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[PP-F4] A Meeting by Snow (Completed)

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"Yay! I-It's dead! Good j- o-oh wow..." she freaked out when she saw his multi colored eyes. "Their so pretty! Wow heterochromia rocks!" the pinkette gasped she poked the tall guys' forehead childishly. "Well... Roro! You can come out now!" she'd holler loudly, grinningas her beloved pet flew up to her, now resting on her shoulder. "Th-the snow looks cute..." without another word she'd glance at the two before sitting on the ground, cupping a snowball in her hands and plopping it on top of the poor familiar, giggling as it would frown at her. Shortly after she'd stare at the ground awkwardly, drawing her boring old face again as she picked up a little of the cold ice in her hands, looking at it closely and watching as it would practically shine from the sunlight. She then blinked a few quick times as the snow melted into water. "O-Oh."

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As I hear the boy I sighed, then the girl poking my forehead, thats when the pain came in, as i jumped back and grabbed my forehead, a painful look came across my face. As I slowly backed up and sat down in the snow, as I looked at her, and was some what angry that she did that, "D...don't touch me, please for the gods above don't touch me." I say in a pained voice and had a dulled colored left eye, a dark grey color it was almost tearing up as I dug my hand into the snow and rubbed a handful of now clumped ice shards against my skin.

As I looked hurt and now on the verge of tears, something that I never do, but this was different, I haven't felt this pain in 3 years, and the feeling hurts just as bad, but dumbed down since this is a VR world, my body still reacts the same way, as I look at her. And I let go of my forehead and the area is somewhat red and had a rash like appearence to it.

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Kaito could hear the player saying something at Mitoko, but it sounded like he was hurt. He quickly stood up and ran over to Mitoko and slid to her side. "What's wrong with him?" he said, as he grabs ahold of Mitoko. Kaito brings her back a bit, moving away from the player. "I guess there are still more things I need to know about this guy. The fact that we didn't even introduce ourselves at all." he'd think, as he distance the two away. Kaito lets go of Mitoko and stands in front of her, watching the player who looked up at the two. It looked like he received a rash on his forehead, from just a touch from Mitoko. "You okay, player?" he asked, without any hesitation.

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"I-I'm sorry sir I was stupid... I promise to keep my distance," Mitoko quietly said with a guilty expression. Though she didn't know how a simple touch could be that painful. She stood behind Kaito quietly, her eyes averted away from the strange man. "I guess there really is a lot to everyone. Heterochromia and creepy skin which burned upon contact. Oh boy... maybe I shouldn't be too hyper around strangers. It's best if I keep away a little. Maybe it'll help me make more friends. Maybe..." "What now?" Mitoko muttered under her breath while watching Kaito and the stranger with a blank look. "I guess we aren't going anywhere else soon eh."


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As I looked at the boy, my left eye dull in color, as I responded, "N... yeah I am now, just... please don't touch me, I can't come into contact with human skin, the oils they burn." I said to him not making much sense but stating what was needed as i got up and rubbed my head and knew that this wasn't the real world and oils didn't matter here so i continued. "And yes I know this is a VR world and oils like that don't apply here... but my body still reacts to it even if its here."

I said to him as I leaned back against a nearby tree, and look up, as I removed my left glove as I unbuckled it and revealed a tattoo on it and poked my own self, but my skin didn't react to it, "I'm safe as long as its my own, my body has adapted to my own oils back in the real world, so here I don't react to it." I said to him as I then slipped back on my armlet and buckled if again, covering the exotic looking tattoo. And I turned back to him and then looked back up, "So long as I don't come in contact with skin I will be fine, the doctors say its all in my head... gods i hope so, because this is getting rediculas." i said as i was unpleased with my own being and was sick of it being like this.

Looking around I sighed and stood back up and began to walk again, as I treked past the young woman and back onto the path. I didn't want to discuss this matter anymore and I was trying to forget it all, as I wanted to forget everything that happened 6 years ago. Make it all fade away into the furthest depths of my mind and heart, as i couldn't ever really forget but i tried, even after every night the nightmares keep comimg.

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Kaito took a look at his tatto and the player covered it back up, walking along the path back. "Sorry about that. Next time, you should mention in it in the beginning." he said, taking the fall for Mitoko. She didn't know about it and shouldn't feel guilty for it. Kaito grabs ahold of Mitoko's hand and follows the player on the path, staying back a bit. "This guy.. Something happened to him in the real world and for some reason it still affects him on Aincrad. Kayaba.. Aren't you suppose to free everyone from their disabilities?" he'd think, as they continue on their path. Kaito glances back at Mitoko once in a while to see if she still feels guilty about what just happened. He starts to swing their hands, as if they were just having a normal walk on the park.

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"O-Oh... that's horrible. I promise not to sir," she nodded while speaking quietly and following behind them. "That's horrible! I thought Sword Art Online wasn't exactly like that. At least they were kind to Toshiro-san... he finally gets his chance to walk," Mitoko noted mentally as she kept on thinking and wondering. A little bit of her guilt had been lifted up by now, however some still did remain. Kaito then started to swing their hands gently, trying to cheer her up... and it reminded her of old times somehow. She began to smile, finally in the right mood. "So, where t-to next?" the pinkette asked quietly.

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As I put my hand up and stopped, I listened and drew my Scimitar and ran at a nearby bush and knoncked out a Timber Wolf, "Ambush get back!!" I yelled as I leaped back and another one appeared, as we had two Timber Wolves to deal with. My right eye hurting, as now they knew so I didn't care, I rpped off m eyepatch and put in my pocket, as now both my eyes open to them.

As I charged at the first Timber Wolf, I was not in the mood for this, even if my face didn't show it, I was down right slightly still mad. As I swung my Scimitar at it and hoped for the best it killed it, or at least landed a hit.



As the wolf jumped abck and at me, I flet it pin me down and I pul my hand up and it bit into my arm. Taking my Scimitars pummel, whic was shaped like a human fist, I smack it hard as the impact made a loud thudding echo. Now my health had dropped a single point, more than I wanted to do, I hated this and now I was irriable. "You there, your name." I said to the young man next to me.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 14/15]




[Health Points: 10/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 8/8

[Health Points: 8/8]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 8/8

[Health Points: 8/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 2: Miss»

«Wolf takes zero damage»

«Wolf takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Wolf takes total zero points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

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The player jumped into a nearby brush and Kaito stopped from a distance, holding Mitoko back. "Is he taking a leak?" he said, slowly moving backwards. Suddenly, a Timber Wolf flew outwards the party and Kaito quickly picks of Mitoko and leaps back further. "What the hell?!" Kaito shouts at the player, as the player yells out ambush. Another Timber Wolf appears next to the one the player threw earlier. "We got some company." Kaito states, as he slowly puts Mitoko down. He quickly equips his Scimitar and dashes towards the Timber Wolf, but it quickly pounces on him. Kaito gets knocked off his feet and slid towards Mitoko.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [9/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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The player jumped into a nearby brush and Kaito stopped from a distance, holding Mitoko back. "Is he taking a leak?" he said, slowly moving backwards. Suddenly, a Timber Wolf flew outwards the party and Kaito quickly picks of Mitoko and leaps back further. "What the hell?!" Kaito shouts at the player, as the player yells out ambush. Another Timber Wolf appears next to the one the player threw earlier. "We got some company." Kaito states, as he slowly puts Mitoko down. He quickly equips his Scimitar and dashes towards the Timber Wolf, but it quickly pounces on him. Kaito gets knocked off his feet and slid towards Mitoko.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [9/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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The pinkette frowned as she looked at the wolf and drew her rapier swiftly. "Here have a surprise," she muttered under her breath while attempting to attack the wolf. It would move around her to attack from behind, attempting to confuse her as it kept on moving and never stayed put. When the chance came, she would try and kick the wolf, immediately taking the opportunity to stab it good when it was still IN ONE PLACE. "I-I'm sorry wolf..." Mitoko gulped as she thrusted her sword into its stomach, trying to block out its yelp. "The strange man is going next! I hope he hits a critical," she'd think while running a fair distance away from the foe and stopping as she turned on her heels and observed as the player named <> went next.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [9/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [6/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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The pinkette frowned as she looked at the wolf and drew her rapier swiftly. "Here have a surprise," she muttered under her breath while attempting to attack the wolf. It would move around her to attack from behind, attempting to confuse her as it kept on moving and never stayed put. When the chance came, she would try and kick the wolf, immediately taking the opportunity to stab it good when it was still IN ONE PLACE. "I-I'm sorry wolf..." Mitoko gulped as she thrusted her sword into its stomach, trying to block out its yelp. "The strange man is going next! I hope he hits a critical," she'd think while running a fair distance away from the foe and stopping as she turned on her heels and observed as the player named <> went next.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [9/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [6/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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As I leaped up and into the air, I looked at the wolfs and I was air born, I shined my blade at them making them look at me as i landed. I gave off a grin, as my twin eye colors went vivid as a cloud over pasted me, and my eyes glew in the shadow of the cloud. I then ran at the wolf that was injured and I swung my Scimitar at it.



As the cleaver wolf snarled as it leapt at me, and gorged into my throat, I kicked it off me and I sent it flying with significant force and it hit the tree with a loud and painful smack, as it fell and laided there, I caused no damage but still anyone wouldn't move from that impact, as I quickly got up and jumped back, seeing the girl look at me. I saw my player information above my head and I quickly opened my HUD and set my info to private, and it disappeared from sight.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 13/15]




[Health Points: 9/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 6/8

[Health Points: 6/8]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 8/8

[Health Points: 8/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 3: Miss»

«Wolf takes zero damage»

«Wolf takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Wolf takes total zero points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

[OOC-Nevermind I see your new skill rank up.]

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As I leaped up and into the air, I looked at the wolfs and I was air born, I shined my blade at them making them look at me as i landed. I gave off a grin, as my twin eye colors went vivid as a cloud over pasted me, and my eyes glew in the shadow of the cloud. I then ran at the wolf that was injured and I swung my Scimitar at it.



As the cleaver wolf snarled as it leapt at me, and gorged into my throat, I kicked it off me and I sent it flying with significant force and it hit the tree with a loud and painful smack, as it fell and laided there, I caused no damage but still anyone wouldn't move from that impact, as I quickly got up and jumped back, seeing the girl look at me. I saw my player information above my head and I quickly opened my HUD and set my info to private, and it disappeared from sight.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 13/15]




[Health Points: 9/13]




[Health Points: 9/9]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 6/8

[Health Points: 6/8]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 8/8

[Health Points: 8/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 3: Miss»

«Wolf takes zero damage»

«Wolf takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Wolf takes total zero points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

[OOC-Nevermind I see your new skill rank up.]

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After the player was unsuccessful and went back into position, Kaito de-materializes his Scimitar and holds out an invisible sword. "Okay.. Now to bring out the sword I recently crafted." he mentally tells himself, as his new and improved Scimitar materializes in his hand. "That's more like it." he said, with a grin on his face. The Timber Wolf charges after him and he looks straight right into its eyes, as he strikes the Timber Wolf swiftly. The health of the wolf starts to drop to the red zone, as Kaito leaps back to safety.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [9/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [2/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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Mitoko's eyes widened at how strong he had become in such a little time. "W-Woah..." she'd gasp in awe while watching him hit the wolves flawlessly... she doubted she could ever attack that well even in the future to be honest. For the pinkette, slicing down a small bunch of boars put her near death. But she didn't want to think of that now... it was too scary. She shook her head and rose her rapier slowly, starting to spring into action when the timber wolf moved towards her. The way it would move was incredibly overpowering for someone like her. The <> pounced on her, and she would try not to fall while attempting to block the attack. But sadly she tripped and the monster did not hesitate to scratch her with it's claws. Silently she frowned before pushing it off and springing up to her feet with an "oh really?" look on her face. 'Not bad," she bluntly commented before glancing towards the mysterious player and nodding calmly.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [8/9 HP]?

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [2/8 HP]

»Timber Wolf [8/8 HP]

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Seeing the girl take a hit I gave her a stern worried look and I then rushed at the Timber wolf on the ground and I went to land a strike on it, as I saw it get up slowly "Finally you worthless piece of trash your mine!!!" I roared as the wolf jumped back and tried to run away, but i wasn't about to let it go, I slide and knocked it off its feet once more, and I swung my blade at it as I kicked off the ground.



My blade cleaving into the wolfs hide, it made a painful howl as my blade cleaved its head right off and I landed as the other wolf came rushing at me and I drop kicked it back a few feet. "Your death will be next you." I said as I looked at it and gave a sinister look and both of my eyes went into vivid colors, as I jumped back knowing I couldn't do anything for now so I watched as the boy ran at the wolf.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 13/15]




[Health Points: 9/13]




[Health Points: 8/9]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 0/8 死んã 

[Health Points:0/8] Dead


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 8/8

[Health Points: 8/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 6: Strike»

«Wolf takes 1 damage»

«Wolf takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Wolf takes total 2 points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

LD: 11-18

Any type of good item.

OR Mob health X 5 Col

Rolled a 18

Mob health X 5 Col

Timber Wolves HP: 8

Raiden (Shi) HP: 15

8 X 5 Col: 40 Col Gained

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The player was able to execute one of the two Timber Wolves, but the other wolf still lingers. "One more to go." Kaito states, as he dashes towards the Timber Wolf. It pounces on him and scratches his chest, leaving three claw marks behind. Kaito attempted to use one more slash abd was able to hit the Timber Wolf. "I'm not strong enough.." he thought to himself, but shook his head. The fight wasn't over and it isn't the time to start thinking negatively. "Let's go. We're almost done here." he said, as he positions himself for the next attack.


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [8/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [0/8 HP] - Dead

»Timber Wolf [4/8 HP]

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Mitoko watched Kaito from the corner of her eyes as he would attack the wolf. "I was tired of this anyways..." she thought as her mind lingered on to the thought of the time where she had almost been killed by pathetic little boars. It kind of left a little scar on her... she hated to think of it. "L-Let's beat this down!" she'd nod with an optimistic attitude, trying to snap out of it while moving towards the wolf and managing to get close enough to it for her to push it down with her foot. Swiftly she thrust the rapier into one of it's weak spots around the neck and moving back quickly. "You're next mister."


»Kaito [09/13 HP]

»Mitoko [8/9 HP]

»Shi [14/15 HP]


»Timber Wolf [0/8 HP] - Dead

»Timber Wolf [5/8 HP]

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As i see the second wlof take alot of punishment I had hoped that I would get the final kill, as I charged back at the Wolf, drawing my Scimitar once more, and swung it. Praying that this strike landed on the dot, as the cold wind blew in and my hair danced I looked at the wolf with my sapphore left blue eye.



The wolf jumped over me and dived at me, as I tried to stab it to death it moved around my blade ans bit into my shoulder, as I fell to the ground and kicked it off me in a reversed somersault. "Blasted beast, kill that thing now!!" I yelled as I grabbed my shoulder and saw the little red petals flutter out of it.


[«Radien (Shi)»]


[Epuipped Item]

Dark Skull Greaves +1 EVA


[Health Points: 12/15]




[Health Points: 9/13]




[Health Points: 8/9]


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 0/8 死んã 

[Health Points:0/8] Dead


[«Timber Wolf»]

å¥åº·ãƒã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒˆ: 2/8

[Health Points: 2/8]


[«My Stats»]


[+1 Damage from 1-Handed Curved Sword level 1]


[«Combat Dice»]

«Shi rolled a 3: Miss»

«Wolf takes zero damage»

«Wolf takes one extra points of damage from weapon skill.»

«Wolf takes total zero points of damage»

«1: Epic Faliure; No actions succeed»

«2-5: Miss; No damage was dealt»

«6-8: Strike; Single point of damage dealt»

«9: Critical Strike; Two poins of damage dealt»

«10: Ultimate Strike; Three points of damage dealt»

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