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[SP-F3] Worn Out Welcome (quest)(COMPLETE)

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The sun beat down mercilessly as I continued down the path. It had been raining a while ago, and the wet earth glinted in the afternoon sun. I was currently on floor 3, working my way to the next safe town before dark. My boots sloshed about as I rounded the corner to find a small building a little ways off the path.

I was immediately suspicious, but the possibility of good loot was greater. Had I learned nothing from the last time I ran headlong into a place I didn't know? As I neared, I discovered it to be a smith shop known as the <>. I hadn't encountered any shops outside city walls before, so I was very curious as I stepped inside. What kind of special gear could be here? I wanted to find out.

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"Hello!" Came a soft women's voice as I entered. "Welcome to the <>! May I help you?"

I turned to the voice. At the counter was an NPC lady by the name of <>. She was very cheerful, which was a new pace from the shop owners I normally met. She wore a dress very similar to something you'd see in German beer halls, and a plethora of armour hung on the walls. It was a very nice place.

"I'm sure you could. Do you have anything flexible, but still strong?"

She registered my question, then responded, "Oh, you'd like a light metal piece, correct?"

"Yeah, that's it." It was nice to talk to someone who was happy. Even if it was a fake person algorithm.

"Hanna! Who's there?"

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Out from the back room, a surly man towering over me. He had a mop of dark hair and a scowl on his face as he looked me over. An axe was swung over his shoulder and it looked like he had been about to leave for somewhere.

"Oh! Sir, this is my husband Griswold. Griswold do be nice to the customer."

<> glared at me, but held his tongue. He turned to his wife.

"What does he want, dear?"

"Just something with light metal, is all."

"Light metal? Sorry to burst your bubble, kid, but we've run out of the materials needed for light metal armour."

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I was liking this guy less and less.


"Yup. I was just about to go and get some more myself, but I have a better idea." He leaned towards me, "If you go and collect the materials yourself, we'll make you something free of charge."

Hmph. Classic NPC quest.

"What do you say, kid? Can you handle it?"

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Of course I accepted. I always do. After deciding on the design of my new coat, I was told to collect some <> from a small cave on the far edge of Floor 1. <> warned me about undead creatures, and I was off. The journey from their shop to the cave would be a solid two day trek. One day to head to the nearest town teleporter, go to Floor 1, and grab the goods. And another day for the return trip.

I headed back up the road I came from to start the to town. I hadn't planned on returning. The sun was at it's apex when I enter town. It was a small town, full of players and NPC's alike. But I ignored everything and went straight to the teleporter hub. I stood at one terminal, and my vision clouded as I left Floor 3.

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I could see again as the light surrounding me faded. I was back in the <>, though the main forum was much more empty than when the death game was announced.

Oh how things can change after just a short time.

I walked through lightly trafficked streets and headed out of there into the dangerous wild. My armour and weapons equipped, I began the long hike to this out of the way cave. Just the thought of going into a cave again was making my heart race. Then it occurred to me that I had never been in a cave system since...that day. This would be very difficult to go through without reminiscing. But I would have to, because that would only complicate things.

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Along the road, I heard a howl. My scimitar was immediately up and ready as a lone <<Scavenger Wolf>> leapt off of a large rock and rushed forward. But this was Floor 1. This beast shouldn't be a problem. I kept my ground, and waited till the last second before attempting to jump to the side and slash down. It would probably do enough damage to kill it.

<<Scavenger Wolf>> 3/3 HP

<<Gram>> 25/25 HP

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  • 2 weeks later...

But this wolf was faster than I thought. It slammed into me before I could move, and I landed hard on the ground. The beast was on me in a heartbeat, and was trying to bite my face off. I held my arm against it's neck as it's claws tore into my abdomen. My sword was in the dirt a ways away, so only my meat hook was an option.

This was embarrassing.

<<Scavenger Wolf>> 3/3 HP

<<Gram>> 22/25 HP

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I ripped my tool over it's face, and while it was distracted, I was able to shove it off and get to my feet. A long red scar glowed faintly over the beast's snout, and it was angered at the attack. My scimitar was between us. It charged, howling at it's target, but I wasn't going to be caught off guard again. I ran forward as well, and rolled to my blade.

<<Scavenger Wolf>> 2/3 HP

<<Gram>> 22/25 HP

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I wrapped my hand around the hilt and came to my knee, using the momentum to cut down with a lot of force. As my blade came down, the wolf came to me, and ran right into the falling arc. It didn't even have time to growl again before it was no more.

I sheathed my weapon and got my rewards. Nothing spectacular, but it was a Floor 1 creature. It looked as if it were going to rain as storm clouds gathered. I quickened my pace, only stopping when I reached the enterence to the cave. Memorys were thrust upon me, but I muscled through them. If I couldn't do this, I might as well just stay in the first city and pick fruit for a living. I took a deep breath, and entered.

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The air was thick with the smell of death. A stench I had become familiar with. Water ran down the sides of the right hand wall as I contained deeper into the system. This was eerily similar to the last cave I entered. The sound of your feet echoing into the dark. But this time I would not be as blind.

I entered <<Night Vision>> mode. The area immediately became visable and just in time, as the cave split off into two directions.

"Hmm...which way?"

(1-5) Left

(6-10) Right

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I hung to the right side wall. The system continued down, then opened up to large grotto. Light shone through large cracks in the ceiling, making long rays of sunshine pierce the darkness that enveloped this place. Multiple platforms were scattered amongst boulders and rubble, leaving a lot of blind spots.

As I rounded the corner, I noticed a tunnel leading up. It probably was the left hand tunnel I passed on the way down. But after that thought, the sound of moving bone got my attention. I crouched behind one large rock and surveyed the area.

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There is multiple body's lumbering about. A bunch of <<Skeleton Warriors>>. They all carried a longsword and assorted armour. Most of it rusted or badly damaged.

I'm surprised I didn't set them off with how clumsily I entered.

It didn't seem right. They should be swarming me by now. But whatever. They needed to be killed. I slowly crept around my cover and brought my hook up. If I could surprise the first one, it would make the battle a little easier. I stopped within arms reach of my target, and brought my weapon down.

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The blow sent the frail body to the ground, but didn't kill it. Odd. The other skeletons all turned, and their cursors turned a bright red.

They were guardians, not enemies. They had different codes than normal mobs, in that they only attacked when were dealt damage. And I just made the other five of them want to kill me. Swell. I raised my blade as they circled me.

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 2/6 HP (prone)

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Gram>> 25/25 HP

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The first one lunged at me with speed a walking science exhibit shouldn't be able to. I tried to block, but the force of the blow still hurt. All I could do was attempt blocks as they attacked one after the other with timed accuracy. My health would be gone in seconds at this rate.

I swung and wounded one, but it didn't falter in it's assault. This was all ringing a bell. Then the memory hit me as I was surrounded by the undead.

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 2/6 HP (prone)

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 3/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 6/6 HP

<<Gram>> 19/25 HP

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"Geez, it sure is dark in here."

"Oh, quit complaining."

"I'm not complaining! It's an observation."

We kept close together as we ventured deeper into the system of winding earth. We came across some momsters, but it was nothing we couldn't handle. After a while, we came to a small grotto that was a safe zone. I had sat down while Eric kept on his feet, looking rather pale.

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I had laughed at his comment.

"You're just being paranoid! Come on, we should keep moving."

I lead the way as we left the safety of the grotto and deeper into the caves. It was very damp, with water running down the walls. Not a very nice place. Eric kept muttering to himself, but I had paid no attention at the time. I wish I would have.

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I snapped out of my mind to the group of undead were wailing on me.

How did I not feel the blows when I was in the past?!

But reminded about my brother, I felt a deep rage surge up, and I whirled in a massive arc, critical damage ending a few warriors and sending the others to the ground. The one I backstabbed had gotten up by now, and headed my way.

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 2/6 HP

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 2/6 HP (prone)

<<Skeleton Warrior>> 1/6 HP (prone)

<<Gram>> 9/25 HP

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I roared a bloodied battle cry and ran at the standing man of bones. I slid on my knees and kneecapped it, punching it's upper torso into the back wall. I leapt to the two who were attempting to get up and made sure they would never succeed in doing so. I was panting heavily in a blind rage. I hardly even noticed the menu telling me I had more than enough iron to get my new coat. I was still in attack mode, daring anything to come out and challenge me.

But nothing did. I let out a jagged breath and turned to the left tunnel exit, mind mind racing like a track horse. What happened? As I came to the tunnel, I noticed a small object half buried in a skeleton. When I reached for it, it went to my inventory as a <<Mysterious Glass Shard>> How odd.

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