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[SP-F1] Training

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Claim looked down at his new sword that he had obtained from lannister. It was a lot better than the sword He had started out with even though it had the -2 health. He felt that he could live with that for now. He would let out a small sigh as he thinks him self that he needs to stop lying around and start working on this character. He brush his hands through his long silver/white hair as he starts to walk to the fields. He hadn't done much exploring. He had been to level two forest, and the snowfields in level four always find him self back at floor one. He finally gets to the fields and scanned the horizon. See more boar then players he figured why not kill a few of the monsters, maybe he could get enough mat's to get some armor or gaulets.

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He would see a group of small boar and grin a bit. " That's a good place to start. " He walks of to the group and dash at one of them. Tightening the grip of his sword right before he swings it in to the boars side it was a little rough but the sword would cut through its side. The boar froze for a few seconds as the red line appeared. start from the back of the boar making its way to the font of it. Claim slightly turn his and out of the cover of his right eye saw the boar burst in to blueish green polygons. Still having a grin on his face he looked at the other two that were still standing.

[bd = 7 [ 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 Damage ]

[Claim] 13

[boar] -(-1 dead overkill )

Boar- 2

Boar- 2

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It jumped a little as it saw one of the boar burst in to polygons. It looked at the player as its eyes turned red and looked as if it was really angry. He would snort as it brushed his upper left leg across the ground stirring up some dust as it brought its head down make a squeal right before it charged at the player. It closed its eyes as it braced it self it hit the player. it slide a bit before it opened its eyes not feeling anything but air.

[bd = 1 miss [ + = Damage ]

[Claim] 13

#2 Boar- 2

#3 Boar- 2

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It would snort a bit as it saw the other boar missed its target. As if the things were organized it would stomp on the ground right before it ran at the player as well. Hopefully it would have a better chance to hit the player as it jump at him. Squealing at the payer. As it landed on him it would take one of tusk and drove it in to the mans shoulder and jump back. Stumping it hoof on the ground again as it taunting the player.

[bd = 9 [ 2 = Damage ]

[Claim] 11

#2 Boar- 2

#3 Boar- 2

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He looked at the boar that had stomped its hoof on the ground like a taunt he bring his longs sword up to rest on his shoulder he walked to the boar and bring his sword down to cut the boar across the boar face but he would miss. His blade would hit the ground in stead. and annoyed look came across his face as he pulled the sword out of the ground and got ready for the boars to attack again.

[bd = 4 miss [ 0 = Damage ]

[Claim] 11

#2 Boar- 2

#3 Boar- 2

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#2 Boar

The boar would turn and changer at claim once again i made a small squeal right as it got close to him it braced it self to for impacted. He looked at the boar as it charged him he smiled a bit. He waited till the last second to take a step to the right as the boar ran by him the was a slit breeze that followed the boar.

Bd= 4 miss

[Claim] 11

#2 Boar- 2

#3 Boar- 2

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#3 Boar

The boar hit its hoof on the ground one more time as his lowered its head and try'd to tackle the part hopefully it would knock the player off its feet just before it got close to claim it would trip over its own feet. As it fall on its stomach and slid passed claim. It quickly got up to it feet and shock its head if it was confused on how it had missed the player.

Bd= 5 miss

[Claim] 11

#2 Boar- 2

#3 Boar- 2

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He looked over the boar and a toothy grin appeared on his pale face he rush the boar as he came close to the boar he jumped and brought his sword down on its back. As the sword pierced its back it shatter in to light blue polygons most of them bounced of him he turned and face the last boar and smile as he mumbled to him self " One more left. "

Bd= 9 + 1= 10 [ 2 +1 skill + 1 sword = 4 damage]

[Claim] 11/13

#2 Boar- -2/2 died

#3 Boar- 2/2

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Boar# 3

Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle)dice.

Rolled a 4 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 14 on the d20 (loot) dice.


 He saw that the player had killed the other boar and it was now alone. It would shake its head a bit as it stomped on the ground with its two front hoves and rushed at the player. As it ran by the player one of its tusks would glance the players left leg do some damage to him it quickly turned around and looked at him.


8=hit 1damage


Claim 10/13

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The grip on his long sword tightened a bit as he turned the beginners armor he had would creek a bit as he looked down at the boar that had just hit him. He plunged the sword in to the board face the tip of his sword priested the tough leather skin as the boar burst in to polygons that were shades of blue and green. He sighed a bit as these small boar weren't really dropping anything but if he killed enough of them they would drop something maybe.


[ Bd 5+1= 6 hit Damage 1+2= 3 Craft:10 Loot:10 ]   


Claim 10/13


Boar 0/2

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[bD 3+1= 4 miss Damage = 0 ]

MD 4= miss

CD 7

LD 2


He heard the sound of something running threw the grass as he turned his to see a boar that was lightly big that the three that he had fought running straight at him. He was caught off guard " What!! " He swings his sword at the animal.  The boar flinched a bit right as Claims blade when right above its back. It took a few steps passed him as it turned around to face the player. His green eyes scanned over the boar it want like the one he had fought with a friend.


Claim 10/13


Boar 8/8 

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He swings his sword at the boars back once again this time he was ready as soon as the sword hit the back of the boar its eyes would turn red as it stomped its front foot on the ground. It saw that claim had left him self open and dashed at his right leg the tusk of the animal stock in to his calf. A sharp paint ran up his leg as the animal pulled it tusk out and ran to the back side of claim.


CD: 12

LD: 11

[ BD; 8+1=9 Damage 1+2=3 ]


Claim 7/13


Boar 5/8

[MD: 10 Damage 3]

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He looked ahead of him self and didn't see the boar. As he slowly turned around and saw the red eyes of the animal he smiled a bit, And lunged his sword at the animals face the boar would move a little to the left so that the blade wouldn't hit its face but more it shoulder as claims blade when in to the animal he lend in to the strike. His shoulder hit the side of animal and knotted back and freed his sword. The boar was a little dazed from the hit it shock its head and was ready for the next hit. 


[ BD: 9+1=10 Damage 2+2=4 CD:9 LD:16]


Claim 7/13


[ MD 4 = Miss]


Boar 1/8

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He looked over the boar as he took a few steps as he swings his sword at the monster and hits the back of the boar he stood there as he was ready for the the boar to burst in to polygons. The boar faded in and out as the red line across its back glowed a bit it looked over at the played and stuck its tusks in to the players leg once again the pain of its attack ran up claims leg soon followed by a numb feeling he closed one eye. As the boar faded away.  


[ BD 9+1=10 Damage 1+2=3 MD10 Damage 3 CD9 LD3]


Claim 4/13


Boar 0/8 1+ crafting mat

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Claims gem green eyes looked seeing the land scape and many more boar around but none that were really close to him. He sit's down and let out a small sigh he looked at his health bar as it was in the red now. " 4 boar and I'm all ready red. " This was a big let down to him as he had seen many people just tare through a so many mods before they had lost little hp. With his left hand he runs his hand through his semi-long silver hair.

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He look down at this health bar as and shakes his head " That was enough for now " He slowly gets back up to his feet and let out a small sigh, as he look around he sheaths his sword and with a some what sad look on his face he slowly walked back to town there were many monster to kill latter.

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