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[F01 -SP]| Retain one's Bearings|

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the plains, floating landscapes just above everything else, seeing them from the ground below ink wasn't sure how he was going to get to them the first time. though he found his way he did. much of which he spent marching, with the effort he put in he felt himself exhausted reaching the plains having stepped beyound the town of beginnings for the first time in a long time. he was far behind where he should have been and his ability to wait out the death game had pretty much took its toll. so he hadd some catching up to do. the plains were deemed a god start being floor-one's weakest monsters...and having healing potions on hand he believed himself as ready as he would ever hope to be...

still he needed time to catch his breath and rest. admirin the scenery he could see 2 boars in the distance though they seemed un-aggravated at the time and as a result ink felt comfortable enough to find a nice rock formation to rest against till he could fully recover from the trip. 


1nkyL0re | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG:4 | MIT: 6 | ACC: 0 | EVS: 0 |
Battle ready- | potions x3 |  - |  - |  - |  - |


-Cleaver | tier 1 vanity dagger |
-Void iron | tier 1 rare heavy armor| 2/2

>Thorn|1/2|9+ DMG
>Mitigation| 6+ MIT


-Dagger|R1|+3 dmg
>[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
>[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A skill that strikes multiple targets at once.
>[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target skill that stuns an enemy.



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… several hours of the night and he was finally up from what should have been a short rest. though looking at the sky. the sun it was rising. he slept threw the entire night and the sun was rising. it wasn't as ink had intended and he was kind of conflicted about it. now that it was the evening that others might ruin his peace of trying to get a handle of the game...  a deep breath and then a sigh. " I-it's cool I've still got time... i hope i have time" the bane of his autism came with many quirks one was his inability to keep trap of the time. that's likely why he though it had only been 6 months when it had actually been 2 years since the trapping of the game...

" up we go" he monologued getting up from his resting place. he checked his current and really only weapon, stashed in a sheath strapped and hanging on the strap of his waste positioned just under his tailbone. the Scarfe like capes hide it well. he inspected it, running his hand along it before motioning its use only to think how silly he looked doing everything akin to playing the game except well play the game....





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" 1...2...3...4? guess more showed up" the boars from before ink was getting a head count and was supprsised too find more then last time... regardless though this was where he had to start in the hopes of leveling and looting. 

'Krek ... Krak...Krack' the air and silence broken by the crackling of key areas in inks neck and fingers though they weren't terrible loud. it was a prone habbit that followed him threw high school though he couldn't recall why he starting doing it in the first place. he can recall his brother hass a similar habit with crackling those that remain in his back though they always seem much louder and despite it being a habit he doesn't do it as often. inching closer to the first boar, ink couldn't but as if he was getting cold feat. in a fight in the real world if he wasn't feeling it, he often couldn't be inclined to fight, so though was going to take time he felt he needed to psych himself up at least mentally before he could put his first foot forward.




Inkylore | Lv.1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG:4 | MIT:6 |
Boar #1 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|
Boar #2 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|
Boar #3 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|
Boar #4 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|







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the boars were crowded pretty close, maybe if he was lucky he could get all of them at once. " fat chance, but a noob can dream."
ink wasn't sure to exactly approach this so he simple tried to rush them. he didn't usher out a war cry, though heavy armor probably would give him away. with his scarfed cape waving in the wind. ink was essentaly "naruto running" a phrase he never though he would say himself. once he got close however the white of the boars eyes flashed a crimson as most began  to scatter. usher in the swing of his cleaver, ink manage to hit at least one of them, the force put into the attack however shoved the boar away some. " whoops, didn't me to do that."  particles of crimson. it was hard to see from this distance but he can see supposedly where the boar had been marked.

he found himself surrounded by the other 3 and soon the 4th boar joined leading  the charge. he wasn't athletic enough to jump, do flips or even jump a fence and at current it didn't seem like his own stats granted him that privlige either. the best he could manage was some fancy foot work, he considered himself lucky thhat they all didn't charge him all at once. he evaded each by just were inches, or at least almost all of them. after evadin the  3rd one the 4th got a hit on him. rammed into his backside and tossed him a distrance. however upon contact something else happened...

all pain in sao is nulled to a point were everything is reduced to a tingling feeling perhaps equal to pins and needles, though perhaps that feeling gets more and more intense the more hp is spilled. it would explain why when ink was tackles, he had a feeling of dumbfinding. hardly no pain was helt so perhaps it was just his body reacting to past experiances. that said he was able to recover immediately from the impact. the boar, the one that rushed ink, it was marked with red crimson but these marking looked like spots rather then a streak of scarlet that ink had managed before... looking at himself he could see his armor was protruded with spikes, lavender holographic ones. they soon dissipated into shards similar to the animation of a mobs death.

when he thinks back to when he first donned on the armor, he can remember wounding what made it so special for it to be rare.
at the time all he reconized was that it had abilites that increased his defense and attack but didn't exactly understand how theyy would be applied and didn't any further beyound the names of these features. nor did he realize it would manifest itself in such a way.

" given how it presents its self, i take it this is the 'thorn' feature?"



round #1
ID.212600|inkylore| 7+0 = 7|hit| slash boar #1

  • 1+3 = 4dmg

ID.212601|Boar #1| 2+0=2|miss|
ID.212602|Boar #2| 5+0=5|miss|
ID.212603|Boar #3| 3+0= 3|miss|
ID.212604|Boar #4| 9+0= 9|hit critical+1|

  • 4+1 -6 = 0(1)|dmg|
    • | trigger: thorn| 9+ Dmg|



[1,0,0,0]Inkylore | Lv.1 | HP: 19/20 -1 | EN: 19/20-1 | DMG:4 | MIT:6 |

Boar #1 - |Hp: 6/10-4|Dmg: 4|

Boar #2 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|

Boar #3 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|

Boar #4 - |Hp: 1/10-9|Dmg: 4|




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the recent experiance lead ink to think more about the game and what other feature he might have over looked. did the cleaver have speacal abilities? what about skills, did he have those? how could he use them ? he could faintly remember a 2 players in combat using something that might have been a skill. he tried to immitate it. taking a stance winding his arm back, with the cleaver in hand. " was it like this? i hope im doing this right i don't know how long they'll wait for me". a moment or maybe two, ink held his possition  as the light sudden was accumilating into the cleaver, he could kinda feel something too but he was too badazzled by the the charging of the light, he felt giddy, like a school girl getting a date to the prom or maybe more accarately a anime nerd getting hyped for a anime they had been looking forward to for months or even years. it was exciting and it was probably going to take time for ink to personally get used to it and try not to freak our like some nerd.

" holy shit, this is fucking awsome, i feel like one of those anime swordsmen" a part of him wanteed to utter some attack name before swinging it but honestly he felt to embarrassed and silly about the idea, right now he felt like he was on cloud 9 and was more happy that no one spotted and player that looked like a dark knight getting this giddy over a mere game. once he felt what he could only assume was the skill fully charged he decided to  let it rip, flashing light trailed to show the path of the blade, the slash circled more then 180 degrees and the slash breaflyy looked like a tightly angeled crescent moon that almost circled back into a full circle.  the attack at least to ink appeared to be spectacular, however as excited as he was he had to come back to virtual reality when he realized he totally missed also he had depleted half his energy with the move likely cuz there was so many targets. still depsite that he wasn't too upset about, by now given the level of the boars and his defense the most they could do was 1 damage or at least thats how it appeared to be at least or rather then  trying to dodge them he was ok on rather or not he evaded or hit by them.

they attacked again seemingly in the same order. the same formation was taken as well though instead of dodging he tried to grapple them all except one which tried to rush him from behind personallyy he wasn't a fan of recieving that again. the first boar and the last shettered almost immediately on impact, the thorn enhancement likely killed them meaning they probably didn't have much hp left if at all. it was also oddly presendented that they didn't drop anything, no coal or item perhaps they were too weak to do so at the time. at the time ink had to acknowledge that there wasn't much effort he had to put into it and that merely standing there would finish the job.




Round - 2

ID.212627|Inkylore| BD: 5+0=5|MD:9+0=9| Aoe vs boar.1
ID.212628|Inkylore| BD: 4+0=4|MD:6+0=6| Aoe vs boar.2
ID.212629|Inkylore| BD: 3+0=3|MD:5+0=5| Aoe vs boar.3
ID.212630|Inkylore| BD: 1+0=1|MD:7+0=7| Aoe vs boar.4

  • Boar #1 | 4+1 -6 =0(1)|
    • Trigger: thorn +9DMG
  • Boar #2,4| 4+0 -6 = -1(1)|
    • Trigger: thorn +9DMG


[1,0,0,0]Inkylore | Lv.1 | HP: 16/20 -3 | EN: 11/20-9,+1 | DMG:4 | MIT:6 |

Boar #1 - |Hp: -3/10(-9)|Dmg: 4|

Boar #2 - |Hp: 1/10(-9)|Dmg: 4|

Boar #3 - |Hp: 10/10|Dmg: 4|

Boar #4 - |Hp: -8/10(-9)|Dmg: 4|



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2 left and ink found himself feeling mentally restless. with every attempt so far his massive reserves of his energy had  been decreasing while steadily refilling. if he had done this with others maybe he would have been done with it by now. his plan originally was to fight and do battle with all the common monsters of each floor hoping he would level up, a odd form of grinding. at this ratee though he was considering bailing on the plan all together perhaps he needed some gear, not all hits guaranteed to hit and he wasn't going to get his energy back for it. he was sure of it now, he needed either better gear or something to help increase his chances of hitting his targets. originally he was going to let the remaining 2 hit him and call it a day letting the thorn skill due the brunt of the work, bet sense he had the energy anyway for another attack he figured he use it anyway as he was wondering what the damage difference between a normal strike and and enhanced one would be.

ink took a sigh of tension, the opposite of a sigh of relief. and took his wayward stance. his feat dug into the ground as one of the boars across from him in a parallel like behavior was imposed to do the same as dictated by the systems of the game. the two made there attack even though inks was intended to attack both at once. the results were mild at best. he managed to hit on and kill it preventing it a chance to counter the second one seemed to have stopped short of his attack or maybe it would be better to say it didn't match the speed of its ally and managed to ram ink. thorn activated like a foot trap and inpales the boar on contact yet it was still walking mean while ink was pushed away, though being able to brace it this time he was able to land on his feat and with that he suffered another hp of damage even though mathematically he shouldn't have suffered anything...




Round 3


ID.212788|Inkylore| BD: 9+0=9|MD:2+0=2| Aoe vs boar.2
ID.212789|Inkylore| BD: 2+0=2|MD:9+0=9| Aoe vs boar.3

  • inkylore| 1+3+1 *3= 15| boar.2
  • Boar.3| 4+1 -6 = 0(1)| inkylore
    • Trigger: thorn +9DMG


[2,0]Inkylore | Lv.1 | HP: 15/20 -1 | EN: 7/20-5,+1 | DMG:4 | MIT:6 |


Boar #2 - |Hp: -14/10(-15)|Dmg: 4|

Boar #3 - |Hp: 1/10(-9)|Dmg: 4|




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