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[OP-F1] Thirsty? Hungry? Inn.

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Gestein sipped his strange tasting tea on the porch of the inn as he watched a small crowd begin to form in the street. Was there going to be another mass-recruitment drive from yet another guild claiming liberation? It wasn't that he didn't want to fight, or that he didn't want to join a guild. There was something about the large guilds that popped up that didn't sit right with the veteran gamer. They were all so... impersonal. In his mind, guilds should be less like a standing army and more like a group of close-knit friends. That was why, despite knowing the need for players to go to the front lines, Gestein found himself still in the starting city.

At least they have the good sense not to recruit children, he thought to himself. Although there were probably kids that were higher level than him, Gestein still didn't feel comfortable with the thought of the young ones risking their lives, no matter how talented they were in battle. He could see a few younglings on the edge of the crowed; one girl in particular looked like she was no older than 10. Though he didn't particularly mind being stuck in this game, he could only imagine what it was like for kids like her. Perhaps though, this would be different.


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(OOC to be clear I did not come marching in with an army or say you should 'Step forwards for the liberation of Aincrad'.)

From a side alley the man emerges. "I see you have come. This is NOT a message from the Aincrad Liberation Army. I called you here to give you the opportunity of a supervised training session. We will be going to teach you how to work effectively on your own, and as a group. " he shouted.

"Those who come will be offered rewards and the chance of a mini-boss fight if they perform well." he explains.

"My name is Ethereal, the Fireheart Alchemist. I've always helped lower levels the best I can, but I always wanted a step up from that. Here it is."

(OOC http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4266&p=66119#p66119)

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From his spot down the street, Jester easily heard what Ethereal had said. Training? That means there will be things to kill, won't it? Oh my, I hope there will be things to kill! Basically skipping down the street in pure joy, Jester stopped in front of Ethereal, a maniacal grin plastered on his face. "Oh, my, Mr. Fireheart alchemist! This training camp does sound most...interesting! I hope you wouldn't mind if little old me tagged along..." Jester bounced around Ethereal, clearly excited. Yes, yes, yes! Beautiful flesh to cut! Blood pouring everywhere! Unable to control himself, Jester laughed uncontrollably; the huge grin not leaving his face for a second.

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Ether looked down at this rather individual applicant. "OK, son. Just don't cause any trouble." he cautioned. It wasn't his place to discriminate, but the safety of the acceptants was his concern.

He turned to the male called Dylan. "The more the merrier." Ether said. He seemed the perfect student.

He waited for others to join the fold.

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The young man that stepped forward from the alley-way was fairly tall and walked in with an air of confidence that said he was probably fairly high level. Interesting... Gestien sipped what remained of his tea as the man declared his intentions.

For once, it wasn't some recruitment drive. The lad seemed genuinely interested in giving people a fighting chance in the world. Two young men approached the man and were well received. Perhaps this was the opportunity he was looking for? Besides, if there was a chance for some help against a mini-boss from a high-leveled player, maybe Gestein could finally get some armor, or something better than his starting warhammer? The 6'5" boulder of a 30 year old rose from his chair and approached the group.

"I would like to join as well, young man." He called out as he approached Ethereal and the others. "That is, if you'll have me."

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For a second Hikari just stared at the male player, whose name read as Dylan0517, glancing back down at the col again. In all reality, she needed it, but instinct demanded that she give it back. Before being able to do so the man from the army started talking again. Taking her place back on the wall Hikari was pleasently surprized to find that he was holding a training sessoion.

Why not?

Striding over, she stood in with the few people who had already started to join. Two people that really stood out were Dylan, who she decided to take up residents next to, and the other was creepy male who was laughing to himself. Every fiber of her being was telling her to stay away from that man. "I'll join."

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Raising an eyebrow Hikari turned her gaze to another male that was planning on participating.

"I said that I'll join."

After all, if this was just a training event, then what all could go wrong. Not only that but it was a good chance to get some experience in the present of others' who knew what they were doing. Not that she would ever directly ask for help, but sometimes watching and learning can be just as effective.

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Dylan looks as more and more people join. He noticed a male player being surprised by the girl joining. "In real life, you wouldn't expect her to join, but in here, anybody can be powerful."" He sighs and checks his level. "That's why I've got to train. He closes the menu. "She's brave enough to join. That will help her a lot, and so what if she's that young. She survived this long, probably without any problems."

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Seeing a mountain of a man, even taller than him, ask to join, Ethereal replied. "Excellent. Good to have another soul on board."

A player called Hikari stepped forward. Ether nodded in approval.

"The way things will work, I will give my life in exchange for any of yours. You're all safe with me." he reassures the anxious boy.

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Gestein nodded solemnly as he joined the party. As he took his place in the group, a young lady expressed her interest in joining as well, causing quite the stir with some of the younger boys in the group. Despite still being a child, the man admired her bravery and willingness to persevere in the potentially deadly game at hand and improve her skills. Poor girl... Her parents must be worried sick about her.Although he did not vocally offer his protection amongst the others, it was a given that should the need arise he would protect her at all costs.

"Look how many of us there are! Imagine the blood we'll spill! Hahahaha!"

The older man shot a glare towards the voice and found that the speaker was another younger fellow. A quick inspection revealed his character name - Jester. Was he trying to be funny?

"You are a sad, strange little man." sarcastically quipped Gestein in response. Hopefully the teen was just Roleplaying, though he couldn't imagine why anyone would still stick to a psychopathic character in this situation...

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Jester, turned his head to the side, giving the player, which he now saw as 'Gestein' a big grin. "Oh, no, no, no! I am not a sad, in fact, I could not be happier! Just imagining the feeling of ripping the flesh from the monster's bones, ah! It's getting me excited! Are you excited? I simply cannot wait! Hehehe!" Jester clasped his hands together, nodding to show his enthusiasm to Gestein.

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