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OP-F2 New floor - New events - New people

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Epyon stepped out of the teleportation sphere as it closed. This was his first venture onto another floor. There was so much to see in this world, it would be a shame to only see the first floor. He looked around the crowd of people moving through the square. His height made it easy to see over the crowd, after all, most of the people here were teenagers. He noticed someone sitting on a bench nearby, with all the bustle, it was unusual to see someone just sitting.

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I walked through the town with an unpleasant look on my face, this town was so boring! Urbus (The name of the town if you didn't know that) was a rather small enclosed area with a sad excuse for Inns. It was all surrounded by flat topped mountains which I didn't have time to explore. Nothing could be more boring than wandering in a caved in town. 


I gave a sideways glance to the duo near a bench, they seemed to be bored also. They looked like they were greeting each other due to the fact that he was in the midst of a handshake. But I wasn't the one to make friends so I walked up to the both of them with an icy glare in my eyes and a frightening look on my face. I was doing this to scare them. I know with the combination of my level and stare they would be scared. 

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The large man approached and introduced himself. I instantly became wary of the stranger but being in a safe zone and the man seemed nice enough so i introduced myself. "Names Tom good to meet you" i said "I just got here and I'm assessing the situation trying to find out what's a no go and what i can handle" i told him. I took another glance around and noted many people here also had the same basic gear i had on. "And it looks like its similar to floor 1 judging by equipment" i told looking straight back trying to show Epyon that i can at the very least hold myself in a fight

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Epyon shook his hand and let it fall back under is cloak. As Tom spoke he noticed a strange looking woman approach. She had a strange look on her face. She glared with intensity. Her gear indicated a much higher level, and he guessed she was attempting to be intimidating, though they were in a safe zone, and she was obviously no player killed with the green icon over her head. Despite the reality that in the field she could easily kill him, he didn't show any fear. Being afraid or not was not an issue, it was what you did with that fear that mattered. "Is there something I can do for you miss...?" He left his words as an open question as to her name. Even with her glare, he had to admit she was quite attractive.

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I flipped my half black, half white, hair behind my shoulders and left it to waterfall down my back. The boy seemed to be a lot more calm than I thought he would be. The other one sitting on the bench wasn't doing as good of a job of concealing his curious face. The taller one with white hair asked if I needed something. I smirked, he called me on such a good opportunity to use sarcasm. Well, since your asking...I could go for some lunch right now. Maybe something to kill, I'm too bored right now. And as a gentleman I'm sure you would love to make sure a lady is never bored! I yawned when I finished talking and stretched my arms up to the sky. 

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This woman seemed to be looking for something and rolled off a few requests to epyon. I smirked i knew her kind all to well and pker or not she wasn't to trusted until she proved she could be. I sat back and sat in a cocky position smirking at her. "Using your level to boss around the noobs are we miss" i said to her keeping up my cocky attitude

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Epyon smirked at her behavior. "Well, as the more experienced player, perhaps you can lead the way to either a good place to eat, or fight. I am up for either, though I don't have much col." Epyon glanced around, trying to determine both the best way out of town, and where a decent place to eat might be located. He turned back to the pair beside him. "I'm also open to suggestions." She sure had a lot of attitude, in a good way. At least she was blunt and to the point, like him.

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I noted the sudden personality change in the one sitting on the bench. Using my level? Now why would I stoop so low just to do that? How would I benefit from such a thing? I asked, bulging my eyes and creating a look of innocence on my face. Do you even know what level I am kidI knew he wasn't that much younger than me but I still said kid, just to annoy him.


I smirked mischievously when the boy beside me spoke, he was obviously unfazed by my presence. Either that or he was really good at hiding it. I know nowhere to eat, especially in this town. The only place I know of is a weaponry shop, and the location I will not share. We could battle if you like, I'm down to train if you want too. I mean of course I'll use my sword since I'm not used to it. I suggested to him.

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"Oh... I guess I'll join you guys. This here is Tom. I'm Azureth." Azureth says. "And who might you be...?" He looks at both the tall man and the sassy woman. The lady seems to be a powerful player. The man looked like a low level, like Azureth. He would probably like the man more, as they were closer in power. Azureth was a bit scared of partying with the woman.

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"Epyon." He turned to the young woman. "So, what do you say? We are all bored, you especially, shall we go take our frustrations out on some poor mobs?" Epyon said with a slight smile. He enjoyed the the young woman with two toned hair's attitude, it made for interesting banter and she intrigued him. He was especially curious as to why she was here instead of several floors up. And more so, why was she involving herself with such lower level players?

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Well, I think you would get more battle experience if we did a one on one fight instead of killing mobs. That gets kinda boring after awhile you know. I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout and folded my arms over my chest. It was true what I had said. After killing countless boars and plants I had gotten bored enough to travel to floor nine and throw daggers at lava blobs. My name isn't very important right now. I said and returned an icy glare to the young man that had just came into our "party." But whatever's fine I guess, anything than sitting around...I told Epyon still with a glare on the newcomer, Azureth. 

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Azureth noticed the woman's glare. Under his breath, he whispered "Geez..." The lady seemed to be up to something, but Azureth decided to continue along with this conversation. "I'm in, if that's ok with you..." He said. Azureth had nearly no combat experience and still only had beginner's objects. The only notable advancements he has made so far was obtaining some col and leveling up to 5.

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