. "Brother I tried to explain that chick was indifferent. She probably gave us false information because she knew who I was. She played it off as if she didn't. Let's take care if these guys first..." I unsheathe my Anneal Blade and slash a two if the pkers while the black flames spread wider I unleash a huge slash taking out two more as I pant.

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"Don't use too much of that or you'll pass out from overuse." I warned as my blade erupted in crimson flame. Only this time more deadly as it scorches the ground into almost magma as i raged on the PKers. With a single stroke, the rest of the three went zero and shattered into tiny particles of data. A twisted sense of pleasure plunged in my heart as i extinguished the flames right after they were defeated. There was clapping echoing the walls, and up ahead was a man in late-20's wearing a brown leather jacket and carried a Two-Handed Sword on his back as he dragged a girl behind him by the hair.

"Well done, it seems she did proved useful after all. Too bad her sister still meets the same fate!" He said coldly as he threw the girl to the ground. I could tell she was beaten and starving from the looks of it. That set me off as Jenkins draws out his Claymore while the girl struggles to get on her feet, but she lacks the strength to do so. My sword burning red hot as raging crimson flame engulfs my entire right arm. I bursted towards him, tearing up the ground on my feet as i swung my sword and arm at Jenkins' blade. The force was overwhelming as it blew him into a minecart and put a huge dent in it.

"Zauis... Get her out of here..." I said while containing myself from losing control of myself.

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From using my Black Flames too much I place my hand over the left side of my face as I shrug in pain while witnessing my brother going insane making the ground break and crackle "Aghhhhh my head.....Brother I could say the same to you...please be careful." I threw my brother my last potion as I grab the girl telling her to get on my back as I place my arms around her legs I turn away from the fight and commotion as I dash off quickly still hearing the vibrations from the ground and the small voices begging for mercy of those who haven't died as I continue running to get the girl to safety. I thought to myself, [censored]...I just left my brother to protect her. Why....I should've stayed. Complaining to myself I shed a few tears.

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