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[PP-F8] Best moves in the Ball [Freya]

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Zelrius understood now why she had been a bit sad. And now he understood even more was she was overly angry at someone finding out one of her fears. For a second he felt like laughing because of how big of a deal she made out of it. Then he stopped himself guessing it would hurt her feelings. Zelrius drew Sange and shoved it in his own torso. This was because the hate of what he had just thought of drove him mad. Zelrius wasn't the person who gave any shits about the way others felt or didn't feel. If he could, He'd chop down everyone in his path and further more not even think twice about someone's feelings after one of his insults. But Freya had some how screwed up his immorale clock. And that was enough of that. Charging forth, Zelrius just walked past her looking for the exit to this damned maze. Sange, still sticking out of both sides of his torso.

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Freya sees him walk past her with a sword sticking out of him and runs to stand in front of him. Freya pulls the sword out of him and says "Are you stupid or just crazy!! What wrong with you?" Freya turns around and walks a bit then says "While I was jumping the bushes I think I saw the middle of this stupid maze. Come on!" Walking in silence she has a sad face on her face for some reason.

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Zelrius walks quickly behind her, Again putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her. In a quiet and attention demanding voice, Zelrius says very slowly "Give. Me. Back. My. Sword." Zelrius for one, Had it in him for several reasons, and for two never liked to be without of grabbing range of his weapon. Now he was not in a good mood, at all. The air had shifted between the two instantly, and It was very present, the tension that seemed to appear between the pair.

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Freya turns around and throws the sword on the ground "There it's yours" and became a bit angry now. Looking into Zels eyes she just says "I don't know why you did that but I don't feel like having someone die on my hands Zel!" Glaring at him she just storms of the other direction. "You coming or not Zel?"

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Zelrius just laughed at her anger. He knew how she felt, sure he'd been in a simliar poisiton many times. But she'd more then likely be seen as a hero. Think about it this way. She dispears with Zelrius, The Blood Buccaneer. Then she comes back unharmed and he is no where to be found. Everyone would see it as she cunningly killed the infamous player killer. Picking up the sword, Zelrius resheathed it, Following Freya once more. At the end of this, Zelrius had one last chance.

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Freya gets to the middle of the maze and sees the tree the quest was talking about. Freya's eyes went wide as she thought is was a beautiful view. Freya just huffs at herself and sits down on a rock close by. As it is still dark outside Freya just sits there wondering what will happen next. Freya thinks of Zel and why he might be acting the way he is because of her. Thinking tonight that she might of lost a friend she sits there on the rock with her elbows on her knees and her hands holding her head. At this time she is seeing the wonderful view alone.

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Zelrius looked at the tree. Well, the brownish figure he guessed was the ultimate tree talked about in the quest. It was rather hard to tell, Esspically with Zelrius's not so good eyesight. Sighing he walked over to Freya, Offering a hand as an old and friendly gesture of his to help her stand. Not that it was needed, again just for him it was subconcious and polite. Looking through his inventory with his free hand, Zelrius found his party popper, He decided to put it away for right now as it may want to be used later

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Freya looks up and take his fingers instead of his hand standing up. Freya puts her hands behind her back and sighs. Freya looks at Zel and turns away walking closer to to wonderful looking tree. "We were suppose to be having fun and now it seems to me like you hate me Zel." Freya stands still kicking the dirt beneath her and staring at the tree with a sad face.

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Zelrius backs up. He looked around the area and walked a little bit. Not yet ready to go inside the tree, Zelrius decided that it was time he fixed the problem, now or never. "I don't know. You said we came as friends. Then in the early stages of our walk together and the maze, I began to question my feelings for you. About the end there I confirmed you only wanted to be friends, and well. I guess I am fine with that just a bit hurt. Anyhow, Come on inside with me, It seems we have something to do with mice." The Blood Buccaneer stated, Hoping that maybe this would work.

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Freya looks at Zel with a smile "Okay then lets go do this mouse thingy!!" she says walking into the confinement. Looking around confuses of what to do she walks to the game area. The NPC controlling the game explains the rules and swiftly moves the cups around.

Freya picks a random cut after they get done moving the cups around and there was the mouse. Freya's eyes widen in excitement and looks at Zel saying "Your turn" with a huge grin on her face hoping the price was good.

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