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[FL1-SP] Painter? I hardly know her! (EaL: Artisan)

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   Tomoe Misumi · AniListLv1 Adelyte


Adelyte | HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | DMG 6
Lv. 1


  • 2H Warhmmer
    • DMG|DMG
  • --
  • --

battle-ready inventory

  • 3x Potion (+50 Hp)


  • HAMMER | Rank 1 








The first floor and the Town of Beginnings had such hidden beauty, both within the city's walls and without. It didn't receive enough credit within conversations about the other floors. Adelyte's biased opinion, of course, since she had not ventured any further than this first settlement. She told herself she would move to the next floor once she had seen all there was there was to be seen, but the reality was that she was scared. Still at first level, no combat experience, a friends' list about as empty as her inventory. There were so many quests she could take to bump up her level quickly.. but they seemed pretty lonely without at least one person to accompany her. Wulfrin and Nymoria were pleasant company, but they both seemed busy as of late, and were ignoring her messages (she had only messaged them five minutes ago).

"Lonely is the life of this poor girl" Adelyte would say dramatically the back of her hand resting daintily on her forehead like some damsel in distress. The cold, wet bristles of the paintbrush she held in the same hand gently skimmed across her temple, leaving a green line on her forehead as she pulled her hand away. 

With a small giggle at her accident, she would lean forward and continue with her current work of art. 

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Peeking past the canvas set up before her, she looked at her subject from the small balcony provided with the premium corner room of the inn. The humble shop, nestled between two other buildings an extra story taller, a store front as welcoming as the delicious scents that waft out the open windows. One of her favorite spots to frequent, Maison du Pain, a French bakery with the best pastries she had ever tasted. Pursing her lips with a hum, she looked back and forth between the painted canvas and the bakery. Feeling satisfied with her work, a smile would stretch across her lips. With a few finishing touches, adding a billow of white and grey smoke rising out of the chimney, Adelyte could call this piece finished.

"Hey!" A frustrated shout called to her from the street below. 

Adelyte would lean over in her stool and peek over the railing "Yess?~" she would respond in a sing-song voice

"What are you doing in my room?! I paid for that!" 

Adelyte looked around for a moment, "Technically.. I'm on the balcony, I haven't gone in your room."

With an indiscernible grunt, the man stormed into the front door of the inn, presumably with the intention of having her forcefully removed. Didn't have to tell her twice. Packing the painting and supplies back into her inventory, she would lower herself from the railing onto a street lamp not much lower than where her feet dangled. From there, it was an easy climb into the open window of the second floor room that she was actually renting. On the balcony, she left behind a small sack of Colthat paid about half of the room's price for a day as well as a note that read "The view from my window wasn't as good" with a small, cock-eyed smiley face drawn in the corner. 

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Slipping back through the window of her room, she plopped herself down on the bed and summoned her inventory with a flick of her pointer finger. The painting of the bakery materialized into the space just before her, hanging suspended in the air for a moment before grasping it with each hand. She admired her work once more with a soft smile on her face before resting it on the bed beside her. With an energetic vault off of the bed, her feet hit the ground once more. Interlocked fingers stretched high over her head and slowly fell back to her sides. Adelyte stalled in her room for a bit, hoping that the commotion she had caused calmed down. Once they saw the Col she left, she was sure they would get over it. It wasn't like she had done anything wrong or committed any crimes, or else the crystal that indicated her as a player would have shifted to a yellowish-orange. 

No harm, no foul.

After a few extra minutes, Adelyte would throw on her green yukata that she wore open and off the shoulders over her sleeveless black shirt and lavender, calf-length pants. A red scarf around her neck and a pair of black, open toed boots. With a quick peek out the front door to make sure her new friend wasn't wandering the halls looking to catch Adelyte, she slipped out of her room with the paining under her arm. 

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