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OP-F2 New floor - New events - New people

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Indeed. I said, referring to Epyon's suggestion of dueling another time. I think we should go to the field just outside the town. We shouldn't venture into the mountains, I guarantee someone would get lost or "killed." I glanced back over at Azureth, wondering what his deal was. He was acting very strange compared to the others. Anyways, we should try a low level mob first and see what happens, then we'll go off from there. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the monsters on this floor. I couldn't remember any really..

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This women seemed to be hiding something and could tell Azu could tell also either i decided to play along just for now. "Lead the way" i said but i couldn't help and stop to admire the women for a moment she was quite the catch i had to admit and despite her cold attitude the was something buried beneath and i wanted to find out. Azu probably thinks she's here to cause trouble i don't believe that's her true intention she's after something else ... but what?

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Epyon agreed with the girl. It would be best not to stray far from safety until they could gauge how they would fair on this floor. The group neared the city's exit. There was a short field surrounding the city, then forest. "as long as we can keep the clearing the city is in, in sight, we should be ok." Epyon said with his first steps out of the city.

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Azureth followed the group. He knew the girl did not welcome him - but he did not care. Azureth wondered what kinds of enemies were on this floor. Since the floor seems to be mostly trees, he expected to see a few ents. He also guessed there was a possibility of bears. Whatever the monsters may be, he was sure that none of them would be able to kill him. Especially with a party of this size.

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Arekkusu always loved sitting in the higher planes to watch players and their conversations for fun. He also did it when he feels a group needs help, in which he then intervenes. He noticed a group about 4 or 5 below the hills, most of them were equipped with either cloth clothing or light armor. They weren't too hard to identify from any other players, so Arekkusu felt the need to look a bit further into it.


Arekkusu unsheathed his blade as he grinned. He put his shield onto the ground and pushed himself up with his legs alone. Then he grabbed his shield and looked to the dirt slope. He ran at it and jumped down it, causing him to slide down. He felt the speed increase as he continued to slide. Arekkusu then looked at the group and noticed some familiar faces.


Tom, I wonder how he's doing. Arekkusu thought. He seems a lot stronger than the first time I met him... even if his face doesn't show it. And there is the smart talking Classified right there, oh this should be fun.


Arekkusu jumped off the dirt slope and ran from the side to the group. When he got close, he stopped in front of them. "Hey again Tom." Arekkusu said. "Hey, it seems you have found a party and you've grown much faster than I expected."

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A man whom i recognized from my first few days in SAO appeared seemingly out of nowhere. This guy really knew how to make an enterance. I noticed his drawn blade and raised my hand to my own on my back to be safe. My last encounter with him was a peaceful one and he didn't give off any tell tale signs of a pker still you can never be to careful in SAO your life is always on the line. "Arekkusu right? its been awhile since i last saw you, and yea I've been around here and there trying prepare for the front lines" i told him. I still didn't know his intentions but i wasn't about to show my feelings i remained indifferent and awaited his reply.

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Azureth readied his spear, as a player with his weapons out was sliding directly towards him. However, when the teen spoke to Tom, Azureth relaxed and slung his spear over his back. It seemed as though the teen's name was Arekkusu, and Tom knew him. Azureth assumed Arekkusu had no ill intentions. Even if he did, the woman was still with the group. Despite Azureth still being cautious of her, she would probably help if Arekkusu attacked.

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"The front lines?" Arekkusu asked. He knew the goals of front line, it takes a lot of work to get there. Not even Arekkusu wanted to go there, just not enough determination. "You have a lot of ambition Tom. That's a good thing here, that ambition will keep you up.  You got my name right, but call me Arek if you feel better, isn't that right Classified?"


Arekkusu then addressed the female player of the group. He knew about the nicknames and just decided to have a little fun. "Well Tom why do you doubt then?" Arekkusu asked. "You are growing stronger and have a group of people behind you, then why do you look nervous?"

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Arek as he asked to be addressed called the woman 'classified' instantly grabbing my interest. He then asked me why i seemed so nervous so i guessed my attempt at hiding it wasn't as successful as first thought so i sheathed my blade the blood red blade sliding back into the black and gold sheath. "You can never be to careful out here arek pkers are everywhere these days and if i want to survive long enough to get to the front lines and get us all out of this mess i have to be cautious" i explained relaxing a little but not dropping my guard

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"I see." Arekkusu said, leaving the conversation at that. "Well you're going to need more back up if you need to be safe, I can help you if needed. I know my ways around here pretty easily. In fact, the only place I don't know too well on this floor is this cave I entered one time."


Arekkusu shuttered as he remembered the last time he entered the cave. That wasn't too good, he was a lot more foolish back then thinking that he could clear the game on his own. Now he knows what back up will do, and to rely solely on one person isn't that good an idea. That's why parties need to add up.


"I have nothing really to do right now." Arekkusu said, somewhat lying.True he wasn't doing anything, but that wasn't the complete story. He had different reasons for asking what he is about to ask. "Mind if I come along? I won't make any choice influences, I'll just assist in battles and follow wherever you all want to go."

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I was thrown off by this sudden advance although I welcomed the support of course this was a new floor to me after all and the more the merrier right? I wanted to make sure our party was strong enough to face what we were about to come up to. So taking the role of the party leader I sent him an invite to join the party making use upto 5 players strong. A force to be reckoned with.


''Sure you can tag along but I know your here on your own agenda ... as long as you keep your sword out of our backs your fine to join us besides it would be nice to get to know you a little more ... oh and did I mention your girlfriend is a general in our guild?'' I said


I thought it best to throw it out there to add a bargaining chip to our mist knowing his girlfriend is a friend of ours should at least allow him to feel relaxed around us a little and maybe I can make a friend of him heck maybe recruit him. He's stronger than us for sure but the bit i'm intrested in is how does he show up like this all the time.


''Oh and before you ask how I know Kitty is your girlfriend I have my ways of finding things out'' I added. of course Kitty told us arek was her boyfriend but he didn't need to know that and I wanted to play the mysterious newcomer role. After all I was already using sword skills at my level I hadn't seen many others my level being able to pull them off.

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As we neared the town's exit we were greeted by another player, Arek. I could feel slight tension between everyone I was with. Azureth raised his spear, Tom had his weapon ready, and Arek already had his out. It was technically Arek's fault, he raised his weapon first after all. But weather he attacked of not I would still be fighting with Arek, probably a match between us. My loyalty would depend on the situation I was in. This was a different time since the last time we met, in the dark with no sense of direction. I eyed his blade and confirmed it was the same one he hit me with. When the two talked about front lines and smiled. Little did they know that a group leader for the boss raid was with them. I smirked and walked in front of the group after everyone started chatting. 


The nickname Arek called me was pretty funny, a result of my sarcasm I guess. I only called him Arek to annoy him, even if it didn't annoy him it was still easier than say Arekkusu every time I addressed him. You got it Arek. I replied to him then turned to the group. You may not call me Classified. I said curtly and returned my attention back to Arek. Your welcome to join us. Though I won't be asking you to stick your sword through me on purpose, we have light now. I said in a humorous tone. Only he would know what I was talking about. 

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By the way our mysterious female companion addressed Arek I could tell right away that there had been previous confrontation between the two the details of which I was unaware of but when she said 'we have light this time' made me think perhaps they accidentally stumbled upon each other in a cave or something and couldn't tell they were players perhaps? Either way it was of no concern to me if these two had hostility between each other then I hoped that a fight would not break out I wasn't about to get involved with a player kill and picking a side could make me some pretty nasty enemies. ''Lets go'' I said leading the way through the mountains vowing to keep an eye on the two of them.

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Azureth followed the group while making sense of the recent events. The man and woman obviously had a previous bout, and Azureth definitely didn't want to be involved in it. The primary thought that ran in his head was "Danger". Everything about this group seemed dangerous, from the suspicious woman, to the strange teen, to the tall warrior. Azureth felt that he should withdraw from the group, but he decided to stay. Just being with these people puts my life on the line...

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I could tell Azu was nervous about these people so I lagged behind and dragged him back with me a second to have a private word with him. ''we need to watch these three if we aren't careful one of us will either end up dead or a pker and that's not good for us at all.'' I said ''I got your back man don't worry and don't forget if all else fails use your sword ... erm spear skill.'' I told him I wasn't going to abandon my friend if trouble started but the best way to prevent trouble is making sure it doesn't start at all. We came to a stop at the edge of the mountain path and all around us a field of glorious beauty surrounded us from all sides.

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"Nice to see you again Classified." Arekkusu replied." But I can't hit you with a sword now? It was so much fun though!"

Arekkusu smiled a bit as he remembered what happened. He still felt proud of it. He then felt ashamed, he could've solved the problem with a crystal. He put his blade back in its holder, realizing that his entrance looked like a threat. This group he wasn't too trusting with since he wasn't trusted as much, but there was one he trusted enough for Arekkusu to sheathe his blade.

"Again." Arekkusu started. "I dont influences choices, but I do affect battles."

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I was lagging behind the group on purpose to observe the other three strangers. Azureth I trusted with my life but the rest I wasn't so sure about the tall one hadn't spoke during this whole ordeal and the women was certainly interesting but her intentions were unclear i however decided it was best to go along with the for now after all there was strength in numbers

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i jumped about a mile when kitty jumped up behind me out of no where this girl has got some skills to have remained hidden without us noticing ... that or im just not paying attention i thought either way i was impressed. ''holy crap kitty ure scared the crud outta me'' i said trying to calm myself. when she looked at me and asked me what i was doing i told about the encounters i had and how we got to where we were. ''so you see i was just debating where we should head to but i realised i hadn't mapped this area so i was wondering if perhaps u had any ideas where we could go'' i said to her

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