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OP-F2 New floor - New events - New people

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I stopped and called to the group pointing to the dungeon entrance ''hey are you guys coming or not'' I turned to the woman with two tone hair and said ''I know ure powerful and that much I do respect now there is something you can teach me and all of us here, what are we going to be expecting in here?'' I asked here since she was so high levelled I assumed she must have been in here a few times and I needed her strength that was what we all needed right right now. A player who knows what they are doing

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"What the..." Arekkusu was left speechless. His one chance to keep the group calm, the two female players were about to engage in battle. It wasn't going to end well if Arekkusu didn't do something. "Don't do this! Kitty, Classified, don't even dare start anything!"

Arekkusu then started to go in between them both, but inside he felt cold. No he had no fear for what each of them, but what they were about to do if this isn't stopped.

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I looked at the two and shook my head and entered the dungeon alone. I was prepared for anything and if they wanted to stand around argueing over who respects who well ... ill leave them two it. If there is one thing ive learnt its never get in the way between two women arguing my mother and sister were perfect examples of this its why I moved to Tokyo in the first place. As I trudged through the forgotten halls of the floor two dungeon I heard footsteps coming from infront of me I readied my sword for what it might be and what I saw horrified me


Zombie 11/11

Tom 17/17


Hate 0

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(3040, BD6)

Azureth enters the dungeon after Tom. He notices that he is being attacked by a... zombie? It seemed like it. Whatever the thing was, Azureth knew it was bad. He snuck up on it as it approached Tom. Azureth could have stabbed the zombie for a critical, but he was dumb and swung his spear over his head like a sword. He needed to stop using a spear for blunt attacks.


Zombie: 9/11

Azureth: 15/15

Tom: 17/17



Azureth: 1

Tom: 0

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I watched as azureth attacked the zombie from behind ... hes pretty sneaky when he wants to be but when he swung his spear like a sword and clocked the zombie over the head with the stick I couldn't help but facepalm. I drew my sword and launched my own attack


BD 10 LD17 ID 4042


I impaled the zombie clean through taking it out altogether before it got a chance to attack and it dropped 2 materials 1 for each of us I was happy with how that turned out.

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I cursed that girl inside my head and walked forward. If I hadn't refrained myself than maybe something "bad" would have happened. Also, Arek stepped in between us before I could say my come back. Me starting fights? Where did you ever get that idea? I asked Arek with a sideways smirk.  


Then I realized that I had totally ignored Tom. He asked me about the monsters in the cave. Not that I cared if but he went into the dungeon with Azureth right behind him. I started to jog ahead of everyone left in the group and into the cave. I saw Tom slice through an unidentifiable monster, it died. Well, now that you've seen what's in the beginning of the cave let me clue you in on the deeper cave dwellers. The rest will be in the ranges from eighteen to twenty health points. Not very high for me but...anyways just be expecting stronger things from here on out. 


(OOC- "Every Mob that is defeated has the possibility of dropping Loot, provided they meet two simple requirements. In order to qualify for dropped loot, a Mob must have at the very least, (Floor Level x 2 Health) and at least half the health of the highest player in the thread.")

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Kiru caught just as the materials faded away i assumed they must have been useless to us after all since we couldnt pick them up. I groaned to myself annoyed that didn't get to add another material to my collection and faced the woman. She explained about the monsters ahead in the cave and i nodded. "Glad ure with us we could use ure strength in her after all thanks for coming' i said to her the fact she came in after us atleast made me trust her a little more. She cared enough to come looking for us so thats something in my books atleast

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"And so that's just the beginning.' Arekkusu said. " though I must admit, I never expected something like a Zombie to be in the game."

Arekkusu looked at his loot die, but didn't roll it. He was wrong about loot dies, apparently every player in the party gets a role in the loot. Arekkusu didn't roll the die and it dissolved into the air, he didn't want to roll something he didn't fight for. He can leave that to a certain treasure hunter he knew.

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Kiru? So that's her name. And though Arekkusu liked Classified since it seemed a lot cooler and funnier a name, he decided to actually address her by her real name.

"Key." Arekkusu said. "It feels a lot better to say key for me so that makes it easier."

How does it get any easier than Kiru? But Arekkusu acted stupid and gave her a different nickname other than Classified.

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I don;t even know what that was, it looked like a mass of mush to me. Before I let the moment slip I check for a Treasure Chest. This was a fairly new thing for me to do so I didn't expect much from it. 


ID; 3058 LD 14 (Almost XC)


d20.png LD: 1-14 - Newp! No Treasures here.

d20.png LD: 15+ - Wohoo! Treasure!


I let out a sigh of disappointment when I was one off, just my luck. I turned to Tom, who was asking my name. And now ladies and gentlemen, my name, is indeed Kiru. You may call me anything you like but please don't name me anything dumb. I said and remembered the nicknames I have been given. It ranged from Princess, by the sarcastic Zelrius, and Kiru-Sempai which was give to me by Unyie. I gave a confused look to Arek, who had already thought of one. Key? Now that doesn't make the least bit of sense to me. Please clue me in on your thought process of this nickname creation. 

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I stood around watching the exchange between the two ''I like the name Kiru its pretty mysterious'' I said it was certainly a name I had never heard of before and thought it suited her demeanour perfectly everything about this women was mysterious and as we travelled more and more toghether I felt drawn to her im not sure why but I was I was captivated by the mysterys surrounded her and wanted to know more

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Kitty looked confusingly at Kiru and Arekkusu "Whats this about a key? And why do we need one, what does the game finally want to be proper and require a key instead of slashing things open with a sword?" Kitty was pretty sarcastic at this moment mostly because she felt like besting Kiru at her own game of sarcasm for fun and Kitty was pretty good at it herself.

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I laughed at how kitty thought the game required a key to open a door or something which in my experience didn't happen. Who needs keys anyway? O.o i stopped when i realised she was being sarcastic parhaps the fact she was standing with her hands on her hip gave it away I'm not sure I'm not good with this sort of thing. I cleared my throat and pointed down the hall. "Shall we?" I asked the group

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