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(PP-F2) Grimm Scythe

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"No... No please don't...!" Jenkins begged as his right right arm has already been severed from his body and his HP is dropping dramatically. i raised my sword that blazed with Crimson Flames that had Black Flames streaking it. I grinned as i brought the blade down on him. It sliced him from head to toe, and his body split in two halves just before he shattered into pieces. All the other PKers were astonished and couldn't contain their fear as they began to panic. I looked at them as they tried to run but kept falling back down. I slowly step towards them as the flames continue to blaze Crimson streaked with Black Flames. With a single stroke, i cut down all four of them. That's when i stopped the flames, leaving my entire right arm scorched as my <> heals as fast as it possibly can, but it still had a good ways to go. I stepped outsidde with my sword sheathed. My mind was almost shot. I couldn't really think other than their blood is on my hands now.

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OffTopic: Gawwd damn xD

As I continued running I notice the girl mumbling something my ear as I see the nearest restaurant. "look, don't waste your breathe until you eat. I've gotta tell ya something anyways." Being in front of the restaurant I drop her off my back as she lands on her feet stumbling a bit I wrap my arm around her waist as I walked her into the restaurant and we both sat down as I ordered enough food for the both if us. After eating some bread and letting her fill up I decide to have a conversation with her. "Well my name is Zauis and I came to rescue you, along with my brother. I also promised ya sister that I'd rescue you anyway. She's very worried about you to. Can I get your name and such? Here drink this." I handed her a potion because her health was rather low.

The little lady swallowed her food before talking as she wiped her mouth with the napkin on the table. "Lexi, Lexi's the name. It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm glad you came to my rescue. You know my sister huh? Is she your girlfriend!?" she chuckled while twirling her finger on the table.

Zauis blushed while waving both hands and shaking his head as he began sweating a bit. "No way. I'm not her boyfriend! Haha. So why were you involved with that guy? Or how?"

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"Well, i loved to go see the moon and also hunting at night. While i was doing that, i felt something sharp pierced my skin and i at first thought it was some kind insect mob that stings their prey but it turned out to be a dart and well... i think you can guess the rest." She said as she drank the potion. (Btw this is now third-person for me for the time being.) One of the players gasped.

"What the hell is that...?" One of the guys asked. As they loojed out the window they see Night with a scorched arm and his trench coat just expired as it shatters to reveal his leather tunic walking up to the Diner with eyes filled with sorrow.

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Zauis took note of everything she said as he nodded while taking a sip of his tea. "So I'm assuming he shot the dart at you! The dart must've pierced ya good injected some type of consciousness. It's good that ya made it out a lot." I yawn while looking out the window seeing my brother. I thought to myself, damn, he looks like hell.

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(Ok back to first person view.) My head was still shot as my trench coat expired. I entered the Diner as i felt everyone's gaze on me as i approached Zauis and the girl. I took a deep breath.

"Its done... Jenkins won't be committing anymore murders nor will his men..." i told everyone in the room I slowly looked at Zauis straight into his eyes.

"I'll be taking a nap, 10A..." i said without using a message as i slowly walked out of the Diner. I went to my room in the Inn and the moment i got close to my bed, i blacked out before i could get my shoes off at least.

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Zauis looked worried as his brother looked almost dead. I thought to myself, he must be exhausted and he probably overused his Flames. No need to worry about him though, he'll be just fine. But now that Lexi has energy I can take her to her sister in the Inn. I stood up leaving the money on the table as I look at Lexi. "Lets get going. Your sister is waiting for you to return. We bought her a room at the Inn that's just a few places down." Zauis said calmy while walking out the restaurant.

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(Third person view.) Lexi hurried to Zauis' side in order to catch up with him. They went to Farris room (4B) and the moment the two saw each other they cried out each other's names and they embraced each other warmly. After a while of their reunion, Farris looks at Zauis with thankful eyes. She didn't say anything, but she mouthed the words. "Thank you."

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Zauis turned his back to the lovely reunion while throwing up his hand as he left the Inn he dashed back to the Inn where his brother was as he thought to himself, I wonder what happen to that loser? I bet any of my equipment he overused the Crimson Flame and it'll take a day for recover. But as strong as he is it'll be fine. I make it to the Inn as I run to the room 10A and open the door to witness my brother knocked out on the bed as I chuckle slightly.

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