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[PP-F4] A Meeting by Snow (Completed)

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As floor four, the Winter Wonderland, weather was quite normal, a cold bitter day. Filled with small snowflakes, and dripping ice sickles, I was on the roof tops, just walking around the city. My usual exploration was this unsual looking, I was kinda wandering around now, my mind was well blank and gone.

As I walked to the edge of the building, I stopped and croutched down and servaied the plaza, my snow white hair, fluttering in my face, my sapphire blue left eye moving back and forth. Me in my usual attire, a eye patch my right eye. No shirt, with many chains and necklaces, my pair of leather armlets that stopped under his shoulder that house many straps and buckles, the pair of black pants that has a unique leather belt and many more chains. And my pair of black leather boots, that have many straps and skull buckles.

I sat there with my Scimitar sitting on my waist and i was quite bored and i was showing it, as i leaned forward and let myself slightly fall forward, i now was hanging upside down and saw many people pointing and looking at me as they whispered. "Whatever, this day was just boring, i needed something interesting to happen, all these NPC's bore me." I said as i hanged there my hands gripping onto the wooden frame, as the black leather armlets gave me a exellent grip.

[OOC- Players allowed.]



[OOC- Ps. Shi's voice is that of Raidens from Metal Gear Solid.]

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The same god damn snowy fields bothered Kaito once more. "I hate this place so much." he said, as he wraps his scarf around his mouth to keep himself warm. Kaito then looks back at that day he reunited with Mitoko and starts to smile under his scarf. "It's great to see her again." he said, as he watch NPCs and players walk by him.

As the snow falls on top of Kaito, he continues to watch NPCs and players walk by. "Everything here is so boring. I need something exciting to happen." he said, as he gives out a yawn. Kaito's eyes start to quickly shift as he continues to watch the movements of the players and NPCs. Kaito in his black coat with his black scarf complimented with his black boots and hobo gloves. Kaito finally gives up and starts to walk around the Winter Wonderland and figures he should just look around for a bit, since there is nothing but snow.

I start to hear NPCs and some players saying there was some player hanging upside down from a building. "Great. Some adventure!" he said, as Kaito run towards where the suppose crazed player is. Kaito finally made his way to his destination and finds a player hanging upside down from the building wielding a Scimitar. Kaito quickly equips his Scimitar and gives it a couple of swings. "Still good for now." he said, as he runs closer to the player. "HEY YOU! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Kaito shout, as he ready himself for anything.

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Mitoko hummed cheerfully as she walked down the snowy land of "vanilla ice cream". Unlike most people, Mitoko enjoyed being in the middle of nowhere in an artic area, because she loved the feeling of soft cold snow on her skin. So if you would find snow angels everywhere... she would most likely be the culprit of the crime. "The snow is so cute! I wish it was ice cream... wouldn't that be amazing Roro?" the pinkette giggled as she patted her familiars' head. It nibbled her a little as if it was disagreeing with her. But then again- fire and ice don't mix that well! "That was... hurtful," she'd mumble under her breath before thwacking the creature playfully.

But all of a sudden it "chirped" loudly as it flew off, leaving a dumbfounded Mitoko pretty much stranded. "W-Wait up! Don't r-run away on me!" she'd scoff before dashing after it until she stopped in front of quite a weird scene. Many random people, a dude hanging off a building door or it appeared like that, and Kaito. "What in the world..." she stopped in front of Kaito and took a deep breath, watching as the bird flew all the way up to rest on a roof. "B-But..."

She shrugged and turned back to smile at Kaito. "Oh? You're here too! And that guy..." she faced the random stranger and tilted her head to the side. "M-May I ask why you are in such an awkward position at a public place? Or are you drunk? - Oh I'M SORRY ABOUT SAYING TH-" she shut up and bit her tongue nervously.

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As I was still bored i heard two new voices one, a young male, and then another a young female. As I looked at both of them I turned to the young man, and sighed as he stared at him with his sapphire blue left eye. And then he turned to the young woman next to him, who had a familiar on her shoulder, as he responded, his voice hoarse and rugged, "No, I'm not drunk, I'm just bored out of my mind, this position is to get blood flowing to my head so I can think better." I say as I let go and flip in the air, as many NPC's gasped at my stunt, I do a spin flip and I landed on my feet as I slowly rose from my one knee stance.

i stood up and looked down at them both of them, me being 6'5, I stared at them both, my pale white skin, clashing with not only my sapphire blue left eye, but also with my snow white hair. As I had my other eye covered by my black lined white eyepatch, my hands covered to just under the shoulder, as it had a pair of black leather armlets. That had a few straps here and there, my black leather jeans, with many belts and chains, and at my knees, my light metal greaves covering all the way down my pants to my studded black leather skull buttoned combat boots. The greaves stopping above the top of my boot, as I stratched my chest, I had no shirt on, but I had a few chains around my neck and I sighed as I looked at both of them.

"This place and thse NPC's bore me to no end, you two on the other hand peak my interest." I say as I was being far more chatty than I usually am, as I looked at a few of the male NPC's and I growled at them. "Get lost will ya, I hate seeing your ugly mugs!" I yell at the men as the scatter like the rest of them all, and I stratch my eyepatch, as my right eye was bothering me. "Bloody nuisance they all are, can't a fella get five minutes to get his head cleared and thinking?" i said once more before turning back to the two people, "Oh, did you say something?" i said as I thought I heard one of them speak to me.

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Mitoko shows up with me. "Mitoko! It's nice to see you again!" he said, as he shifts his attention towards the player. He then answers Mitoko and does a flip and does some crazy spins before landing on one knee. "Tch.. You could have fallen off." he said, as he brushes the snow off himself. Kaito still gives the player a blank expression and glances over at his Scimitar. He places his hand in front of Mitoko and moves her behind him. "Careful, Mitoko. He's armed." Kaito states, as he starts to spin his Scimitar in a circular motion. "If he dares lay a finger on Mitoko. I'll end him now." he devises, as he continues to spin his Scimitar.

The player rose and stood six foot five inches off the ground, with pale white skin and sapphire eye. Kaito looked up at the player, still clenching his Scimitar. "No matter who it is. No one will hurt my Princess or oppose me." he'd think to himself. The player seems to have an eye patch over his eyes and it must have been from a wound during a battle, or some kind of weird fashion sense. He had nothing but chains wrapped around him, and Kaito had warm clothing around him. Mitoko, who loves the snow didn't mind the weather. "What kind of idiot wears nothing but chains in this weather. It's freezing out here." he said, as he brings the scarf towards his nose.

Kaito look over at the NPCs, as the player starts to bark all of them away. He turns over to Mitoko and whisper to her, "If this guy is bad news, I want you to run as fast as you could. I'll do all I can to distract him." Kaito said, as he quickly looks back at the player. The player then asked if the two said anything and Kaito shook his head in negativity.

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Mitoko sweat dropped nervously as Kaito had started getting carried away... thinking that the strange man was bad. She didn't want to think anyone in this game was bad however, and she had been obviously dense to be that way. K-Kaito? He doesn't look like a b-bully..." the pinkette muttered as she looked at him, hearing closely as he'd whisper. Not knowing what else to say, she'd simply nod. "Okiee, I'll do that." However she wanted to observe this player to see if he did look like anything bad, because she didn't like to judge upon first sight. She liked to dig deeper into things out of instinct.

Mitoko looked at the sir and winced as he immediately shouted at them. She'd frown lightly before looking at the NPC's and mumbling. "Poor AI's... good thing they aren't real. It would be awful this made them sad," she'd sigh while observing how the NPC's had pre programmed replies and almost real emotions. Mitoko simply shook her head from side to side and gulped. "And s-sir? Umm...-" the pinkette drew blank on what to say. "Isn't it cold for you? I have a scarf somewhere in my inventories list if you feel sick!" she'd offer kindly.

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Turning my head back to the young woman, who was offering me a scarf as I put up my hand and refused, "Nay, I don't need one, this weather doesn't bother me, I had to trek through worst weather than this." "I will be fine with out it plus, I don't like clothing that restrict my neck and chest." I say as i cringed at the thought of my accident 6 years ago, as I looked up and then back at the two players, the boy clearly defensive as I sighed at him.

"Tis fine young man, I not mean either of you any harm, I only wish to find something entertaining today, for all these NPC's bore me, there non existant expressions mock my own." I say as my own face was doll like and emontionless, as a small gust of wind blows and I slightly turn the sun peaking through the clouds hits my pale white skin, amking it glow slightly. As the cloud then blanketed the sky once more and I turned my back towards them a looked at the gate.

My entire back covered in many scars, varieting from faded small, to clearly visiable large ones, I rubbed my chin and I looked up at the sky. "Hmm... some dragon leather boots would work perfectly, I know i will got hunt Ice Dragons." "You two care to join me, if not then either way I will get my mat." I say to them both as I open my HUD and I scroll through my gear and check all my stuff, to see if everything was in order and I begin to walk. As i slowly turned my head I looked over my shoulder, "Shall be a blast, better than this stingy little plaza full of boring NPC's." i say as I continued to walk waiting to see if either one was going to follow.

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The player said he wouldn't harm Kaito and Mitoko, which made Kaito relax a bit. "Good. I don't want anything to harm Mitoko. Let it be a Frenzy Boar or Kayaba." he said, clenching his fist. Kaito de-materializes his Scimitar to show a sign of peace towards the player and gave him a confused expression. "You must have some dark secrets behind that pale skin for yours." Kaito said, as he identifies the player's physical appearance. There was much more behind this odd player, but he seems to keep things to himself. "Who are you? Why doesn't this weather bother you? It bothers everyone and irritate me." he'd think to himself, as he let's out a sigh.

The player said he wants to go hunt for some Ice Dragons and it sparked Kaito's attention. "Now, that's an adventure I would care to join you in." he said, as he quickly re-equips his Scimitar. "I need to do some training myself." Kaito said, as excitement glows within his eyes. He turns over towards Mitoko, "Come on, let's go. We'll have some fun." Kaito said, as he puts his hands on the side of her head, squeezing her cheeks at the same time.

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Mitoko nodded while carefully taking his hands off of her face. "O-Okay! Let's go! Hopefully Roro-chan wont flip out you know... seeing her own specie- yeah..." the pinkette muttered while cuddling her familiar with a somewhat faux smile on her face, because she was a little concerned for her pet dragon. But then she looked up... seeing the shirtless man walk quite a distance. She panicked and took off after him, stopping midway to look back at Kaito. "Hurry up silly! I wanna train!" she chirped cheerfully, waiting for him to catch up with her. And then they made it all the way to the mysterious sir...

He had been on his way out of the plaza, and his footsteps were rather quick. Mitoko felt like it was hard to keep up with him due to her usual slow pace. But gratefully she had managed to survive it SO FAR. "Whooptiedoo!" Now she was the slowpoke instead of Kaito.


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The cold wind blowing, the surrounding trees littered with ice and snow, as i looked at them all, this wonderful sight. As I slowed down abit and let my copanions catch up abit, as I glanced at the area ahead and I used my <> skill to leap into the trees. Jumping from tree branch to tree branch I almost could be mistaken for a ninja, as I stopped and looked ahead and saw a large clearing, I then fall back and I do a backwards back flip and land in the snow like I did in the town.

Rising up only a little in the snow I didn't like that overpass, as I turn and looked at my copanions, "Get down will you, we may have company, stay sharp." I say as i turn my head away from them both, and remove my eyepatch slightly to let my right eye see ahead, as neither one of the two people with me saw what I was hiding under the patch. As i slide it back down and slowly walked towards the pathway, and I hide behind the tree, keeping my hand up telling them not yet.

As then I heard a few snapping twigs and moving rocks, as I then felt cold air, as I looked up and saw a Ice Dragon looking at me over a rock line. The roar of it snapped me to jump up as it lunged at me I running up its head and leaping into the air and landing only a few feet away. "Lovey there goes my sneak tatic, prepare for battle you two." I say as I draw out my demonic looking Scimitar, a unique blade design and a human fist for the pummel connected my a black leather handle as I went into my Waki-gamae Kendo stance and I charged at the dragon.

monster health is Floor level X 2. So level 4 monster would have 8 health minimum. They can have more, but that is the minimum they must have.



The end of my blade cleaving into the scaley flesh of the dragon as I jumped back away from its tail swipe, almost getting hit, but my greaves giving me the evasion boost I needed, I slide and go back into my Waki-gamae stance, hiding the blade away from sight and facing the dragon once more, my breathing gone, as I was composed and quite.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 15/15]




[Health Points: 13/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Ice Dragon»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 6/8

[Health Points: 6/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 8: Stirke»

«Ice Dragon takes 1 damage»

«Ice Dragon takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Ice Dragon takes total 2 points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

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Kaito watches as the player initiates the attack towards the Ice Dragon. "That did some damage." he said, as the player backs off and positions himself once again. "This guys has to be some kind of martial art or kendo student." Kaito mumbles to himself, as he starts to swing his Scimitar around. The Ice Dragon lets out a roar, exactly like the Fire Dragon from before. It could tremble players with a weak heart, but not that it would affect Kaito in any way. Kaito charges towards the Ice Dragon, not aware of his surrounds attempts to slash the Ice Dragon. The dragon tail whips him against the rocky walls, causing him to get his air knocked out of him. "D--Damn it. I should have paid more attention." he said, as he holds onto his chest.


Kaito [12/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Radien (Shi) [16/16 HP]


Ice Dragon [6/8 HP]


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"K-Kaito!" Mitoko gasped as she watched him get hit by the ice dragon. Mitoko looked back at Roro and spoke to her. "Go wait somewhere else okay? I'll be alright! I'm kicking butt that's all!" the pinkette assured, stroking her beloved familiars feathery fluff and commanding it to fly off. Looking from the corner of her eyes, she'd sigh and stare at the ice dragon. "Why must we kill? It's the only way to live of course..." She'd swiftly unsheathe her basic steel rapier, focusing at the target before her. Nodding after, she charged at it and attempted to stab at it head on... successfully piercing into its' icy skin and dealing limited but some damage towards it. "Poor ice dragon," she'd mumble under her breath, quickly running out of its close range where it couldn't turn her into a popsicle in Antarctica.


Kaito [12/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Raiden (Shi) [16/16 HP]


Ice Dragon [5/8 HP]


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After I dodged that dragons first attempt to attack me, I saw it did strike someone, seeing the male get struck I sighed as I quickly hoped over to the boy, "Take a breathe, and try to focus." I said to him as I then saw the dragon over head, as I quickly pulled the boy with me and I dodged that incoming attack, I quickly rushed at it once more. My snow white hair dancing in my face, as the sun peaked out once more, I flipped the Scimitar in my hand and I held it backwards. I then leaped into the air and I spun hoping to land a decent strike on it or even one at all.



As my attack was stopped I felt the tail of the dragon come into contact with my body, as I used me leg to block the attack, my metal greaves clanking and grinding against the scale of the dragon. As it pushes me with all its might I fly back, not able to land a correct strike on it I growl under my breathe as I turned to the boy.

"I'll attack from the front, I will focus on the teeth and jaws." "You attack from behind, and you miss do as he says I won't make you do anything." I say as I rushed back at the dragon once more. I flashed my Scimitars flat edge at the dragons eye making it turn and face me, giving the young man a chance to go and do a sneak attack on it. As I go defensive as I waited for the boys next move.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 15/15]




[Health Points: 12/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Ice Dragon»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 5/8

[Health Points: 5/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 5: Miss»

«Ice Dragon takes zero damage»

«Ice Dragon takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Ice Dragon takes total zero points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

[OOC- I got work today this is all I will be able to post until late, I will contact both of you when I am on, Taddy Bye you two.]

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Mitoko was able to land a hit on the Ice Dragon, but Kaito and the other player weren't so lucky. "Tch. This Ice Dragon doesn't have long to live." he said, as he positions himself facing the Ice Dragon. Kaito glances at Mitoko and flashes her a smile, "I'm fine, my princess." he mouths to her. The dragon starts to roar at Kaito with ice shards flying towards him. Without knowing the effect of the ice shards, Kaito charges at the Ice Dragon and attempts to strike the Ice Dragon. He attempts to leap in the air, but the ice shards finally hit him. Kaito falls to his knees and grabs onto his chest. "C--Cold.." he said, as he slowly rises from his knees.


Kaito [11/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Radien (Shi) [16/16 HP]


Ice Dragon [5/8 HP]

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Mitoko gulped and looked back at Kaito... and the ice dragon. "You big bully! You're gonna get it...' she frowned, not even bothering to prepare herself to attack properly... she'd go at it head on without thinking, stabbing away at it while she could. It was hard to even poke it due to it being- icy? She did her best however, even if she wasn't really much help at all. But Mitoko was glad she could do something at least. She saw this opportunity as training at the very same time. The foe roared as her and attempted to attack her with numerous swipes and ice shards. The pinkette just barely got hit, but thank goodness she thought quick enough! That would have cost a lot of HP. "O-Oh." She'd immediately walk backwards into a safer area to watch Mr. Fancy go next.


Kaito [11/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Radien (Shi) [16/16 HP]


Ice Dragon [4/8 HP]

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As I looked at both of them, I say the young lady was doing quite a exellent job, unlike me and her male friend. As I slide my hand against the edge of the Scimitar, I closed my left eye and took a deep breathe, I snapped it open and charged at the dragon, the cold bitter wind slapping my face as I still had no expression on my face, I leaped and spun in the air, as I slashed at the Ice Dragon.



As I slashed at the dragons scaley hide, and it roared in pain, its HP hit the red zone, and I chuckled abit, a emotion I never gave if I gave one at all. As I land and slide down its back and off its tail, I rolled away and stood back up and then flipped my Scimitar forward and pointed it at the Dragon, "Slay it into Oblivion!" I roared as I watched my two allies go for the kill.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 15/15]




[Health Points: 10/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Ice Dragon»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 2/8

[Health Points: 2/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 6: Strike»

«Ice Dragon takes 1 damage»

«Ice Dragon takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Ice Dragon takes total 2 points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

[OOC- I have 15 Health guys, not 16.]

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Kaito, frustrated at the fact that he didn't land a single hit on the dragon. He starts to brace himself for another impact by the Ice Dragon. Ice shards start to fly once again towards Kaito, but still ignoring the ice shards he went in for an attack that was more idiotic than any other way. "If I can land this hit, being hit by a couple of shards won't matter." Kaito thinks, as he reaches closer to the head of the dragon. He slid towards the side of the Ice Dragon's head, but its hand smack Kaito straight down. "Damn it." Kaito said, as he struggles to get out of the dragon's grasp.


Kaito [10/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Radien (Shi) [15/15 HP]


Ice Dragon [2/8 HP]

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Mitoko stared blankly and watched as they both missed. "I know how they feel. It makes you want to flip a table I guess," she mentally chuckled before looking back at the ice dragon with a dreaded expression. "Hm... let's picky the side a bit?" the pinkette muttered under her breath while making her way across the ground swiftly. She'd try not to hesitate again, gathering up her courage to risk a few life points. She squeaked as it roared and turned her way, trying to practically do some freeze damage on her. But yet again she was quick to react to it. "You wouldn't dare!" she shouted while managing to take that opportunity to stab it. Her crimson eyes glowed... and she knew she had actually gotten better at this horrible game. "Go get it mister!" and then she moved back to her "spot".


Kaito [10/13 HP]

Mitoko [9/9 HP]

Radien (Shi) [15/15 HP]


Ice Dragon [1/8 HP]

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With my Scimitar I rushed at the Ice Dragon, my blade ready to kill and my inventory ready for an item of any kind as of now. As i ran at the Dragon, I turned around and looked at me as it then took flight, my right eye hurting as I followed it and watched as it dived towards me. My Scmitar pointing at it, as I waited for it to get close enough, then I would attack it.



As I then jumped as I landed on the dragons head, the thing now crossed eyed and looking at me, I slammed my Scimitar down, but I almost lost my balance as it shook its head. It threw me up and I went flying, but I caught myself mid flight and I zoomed towards the tail, as I grabbed it and spun around it, and landed. Now I ran along the spin of the dragon, as I slashed its wing, making it plunge towards to ground, my goal was its head, as I slid and now at the base of the head.

I drove my blade into the head of the dragon and made its HP hit zero, as I looked I was about 15 feet from the ground, I saw a tree and I leaped off of the dragin and grabbed the trees trunk, as I slammed into it with a thud and I slide down the side and hopped to the ground as the Dragon did and it went in a poof of blue triangle pixels. I didn't even turn I just walked on back to the others, as I clearly knew they would think I was crazy for doing that.

Now I felt a cold breeze on my right eye as i saw my patch land next to me, and my right eye exposed, flashing the color violet at both of the people, while I looked at them with my sapphire blue left eye, I sighed as I picked it up and I reapplied it to my face and listened to them speak.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 15/15]




[Health Points: 10/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Ice Dragon»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: -2/8 æ­»ã‚“ã  (ã‚„ã‚ŠéŽãŽ)

[Health Points: -2/8] Dead (Overkill)


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 9: Crtical Strike»

«Ice Dragon takes 2 damage»

«Ice Dragon takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Ice Dragon takes total 3 points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

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Kaito de-materializes his Scimitar and scoffs at the player who had dropped his eye-patch. "Some secret you have there buddy." he said, as he places hand over his face. Katio lets out a sigh and walks over to a rocky edge and takes a seat. "I guess this weather isn't so bad after you've done some killing." he said, as he closes his eyes. There are several things that Kaito still needs to learn, but for now he'll need to be the weakest link of every team fight. Kaito slowly opens his eyes and watches over the snowy mountains and leans against his arms that he placed behind him. "So what now?" Kaito states, as the snow starts to pile on top of him.

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