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[PP FL1] I've got something to say! [Cindel ]

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He sent a simple message to Cindel to meet him where they first met. It was there at the edge of town of the starter city that he awaited. He remembered looking up at the sky and did the same thing that evening. The stars were coming out and he took a deep breath. It was just difficult to breath for him at this moment. He closed his eyes as he thought about tonight. He was preoccupied to notice anything else.

" Please show up.." He whispered to himself. Klein had thought long and hard about this. This relationship that existed.. Their memories. He needed to solidify this and it was now or never.

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Cindel wasn't sure what this was all about. Just that she got a fairly plain message from Klein asking her to meet him back in the starter city. Actually the exact spot was the gate they first met at she realized. *I wonder what he's up to.* It was a nice night, though most if not all were on this floor. She decided to take an indirect route so he wouldn't see her coming from afar. The main pathway was open and long. Something about having to walk down it while they both just stared at each other seemed awkward to her. Besides, she wanted to see what he was up to and then probably sneak up and pounce on him. Cindel reached the end of her alley just before it opened into the main path by the gate. She peeked out from the corner, taking a moment to spy on Klein.

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He was leaned against the stone pillar and in his hand was a flower he had picked. He really wanted the Hoya pendent but that would mean a lot of different things. He was clean cut tonight and even his armor looked spruced up. His hair wasn't as wild either. It looked styled but who knows. He was muttering to himself and trying to encourage himself. " It's just three words. Simple. You just have to say it and there.. it's done. " He wasn't encouraging himself. More like freaking himself out. His amber eyes were focused on the flower and a sigh was given. " I'm too nervous." Get it together Klein! She'll be here soon.

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Cindel checked him out from her hiding spot near the mouth of the alley. *woah, he dressed up again, even fixed his hair.* She noticed the flower. The spot, his clothes, the fact he groomed himself and now the flower. Cindel put it together. Something was going to happen. She felt a little nervous herself. *Surprise date? - Stop trying to figure everything out! Just go over and talk with him.* She was talking to herself again. *damnit!* She quickly took a moment to fix herself up then ducked back in the alley and looped around the building. The other side of the building was up against the city wall. The alley in between was just wide enough for her to fit through. Klein was still looking down the main path. He'd never see her coming. She giggled to herself maniacally then leaped forward with the intention to pounce! :twisted:

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He kept his gaze locked at the main path. He was so focused that he had been unaware of the circumstances on which were about to befall him. He sighed gently looking and thinking. How am I going to say this..am I rushing things ? Am I.. too eager ? All those thoughts rummaged through his head as he bit his lower lip. He could play this off as a date rather than a confession. His mind was moving at warp speed for this moment. Where the hell was she?!

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Cindel crashed into Klein knocking his back into the city wall. "SURPRISE MOTHER @#&%#$!" she shouted before breaking out into laughter once she witnessed his facial expression. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" Cindel's urge to be extremely silly had taken over, which it usually did when she felt nervous. She lent out her hand to help Klein back from against the wall.*Guess it's Movie TV quote anxiety time...* "Come with me if you want to live." she said in a deep voice then forced a serious face.

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He felt the impact and stared at her on the ground. He hadn't been paying attention and he smiled at her. It was simply beauty that made him soft. He pointed at the sky and shouted at her." Ze plane boss !! Ze plane! " He grabbed her hand and spoke." Bravo. That was hilarious." He stood up and kissed her cheek. He handed her the flower and spoke." How are you doing ?"

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Cindel took the flower after helping him up. She smiled. "I'm good, so what's this all about? You aren't planning to get all romantic are you?" she gestured to his attire. Cindel then glanced back to the flower, it was pretty and unique. She wondered where he found it. "You didn't raise herbalist skill just to pick this did you?" she asked jokingly.

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He smiled a bit and shook his head. He spoke softly to her." I uh... wanted to see you.. I wanted to remind myself why we got together. You know keeping it real." He made a peace sign and laughed. He didn't want to upright say it to her. His nervous body language was all it to see that he was just a simple wreck." Haven't spoken to you in awhile..you doin okay?"

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Cindel raised an eyebrow to him. "You're weird sometimes." Then she shrugged before replying to his question. "It hasn't been that long, you just have a lot on your plate with the guild and all. But yeah, I've been doing good. Even finally got a good set of armor!" Cindel patted her leather tunic, as if somehow that would prove its strength and durability. He seemed to be almost trembling. *What the..* "How about you? You okay? You don't look so good actually." Cindel returned the question with concern.

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Cindel raised an eyebrow to him. "You're weird sometimes." Then she shrugged before replying to his question. "It hasn't been that long, you just have a lot on your plate with the guild and all. But yeah, I've been doing good. Even finally got a good set of armor!" Cindel patted her leather tunic, as if somehow that would prove its strength and durability. He seemed to be almost trembling. *What the..* "How about you? You okay? You don't look so good actually." Cindel returned the question with concern.

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He stopped shaking and looked down at the flower and spoke in a gentle voice. " I'm glad you got your new set of armor. And yes, I've been busy with the guild." He twirled the flower in his hand hoping it would give him the confidence to say the words he wanted to say. He slowly gazed up at Cindel and smiled genuinely. He slowly began to speak to her." Life is short.. its meaningless if you don't meet people or make new friends. But then there are special people you meet. People you don't want to let go and lose. But faced with the reality of this place.. I had to think of a way to say those things I wanted to say to you the most. And I don't care if you run away, punch, me or tell me you never want to see me again. Because Cindel, I have grown extremely fond of you. You are intelligent, beautiful, kind, funny, romantic, bashful, serious, but above all ... You are courageous. I wanted you to know that. I want you to realize that I love you. I will always love you. I will love you til the day I die and I want you to remember that. There isn't a god forsaken thing you could do to make me stop loving you. " His voice cracked several times but majority of it was a serious note. " I wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't of made anything... really... without you. So I want you to know... however far you go, if we wake up and never see each other again, Just remember that there was a flaky flame haired goofball nut job who loved you more than life itself. And he never wanted to leave your side..."His voice drifted off as he leaned in to kiss her cheek." who would rather die... then live without you." He finished of his sentence and took a step back. He didn't care if she didn't answer him. It was the fact that he managed to get out every word and every sentence he boarded up inside his heart and mind.

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