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We approve of the character journals when we can. Due to schedule issues we can't be on 24/7 but when we are on, that is when we approve them.

There is no need to make a reply because we edit the journal and put, either approved or tell you to fix something, at the bottom.

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Almost a month later and there are no replies to my journal, lost interest already. I don't think ill be back on the website any time soon but just make sure you give other people a chance so they don't have to put up with the same thing i did. Other rp sites normally reply within a day, you did for this post however you seem to be neglecting character journals..

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Almost a month later and there are no replies to my journal, lost interest already. I don't think ill be back on the website any time soon but just make sure you give other people a chance so they don't have to put up with the same thing i did. Other rp sites normally reply within a day, you did for this post however you seem to be neglecting character journals..

Hello Asollan.

Your journal was approved the same day you posted it. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=838 If you scroll down to the bottom of your post, you'll see a line that says.

Last edited by Shark on Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Reason: Missing flaws and virtues.

That's how fast our GM's work.

If you read the Journal Rules topic viewtopic.php?f=21&t=43 it states

A staff member will edit your post to notify you once your character is approved, or to ask you to make changes first.

Like Nevina says, a staff member will edit your post, not reply to it. We chose this option to prevent journals from getting cluttered with other players posting to your journals and thus abuse from GM's unfairly leveling up.

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I am not an admin but a fan of this RPG, Asollan, I must say. These GM's.. they're the best you could find. They do it in snaps. They can't be on 24/7 so you wait. A day of waiting will NOT kill you. Just have patience.. Surely you can find something to do within the time. if you can't, well.. not to be rude but.. you don't have a life then

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