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Groups and Guilds

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Well, we'll see. Also here is the outline again so people dont have to switch between pages to see it.

Guild Making Rules

Guild Start up requirements:

Minimum level of 5

Minimum player count of 4 to start up.

Col amount:

Then once approved, we could format a guild main page to be:

Guild Name:


Type of guild: (PK/Front line/merchant or all around)

Guild Description: (Describe your guild, your plans and what it means to you as the player)

HQ: (when bought)


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  • 10 months later...
Where do we stand on this, I know we have a form but where do we post this. This kinda needs to be settled for both plot development and for other players.

Looks like we can begin, we can use Crim's format.

Well, we'll see. Also here is the outline again so people dont have to switch between pages to see it.

Guild Making Rules

Guild Start up requirements:
Minimum level of 5
Minimum player count of 4 to start up.
Col amount:

Then once approved, we could format a guild main page to be:

We'll need someone to announce this important information in the guilds section of the forum.

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