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[SP - F2] Building from the Ground Up (Earning a Living)

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Hakiro gripped his newly acquired weapon in his hand, satisfied he got more than just materials from his encounter. He noticed the shaft was much smoother and the spearhead was much sharper compared to his current spear. Discarding his old weapon in favour of the new better built spear, Hakiro set off to the nearby town. Upon returning to town, Hakiro decided he realy needed a shop in order to craft and sell his items in. After aimless searching, Hakiro found and purchased a small residence with a smelter in the outer parts of the city. Inspecting the residence, he found a furnace in the back complete with an anvil, a small living room like area in the front - Hakiro planned to remodel this area into a shop counter like place. Further inspection of the house revealed a small basement in which hakiro could store goods and a small bedroom like area that offered little space other than for anything extra other than personal belongings and a desk. Though cramped, Hakiro smiled to himself "I guess I should just build up from here". Though small and cramped, Hakiro was satisfied with owning his own shop and a place to call his own.

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