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(SP-F1) Earning A Living COMPLETE

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Davros glanced around the starting city, looking for a blacksmiths place. He wanted to be able to make his own weapons, as well as help out other people by making them for them as well. The only problem was that he didn't know how to make armor or weapons. It turned out there were quite a few near him. Apparently blacksmithing was a popular profession. He started walking in the direction of the closest one, determined to force the owner to train him. Although if the owner was particularly adamant... Well let's just say Davros would give up on them and go find another shop.

Edited by Davros Syb'Aoth
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He came upon a small, but homey looking building, with a large sign saying: BLACKSMITH, and in smaller letters, Buy Weapons Here. He entered the shop and was surprised to see no one around. Then he heard a loud banging and surmised that the owner must be in the back working on a weapon or the like. He walked up to the counter and range the bell there. It was surprisingly loud, although that was probably necessary for the owner to hear over the clanging. There was a ringing in his left ear, and he placed a hand over it, hoping it would help. From the other room, there came a call of "IM COMING. JUST HOLD ON A SEC!"

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Davros took his hand off of his ear moments later as the ringing was starting to die down. He leaned on the counter and stared, bored, at the grain of the wood, inspecting it just to have something to do. He heard footsteps approaching, and a young man with ginger hair and dark blue eyes walked out, still holding a hammer.

"What can I do for you?" He said, grinning widely for no apparent reason. Davros looked down at himself, trying to figure out if he was wearing something backwards or if he had accidentally equipped his pants onto his head or something. After a thorough inspection, he discovered that he was wearing everything correctly and that he looked perfectly normal. He looked back up and the ginger, who, if it was possible, now wore an even broader grin. Davros decided to ignore it and got right to the point.

"I'm here to learn how to blacksmith. Would you teach me?"

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"Well. Your straight to the point. And the answer is..." He paused as if for dramatic effect making a drum roll on the counter with his hands. "Sure!" Davros brightened almost immediately, but then the man continued. "If you can get me 2 iron ingots." He grinned so broadly that it looked like his face would rip in two pieces. Davros nodded and turned , leaving the shop and heading immediately out of the city. Almost immediately after leaving the city he was beset upon by what appeared to be a wild boar. He immediately drew his claymore and swung it at the monster.

BOAR: 3/3 Health

DAVROS: 5/5 Health

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The maneuver succeeded perfectly, and the blade slashed into the boars shoulder, dealing it a good two dmage and more than halving its life. Davros smiled inwardly, and pictured himself being looked up to and adored by all of the other players. He was feeling incredibly narcissistic at the moment.

BOAR: 1/3 Health

DAVROS: 5/5 Health

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The boar charged him this time, going on the offensive and barely giving him time to the think. The tusks swung at him wildly, and he jumped back, windmilling his arms wildly. The tusk pierced his leg and he leaped back again to avoid another attack. He lifted his sword and prepared to attack again, grimacing as he did so.


BOAR: 1/3

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Davros glanced around him on the way to the mine, ever conscious of his surroundings. That happy contented feeling from moments before had faded into paranoia. He whirled around at the slightest rustle in the grass, prepared to meet an attack. It turned out that that was all it was though, paranoia. Nothing attacked him at all the entire rest of the trip. It appeared that some players must have been through recently and had cleared out most of the MOBs.

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He quickly realized that he had brought no pickaxe or shovel with him. He solved this by pulling out his claymore and starting to bang it on a vein of iron. He succeeded in loosening a bit, and about ten minutes later he had freed a bit of the wall. It dropped to the ground in front of him and he smiled broadly, before realizing that it wasn't going into his inventory. He picked it up and on closer inspection, realized that it was mostly dirt, with just the smallest bit of iron on the side that had been facing him. He kicked the wall in frustration and tried again, this time hitting the vein even harder in a different part.

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Once again the seam had fooled him, and once again there was only a tiny bit of iron there. He grimaced and held up his claymore again. He picked one of the thickest seams he could find that was at his height and started pounding away, every once in a while using the blade to make cuts and hopefully get a full ingot of the substance.

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Davros was almost to the point of running around screaming and kicking the walls. This was the most infuriating mine he had ever been in! It was no wonder no one else was there. It was just some trick to make players waste there time. If he could have, he would have rage quit the entire game, but since he was stuck there, he decided to have one more go at it before starting to go crazy.

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"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at the walls as he got another piece of dirt. He immediately quieted though, as he heard something moving in the darkness further into the cave. It was perfect. Something to take his anger out on. A little goblin figure came out of the shadows, carrying a little club made of knotted wood. Upon seeing Davros, the creature immediately charged at Davros, swinging its little weapon. He didn't even bother to dodge, letting the creature attack him. He swung his sword down at the goblin, screaming and ranting about how stupid this whole deal was. The goblin got one hit in before Davros's sword smashed into his head, dealing critical damage. The creature exploded into octagonal shapes and Davros stared in surprise. He had defeated a monster in one blow. He checked his inventory to see if he had gotten anything, and noticed that he had a new, uncommon weapon. He didn't inspect it much though, as he wanted to hurry up and finish so he could get back to the blacksmiths. His chest puffed out, and, feeling much better now, he turned back to the wall.

DAVROS: 4/5 Health

GOBLIN: 0/3 Health

DAVROS: 5/5 Health

Goblin: 3/3 Health

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He didn't even bother to dodge, letting the creature attack him. He swung his sword down at the goblin, screaming and ranting about how stupid this whole deal was. The goblin got one hit in before Davros's sword smashed into his head, dealing critical damage. The creature exploded into octagonal shapes and Davros stared in surprise. He had defeated a monster in one blow. He checked his inventory to see if he had gotten anything, and noticed that he had a new, uncommon weapon. He didn't inspect it much though, as he wanted to hurry up and finish so he could get back to the blacksmiths. His chest puffed out, and, feeling much better now, he turned back to the wall.

DAVROS: 4/5 Health

GOBLIN: 0/3 Health

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And it was another failure. This time however, he restrained his anger and instead took it out on the wall. This was helpful, as it got him closer to success and also gave him something to take his anger out on. It took even longer this time because of his random and wild swings, but at last a peice flew off. It looked exactly like the others had, so he went towards it to see if he had done it, about to cry because he was sure he had failed again.

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And he did start crying this time. He fell to his knees, and held his hands over his eyes, wiping them incessantly. He couldn't believe it. Did he have to go further in? What was he doing wrong? Was it something to do with his equipment or something like that? His anger bubbled up inside him again, and he picked up his sword and threw it against the wall. It hit one of the seams and knocked a large piece off. He crawled towards it, unsure what to think, tears still dripping from his eyes.

His tears stopped abruptly and his mouth opened wide with surprise as it shimmered and appeared in his inventory. It was an iron ingot. He couldn't breath, and his eyes widened until his eyes looked like they would come right out of their sockets. He had done it. Then he reminded himself that he still needed one more ingot. This brought him back to reality and he almost started crying again. He decided to try the thing with throwing the sword again, hopeful that he might do it again.

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His tears stopped abruptly and his mouth opened wide with surprise as it shimmered and appeared in his inventory. It was an iron ingot. He couldn't breath, and his eyes widened until his eyes looked like they would come right out of their sockets. He had done it. Then he reminded himself that he still needed one more ingot. This brought him back to reality and he almost started crying again. He decided to try the thing with throwing the sword again, hopeful that he might do it again.

He threw the sword at the wall as high as he could, and it hit a large seam, knocking yet another ingot down. It appeared in his inventory, and he grinned.

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"I DID IT!!!" He shouted, his voice echoing in the open space. That was twice in a row. Maybe it had just been the placement of his efforts. The sword had, both times, hit higher than he could have reached before. He smiled and picked up his sword before heading out of the cave and literally sprinting back towards the city.

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He got back to the smiths shop right before dark. The sun was almost below the horizon, but the sky was still painted with orange and red. He walked in the door and took the two ingots out of his inventory. He rang the bell and shouted out to the back room, "Look what I have!!!" The ginger man walked out from the back room and grinned at him again. "Alrighty then. Lets get started." He led Davros back into the back room. It was filled with equipment. There were tongs, and hammers of all sizes, and a large furnace. Along the wall there was a small pile of ingots of all different shapes and kinds. The man immediately went over to the pile and selected an iron one. "Aren't we going to use these?" Davros asked tentatively. "No... Those are for you, for when you start your own shop." Throughout the next four days, Ginger, as it turned out his name was, taught Davros everything that he knew, eventually kicking Davros out of the shop to "Make his own."

(OOC: Ohh... I leveled up twice during this thread.... Oops. I'm not quite sure when it was.)

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