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SP: F1- Happy Hunting!

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Nathaniel spent the next 45 minutes or so walking at a nice, leisurely pace, up towards the mountainous area where Snaplimb spawned. As he reached the place where the terrain really did become rocky and mountainous, he began hiking up the hill properly, pushing himself up firmly with each stride, and minding his breathing. As he reached the crest of the rocky, scrubby hill he'd just trekked up, he said to himself, "Ugh. The air is gonna get real thin by the time I've gotten to Snaplimb. That's gonna be fun." Pausing to take a short rest, breathing deeply, Nathaniel scanned the surrounding area, looking to see what trash mobs wandered around that area.


Spotting a brown shape that blended in with the terrain shift from a rock, Nathaniel squinted at it, focusing his vision. It was a runty ogre. That said, runty ogres are still pretty big. It was about 6'6". He took another sharp breath in, stood, stretched, and pulled his blade from its sheath, getting ready to charge.

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Battle: 3 (Nathaniel misses)


Sprinting towards the ogre, Nathaniel drew Dusk's Fall back, preparing to plunge it into the ogre's lower back, when the ogre seemed to hear something at the last moment, and turned. When it turned, its arm accidentally swept aside Nathaniel's, as it twisted away from the stab, completely by chance. Nathaniel tumbled to the ground, as a result of his overcommitment. As the ogre picked up a club it had set down nearby, Nathaniel struggled to his feet.

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Mob: 4 (Ogre misses Nathaniel)


The ogre swung the club lazily by turning its body and holding the club out at arm's length, letting it sweep in a wide arc. A wide arc that Nathaniel had to trouble ducking under, as he twirled his sword in his palm, slammed the pommel of his weapon forcefully into the back of the monster's knee, eliciting a moan of pain.

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Battle: 2 (Nathaniel misses)


As Nathaniel ducked behind the ogre, and hurt its knee, he began to spin into a backhanded slice at the beast's opposite side, but there was a bone strapped to its loincloth there, and while the strike shattered that, it left the ogre unharmed, and wailing angrily like a child that had had its toy taken away.


Well, a large, man-eating child with a greatclub.

Mob: 5 (misses Nathaniel)


Now very upset, the ogre spun clumsily around, trying desperately to crush Nathaniel with its club. It slammed the great stick into the ground once, then twice, then three and four times, trying and failing to hit Nathaniel, becoming more upset with each failed attempt. After failing miserably at its adaptation of, "whack-a-mole", the ogre swung a backhand at Nathaniel.

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Battle: 9 (Nathaniel hits for 4 damage, killing the ogre)


Nathaniel saw the Ogre's backhand coming, and stabbed Dusk's Fall into it as it came to meet his body. The beast wailed in pain, trying to back up and away from Nathaniel. It twisted its hand free, but worsened the wound in the process. After the ogre had begun panicking, Nathaniel saw an opening near the ogre's heart, probably over its lung, and he stabbed it there, twisting the blade in the wound. The ogre moaned a more tired, sleepy moan, and then burst into color.


Loot: 20 (submitting Uncommon item for approval)


Looking in the creature's inventory, Nathaniel was expecting to find nothing, or maybe some Col, but what he found instead made him do a double take.


"The Duelist's Hands..." Nathaniel muttered, looking at the item. He'd need to examine this later, it seemed to be an interesting pair of gloves, but he didn't have the time to sit down and check them out right then.

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