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[SP-F1]How to Prick your Fingers(To Earn a Living)[Complete]

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He and the NPc sat adjacent to one another in silence for an extremely long time. Her position was a more formal, comfortable looking seiza; Alkor seemed to prefer lazing against the wall, waiting for her to acknowledge him. His eyes traced the back of the room, something in his demeanor saying 'if you tell anyone I came here, I'm going to kill you.' After a quiet "cough," the Tailor Saya spoke up. "So... you want to learn how to sew?" She asked so casually he almost fell over.

"Not so loud!" He hissed. Any number of people could walk through the door, and he didn't want his reputation to go out the window because he had taken Tailoring as his profession. "I just want to, you know, make my own armor. I trust my hands more than most folks."

"Fair enough. Most men take the Blacksmithing profession, but Tailoring is a pretty noble venture. At least, I think so." She told him. As she spoke, she flashed him a bright smile. Alkor shook his head.

"Of course you would," he replied.

"You're going to need to go collect some materials for me," Saya continued. "I've come up short in the last few months. Pretty high volume of players trying to learn professions, you know." She stood slowly and began to tie her hair up in a bun. Gracefully she swept over to her chair, took thread and needle in hand, and began her craft. "Once you have 3 needles from <> and 3 coarse hairs from <>, I can teach you basic sewing. From there, you can start toying with your own creations."

Alkor stood and nodded. "I'll be back," he stated, and a quest popped up in his queue. Soon enough, he was on his way out from the Town of Beginnings, and his sword was in his hand.

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From his previous encounters with each of the mobs he had to find, Alkor knew where he was going already. The first few steps out of the safe zone already felt familiar, and the world around him felt somehow less dangerous. For a brief moment, he looked over his equipment and double checked his health. It was supposed to be easy, this quest, at his level. Maybe it would be. He hoped that it would.

"It's a change of pace from fighting mobs close to my level," he remarked, though no one was around to hear it. Grass wafted gently in the breeze and crunched beneath his steps, and Alkor saw a group of boars grazing unassumingly in the distance. He could just walk up to them whenever he felt ready.

For the moment, the player simply felt like enjoying the serenity of a world left behind. Everything here seemed so simplistic. There were no immensely enhanced AIs, nor differentiating attack patterns. Just straightforward slice and dice.

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Quiet as the wind, Alkor slipped his weapon into his hand. The boars seemed to notice him only after he came close, and their alarm was obvious. He stood in the midst of four, the way he remembered he had with a group some days past. Or had it been weeks? Alkor felt he had lost track of time, the changing of the seasons already on them.

He bowed his head and let his mind wander through memories, bolstering himself with thoughts of past victories. It wouldn't be necessary to call forth every drop of inner strength he had, but it comforted him. From the newbie he had been to the fighter he was now, every step had changed him.

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Around him, the wind went still. With his weapon in hand, Alkor stood in the center of four boars, who now faced him and readied themselves to strike. His eyes remained closed; he didn't need to see them to know that they were there. Alkor could both hear and feel the boars on all sides of him. He lowered his head and took in a ragged breath.

The first of the four boars charged in and cocked back its head, preparing to send a pair of sharpened tusks into the unwary swordsman. Alkor slowly opened his eyes only at the last second.

With a surprised squeal, the boar landed behind Alkor in two sections. The swordsman flicked his blade out, then up into a proper defensive stance. His eyes moved from one mob to the next, testing their strength. None of them backed down, but it seemed that they were hesitant to meet the same fate.

He pocketed the <> that dropped.

Alkor deals 6 damage. (3 super critical + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 15/15

Boar 1 (dead)

Boar 2 4/4

Boar 3 4/4

Boar 4 4/4

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Turning his gaze on the next boar, Alkor raised his blade to shoulder height and aimed the weapon toward the beast's belly. His weapon trusted past the pig, missing it by inches. He felt the weak blow against his back, signaling his failure had opened up the door for a counterattack from the diminutive creature.

He had to laugh at that.

Alkor 14/15

Boar 2 4/4

Boar 3 4/4

Boar 4 4/4

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He turned his body rapidly, bringing the sword swinging round in an attempt to catch the creature before it could regroup with the others. The blade cleaved cleanly through the small boar, leaving it in two halves on the floor in his shadow. Alkor stared over the remains of his latest victim toward the final two boars, which had begun to pick at the dirt.

If they were forming a strategy, it was difficult to see. Alkor ran his hand down the flat of his blade and watched the two creatures intently, formulating an approach of his own. Two devastating strikes later, he was halfway to victory.

Alkor deals 6 damage (3 super critical + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 14/15

Boar 2 (Dead)

Boar 3 4/4

Boar 4 4/4

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The next attack came abruptly from one of the swine. Alkor turned just in time to see the blow coming, but failed to ward it off. He was struck in the torso, the flat of his blade not quick enough to intercept the incoming attack. He swatted the mob away with a hand, succeeding only in making it seem that much more angry with him.

Alkor gave a heavy sigh as he raised his weapon once more. This might take longer than he had planned on, yet it wasn't like he didn't have the time. He resolved to slow down and enjoy himself a bit. It wasn't like this was life and death, like so many other things he'd gotten used to. At least, it didn't seem that way, yet.

Alkor 13/15

Boar 3 4/4

Boar 4 4/4

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He danced backward a step, keeping his eyes locked on the boar. The second of the piggish mobs stared deep into him, and it roared in defiance of the damage he had already done, would continue to do. The swordsman pulled his blade along in a quick and expert line, keeping it between himself and danger. After all, where better for a blade to be?

The pig darted for him and ducked just under the arc of his blade, and Alkor groaned his frustration. The red dots flecked on his torso that represented wounds were small, but definitive. He watched the drain on his HP meter with measured apathy. There would be plenty of time to heal when he was finished.

Alkor 12/15

Boar 3 4/3

Boar 4 4/4

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He swung his weapon down in a furious arc as the creature attempted to back away and the other started in for a turn of its own. The blade moved like an executioner's axe, threatening to take off the head of the boar. It locked its beady eyes with Alkor's determined amber gaze, and they came to an unspoken agreement.

It was time for the boar to die. The creature slumped over as it's head fell away from its body, and Alkor's grasped the <> and sent it to his inventory. One more, then he could leave boars behind and start looking for <> to hunt. His brief soirée into New ends brought back terrible memories of when he came far too close to death for his own good. Maybe this time, things would go differently.

Alkor's deals 5 damage (2 critical + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 12/15

Boar 3 (Dead)

Boar 4 4/4

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"How about," he rushed forward for the final boar with his blade flowing along in his wake. "This?" The sword snapped out ahead of him and reached menacingly out for the creature. When the beast hopped nimbly over his weapon, too low to the ground, Alkor let out a snort of indignation. The boar landed on his back and kicked him gracelessly down onto his gut, trotting over him as though it were stronger and more experienced.

The glare he gave the beast back was nothing short of hate filled, and he slowly rose to give his best attempt at ending the monster's life.

Alkor 11/15

Boar 4 4/4

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It charged for him again. This time, Alkor stood with his arms relaxed and head bowed. He wouldn't let his temper get the best of him. Not over a single boar. Not on the first floor. There would be time for beating himself up later, when it really mattered. Until then, he needed to stay focused. For now, he would finish this and move forward.

He brought the blade up, a quick and surgical forward slash. The boar stopped in its tracks. Alkor's lips pulled up into a smirk, and the beast fractured into millions of pixels. He sheathed his sword with an audible breath, letting all of his emotions out and expelling the bad energy that had built up in his chest.

He picked up the last of the necessary <> and headed toward the forested area.

Alkor deals 4 damage. (1 base + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 11/15

Boar 4 (Dead)

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"Man, I keep letting myself get so angry," he reflected as he walked casually toward the woods. "It's probably not good for me." There was a soft breeze and the clouds were getting dark. Alkor thought he felt the beginnings of a rain, but his mind was elsewhere. "I wonder what the first thing I'll end up Tailoring is."

He looked over the plain clothing he wore and chewed on his lip. "I need better stuff than this," he decided. "It doesn't offer much protection, or any real benefits beyond covering me." His mind immediately moved over the many things he could possibly make, but none of them was a weapon. "Hmmmm," he considered. "Maybe I'll have to go buy one. Or find one in a boss battle," he chuckled at the thought. Right now, he would get torn apart in the front lines. At least, that's what he thought would happen.

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With the forest coming up ahead of him, Alkor became alert. "This is where I need to stay on my toes," he reminded himself. The mobs here were just a bit stronger than boars, and he didn't bother to restore his health before heading to them. It was a self inflicted test of endurance, he decided, taking on as many mobs as he could without dying. The more that he got through, the stronger he could ultimately become. Taking on more than one at a time made him quicker, and it made him more aware.

"The Nepents are quick," he recalled. "And they have a bit more HP. I'll have my work cut out for me. Not like with the boars." The forested area was a bit quieter than he remembered, and quickly attributed it to the weather. The glades where sunlight poured through showed only dim and dank gray colors when one stared skyward.

Still, it was not lacking in beauty. Alkor took the time to appreciate the realness of it.

That was when he saw it. The vine whipped wildly out and for him, and he leaned back. His amber eyes lit up, and he saw three Little Nepents that had granted him the misfortune of appearing right at the entrance to the forest. "Wonderful," he said, then he rushed forward toward the creature that had struck at him.

His blade sang out from its scabbard, then clean through the small, plant like creature. It looked up at him through sad eyes as it's life left it, and he shut out the image. When it disappeared, he took the thorn that it dropped and pocketed it quickly.

Alkor deals 5 damage. (2 critical + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 11/15

Nepent 1 (Dead)

Nepent 2 5/5

Nepent 3 5/5

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Circling with the other two, Alkor kept his blade up and both creatures in his field of vision. They gave no outward feeling of danger, but Alkor knew better than to let appearances deceive him. He breathed evenly through his nose, gaze moving slowly from one monster to the other.

No sooner than he looked away from it, the Nepent to the right sent a tendril of vine toward him, thorns lashing along his arm. Alkor let out a hiss of pain, but did not back down from the attack. Instead, he dug in and readied himself to mount a counter offensive. Soon, he'd be able to tear them both down.

Alkor 10/15

Nepent 2 5/5

Nepent 3 5/5

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"My turn," he stated in a dangerous monotone.

Alkor turn his blade over in hand, pointing the edge toward one of the Nepents, the one to the left. He glared down the length of the weapon and narrowed his eyes, focusing on where he would strike. As he took a step off his back foot and made to propel himself forward, the other Nepent- the one he hadn't been watching- slipped its vine directly in front of his lead foot.

He tripped and fell forward, landing with both hands out to brace himself. "Bloody hell," he cursed. "These ones actually work together." His eyes went wide as he realized that he might actually be in real danger.

Alkor 9/15

Nepent 2 5/5

Nepent 3 5/5

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The next few blows were traded, each of them ending in stalemate. No clear end in sight, Alkor shifted his weight and broke through the two Nepents, taking the small opportunity to try and hack into the closest one to him. The blade bit into the plant monster and sent it sprawling back, away from him. He turned fast and lifted his blade to ward off any strike from the other Nepent.

Satisfied when one did not come, yet, Alkor shifted his attention quickly to the wounded Nepent. The sooner it went down, the sooner he'd be able to finish this quest.

Alkor deals 4 damage (1 base + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 9/15

Nepent 2 1/5

Nepent 3 5/5

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Throwing himself forward into the next motion, Alkor hacked at the weakened Nepent furiously. The creature folded pitifully under the strength of his blow, and Alkor stepped through the mist of data that leaked from it like dew in the morning. His gaze turned slowly toward the final Nepent, his hand snapping up to catch the thorn that dropped from the mob deftly.

As he pocketed his spoils, Alkor rolled out his shoulder and neck. His warm up was about to end just as soon as it had begun. The smile faded from his face as the third and last Nepent timidly approached, ready to meet the fate its two allies had. Alkor gazed down at the mob intently.

Alkor deals 4 damage. (1 base + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 9/15

Nepent 2 (Dead)

Nepent 3 5/5

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In the shadow of these trees, Alkor glared down at the Nepent and brought his sword up once more. There was a demonic sort of air about him as he stepped closer, and the beast lifted all of its vines defensively. Alkor knew if he weren't careful, he'd be taking a sizable hit from those thorny appendages.

And he did.

The vines raked across his form in two perfect lines, dealing a chunk more damage than the Nepents normally did. Alkor was surprised and let out a gasp as his health bar dropped a bit further, and his gaze burned with quiet rage as he picked himself back up. He would not stand for this.

Alkor 7/15

Nepent 3 5/5

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In a blur of motion, Alkor tore forward and slashed his weapon at the Nepent. He would make the creature pay for dealing damage to him at all. Alkor would let his rage run rampant on the creature, and he would rip the needle from its corpse. Wildfire roared behind amber eyes, and the swordsman let out a terrible howl.

When the blade sank into the Nepent, the creature shivered and stared up at him. He glowered down into those hollow eyes, mocking their pleas for mercy. There was none in him to give. "I won't die," he said, "the same can't be said for you."

The Nepent froze on his sword, sickeningly impaled. It's health bled away in a stream of red, and Alkor waited for it to die. When it fell away from his sword, he reached out and gripped the thorn in his icy grip, his face a mask of dispassion. He turned from the area and began his slow trek back to the Town of Beginnings.

Alkor deals 5 damage (2 critical + 1 weapon + 2 skill)

Alkor 7/15

Nepent 3 (Dead)

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The world felt hollow and his footsteps seemed to shake the ground. Alkor stared through his empty eyes at the town in the distance, a grim look on his face. So much anger over so little, he felt as if he were putting forward too much of himself. Yet, at the same time, he had never felt such passion. It terrified him.

It also felt amazing. The bloodlust of a battlefield felt more like home than home ever had. The terror of being in danger lit up his nerves like an orchestra. Victory felt like being reborn. Alkor felt the pain his body was denied by the game in his own mind. The pain, not of physical wounds, but of his rage.

He wasn't sure how to feel about any of it. Instead, he resolved to finish the quest and get to work. Maybe that would take his mind off of all this confusion.

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