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Amtrum, The Unshakable

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«Amtrum» The Unshakable


» Username: Amtrum

» Real name: Mathew Amtrum

» Age: 23

» Gender: Male

» Height: 6'1

» About: Mathew was a young professional that had just finished college and was looking to get out into the job market when SAO launched. Picking it up as a reward for himself and a way to blow off some steam he could not predict what would happen when he logged in to SAO for the first and last time. The idea had been to play with some friends from High School. They had grown apart and moved to different parts of the country once they went off to college, but they would keep in contact online. Skype calls and video game were easy ways to stay in touch. And now the lucky, or rather unlucky ones that managed to get a copy of Sword Art Online for it's opening release were stuck in this death game until someone beat it.

He needed to get out of here. He needed to beat the game so he could return to his life outside of the game. So his friends could return to their lives. And he was going to be the one to beat the game. He decided on that, he wasn't going to wait around in the safety of a city letting his fate be decided by others. It wasn't who he was. Everything in the real world he got by working harder than everyone else. By being the best he could, he wasn't about to let this game take that from him. No matter how long it took.

» Virtues:

Loyalty - His word is his bond and his friends and teammates are important to him. He believes in stability and watching the backs of those dear to you. No man is an island and no one can go through life alone.

Practical - He believes you should know your limits and to move forward with a plan. Rushing into things is inviting failure or in this game death. It is better to take a little longer and succeed then to rush and fail, losing more time than if you waited or your life.

Focused - He has a goal and he is focused on it. Getting out of this game, everything he does is with that goal in mind. Getting stronger, making allies, doing what he needs to do in order to win their freedom. He refuses to accept this will be his life forever, he refuses to settle, and he will reach his goal.

» Flaws:

Overambitious - He is a man with a plan. A plan to get out of this game, but to also be the one that kills the final boss personally. He can't trust anyone else to do it, and so he will make sure he is there at the end stronger than anyone so that they may be free.

Judgemental - He makes up his mind about people pretty quick. Someone that is shown to be an idiot, weak, or a waste of time will be hard pressed to convince him otherwise. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and he holds tight to his first impressions.

Smart ass - Whether it's poking fun at strangers and expecting them to take a joke or his friends he is certainly a smart ass. Generally it's not meant to be offensive, but if taken the wrong way then he will try and put in the barbs even more out of principal.

Profession: None for now








Weapon skills :






» The Journey Begins

Relationships (optional)


Story Thus Far (optional)


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