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Username: Uriel  

real name: Mike Lewis 



About: History
Mike was born into high society, a spoilt brat of an only child who got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He was raised on the values of money and power. Money was power and power was money. That to reach the top you had to be cold, you had to step on the little guy and do it any way possible. He was sent to an expensive private school, and had to buy his way into Harvord Law University. Graduating; he became an underhanded lawyer, one of the youngest in his profession.

He was a ruthless lawyer in the real world, cunning, cold, and willing to cheat the system for the right price. He has cheated families, fathers from seeing their children, mothers from their kin; set murderers to walk free. He tormented people as they lamented their loss; unrelenting until they paid him to stop.

He heard of SAO and thought it'd be a kick, being able to injure and hurt people without any repercussion in the real world, too bad he didn't know the exact ramifications his actions would take, and that his time in SAO would be more real than he could ever expect.



Charismatic: Uriel has a soft smile, and those devils eyes. He is approachable and wants to use that to make as many contacts in Aincad as possible, the more contacts the more information he can get. Uriel feels that he should keep his friends close, and his enemies closer.

Curious : Uriel likes the unknown. He has been bought up with the idea that he is to know everything so when he comes across something new he is very curious, he will investigate these things going over every nook and cranny. He also interrogates people to learn more about them, curious as to how their nature an personality works.

Leader : Uriel has strong words, and a powerful presence and as such makes for a good leader. His no nonsense attitude helps those around him pull together an get stuff done.



Impatient : Uriel does NOT like to be kept waiting, to make him wait is akin to a cardinal sin to him. Uriel is a very practical man, he likes everything to have its perfect place, and time is one of those things. He will either leave without them or

Judgemental: He is very harsh with how he judges people. If someone does something wrong by him, or someone else he knows – he will immediately judge their character as worthless, a stain that shouldn’t appear within his presence, and he will treat them with anger and malice whenever near them.

Remorseless : Uriel is cold, and as he is determined he is remorseless to a fault. He will not stop until whatever he needs is in his grasp or hand. If he has to manipulate someone to get to that he will, and he will not second guess his decision or think about the ramifications it has on others.



Skill Points 2




Beginner Rapier


Food :


10 Bread


15 Water

Roleplays :



Relationships :

Story Thus Far :

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