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[OP-F4] Beware of PKers

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"This place is so different from the Starter City. I expected it though, it is an entire new floor. Once I reach level 8, I'll start training here. Dexter, this will be your new home! Dylan smiles as he pets his dog on the head, and feeds him another piece of bread. "I heard rumors mavericks and PK Guilds are on this floor. I may have to keep watch. They don't scare me, I just don't want to die."

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Ether had just finished gathering some potent materials for crafting HP potions. Upon seeing Dylan, one of those that attended his training, he made a beeline towards him. "What are you doing up here? You know we had a Maverick called Vile up here a while back." Ethereal asked, curious to why he's on Floor 4.

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I walked behind the two that seemed to be having a conversation. Your talking about Vile? My friend was murdered in a fight with them. I stated to them and sat down in the chair. I didn't want to associate myself in a fight with a Pk unless it was necessary right now, I wasn't strong enough to take them on. I looked up and started to pet the dog on the head gently. This dog seemed to be friendly, it might have even liked me.

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"Nice seeing you here too. I'm here because I'm tired of killing boars everyday. I want to train harder, string wnough that I'll won't need to heal almost all the time. Also I want to get some treats for dexter." Dexter runs up to him and starts licking her.. "I think he likes you, hehe....murdered. I'v seen lots of people who don't seem to care if someone dies. I should always have a teleport crystal if this Vile shows up. I don't have a death wish."

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Well I think people should care more about death. After all, this is a life or death situation were all caught in. I said sharply as I scratched behind the dog's ears. No one else seemed to be near us, probably because we mentioned PKing. Players here were afraid of deadly things like mavericks.

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Dylan freezes for a second. He looks at a nearby alleyway. "My mind is playing tricks on me. I could've sworn that I saw a figure covered in armor looking at him. Vile.. I could've sworn I heard that name somewhere else on the internet." He sits down and goes to give another piece of bread to Dexter, when he sees that there is no more. "Dexter, sorry buddy, but you're have to wait to get another treat." When Dylan gets up to go and motions for the dog to come, Dexter stays put. "You really like her don't ya buddy?"

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Ether stood quietly back from the two. He had in fact fought Vile one on one to defend his friends. He had fought to his last breath, before using the first teleport crystal he had ever crafted to escape. Countless of his friends had died to his hands.

Without saying anything, he raised his hand. A silver raven circled down from high above, landing on his hand silently.

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Keith was off in the distance making a snowman. He heard chatter over in the distance and he blinked, putting a carrot nose on the snowman and smiling. "I shall call you Olaf!" He then wiped his hands together and smiled, looking over to the figures. Mavericks? Vile? Keith was more then well acquainted with both. "Hey! What's up over there!" He shouted, huffs if icy breath coming from his mouth from the frosty weather.

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A wave of awe swept over Ethereal as the infamous Keith came over. He couldn't help but bow. "Keith-sama, my name is Ether. I believe I saw you at Ruri's party, but I never introduced myself." he found it hard to believe that THE Keith of the Front Liners, Captain of the Azure Brigade was here.

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I continued to pet the dog, who had started to take a liking to me, until it started barking crazily. It was odd because I thought we were the only ones here. When my eyes shifted upwards I saw a young man with an orange cursor in front of us. I stand up rather quickly and keep my eyes on his every move. It's not that he would fight us but I still didn't trust him fully, I don't think the others did either. Hello, Keith? Is that your name? I said, trying to think of who he was, he seemed to be quite important.

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Keith blinked at how divided the group treated him. One thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread and the other two seemed awfully upset by him. He took a step back at the hounds barking at him and he held up his hands nervously. "Golly... And here I was thinking I was more if a dog person! And its nice to see you again, Eth! I remember you from my younger sis' party! And you don't have to bow to me, I'm no better than anyone else." He said with a smile, before turning to the other two. "It's the crystal, isn't it? Yeah, it's not exactly sunshine and lollipops. But when you take down Mavericks as an occupation, things like this happen. My name, is Keith. Keith Yudai. Nice to meet the both of you!" he said, extending both hands for both of them to shake.

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Ether hastily straightened himself. "Guys, I'd like to introduce Keith. Captain of the Azure Brigade and vital member of the assault team." he explains to the newer players. Removing his horned helmet, he continued,

"Keith, whatever way I look at it, I should be up there. Helping you guys clear the floors. I'm able to defend myself and I have some alright kit. Is there any way you could hook me up?" he asks, pointing upwards.

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I shake his hand that Keith held to me. So you hunt mavericks? I said, a little more interested with his role here in Aincrad. I let go of his hand when Ethereal mentioned his proper title, the Azure Brigade. That's one of the top guilds. I thought and smiled at Keith, I now fully trusted him. I placed two hands on my waist and looked at the others. It's nice to meet you too Keith, I'm Mayonaka. As of now I'm in the Knights of Blood, trying to work my way up the ranks.

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Keith smiled at how friendly the group was getting to be towards him. "Truth be told, the whole reason I'm on this floor right now is to be in pursuit of a Maverick." He said, scrolling through the player list and then stopping on one name. "Albatross. A big, beefy, moron of Maverick. He doesn't use any weapons, and just relies on <>. He's big, he's strong, and he's a threat. I could use some help, if you guys are willing to come along."

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Seeing Kei-chan with a group of familiar faces made her grin. Slowly walking over to him she attempted to jump him with a hug. Hugging her big brother made her laugh a little. "Keiiiii!" She squeaked with a bright expression as she was glad to see her brother yet again. Though the bluenette group containing of Keith, Ruri and Haine she didn't get to see her two siblings very often. Keith more often then Haine even. Yet she actually left her guild which was a surprize to her and most likely something Keith would talk about soon. She smiled up at him jumping up and down. "Kei-Channn!" She chanted again before running in a circle around the figure.

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