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PP-F1 Metting a Sibling ( Ethereal)

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Rue seen a boy just who happened to be looking around seeminglynlost. Rue jumped and was about to Sprint before she thought the face was vaguely familiar. Maybe a.player I know she thought. Then her face was struck in horror as she remembered who it was. It was... her Brother.

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Swinging his gaze around the square, he stopped dead in his tracks, seeing the unmistakable face of his sister. "SIS!" he yelled, running towards unable to believe what was happening, he stopped in front of her, looking down at Rue. "Oh my god.. It is you." he looked dumbfounded, before pulling her into a hug.

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"I could ask you the same thing Kennedi! You know I'm into video games but I didn't know dad gave you a NerveGear too." he smiled, recalling how their dad had helped develop the NerveGear. "I thought you weren't into this kind of stuff." All the memories of his little sis came flooding back to him.

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I figured if get off my phone and tried something new I wouldn't regret it. So I asked dad for the nerve gear and he took a few days but I got one. I started it up about an hour after you and missed the thing Kayaba said. Sadly I was stupid and still got the mirror and got it out.

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"Unlucky. I guess you regret it now - we all do.." he sighed and examined his sister more closely. "Rue, that's a nice username. How did you come up with it?" Felix asked, looking over her equipment and wondering what level she was - if she had a higher level than him he would never live it down.

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I do regret it rue said looking down. She then listened to his next question. I don't know it was the first thing i could think of after being in the meadow full of rue by our house. She then asked him what level he was and then quickly said she was level seven.

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It clicked with him, he should have made the connection straight away. At the mention of levels it was as though she had read his mind, but it was usually like that - they knew each other well enough to guess most of the time. When he heard "Level seven" Eth internally sighed, bullet of humiliation dodged. 


"Yeah, um, I'm level 18 I think." he replied to her. "So, what have you been up to in the death game?" he asked, wanting to catch up with her.

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Eth smiled widely,


"I have a shop too, I'm an alchemist. I didn't know you had your own guild - that's awesome."

"My username is Ethereal but people have taken to calling me Ether or Eth instead."

"I've heard of the Blue Bladess and I sort of put two and two together when I saw you - there aren't that many players with blue hair ya'know."


Ether gestured to a nearby bench, a resting place carved out of a boulder. "Shall we sit?" he offered.

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They came to the mouth of a cave, it was huge and had claw marks all along its sides. The whistling of wind through the opening and the tunnels beyond sounded like the breathing of some demon within. He stopped before the entrance, lighting a torch quickly before turning to Rue. "Let's go shall we?" he said.

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