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[PP-F1]Greeting the Newbie [Fallen and Saoant][Complete]

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Rolled 6 on Mob Die

ID: 4429


The boar let out a celebratory huff as the human missed yet again. He put a scowl on his face again and stared down the human before scraping his hoof against the ground and charging at him, hitting him square on the chest and sending him flying back onto his ass. The boar yet again let out a celebratory huff and started dancing around in a circle, huffing and stamping on the ground.


Saoant Health: 4/5

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ID: 4430

Battle: 8


Saoant was getting a bit fed up of this boar beating him and made a thrust out of anger, he hoped to stab the boar in the face to avenge his sore arse but that wasn't happening. Once again the boar managed to dodge slightly, luckily it didn't completely dodge this time and he scraped it's side. Cautious not to get hit he attempted to jump away and shout back "Get ready to jump in, this boar seems to be a mid-boss or something" He was serious, newbie monsters are usually easier to kill, or was the entire game this hard?





Health: 9/10

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Rolled 2 on Mob Die

ID: 4431


Jun sighed, â€‹"It's just a regular boar, stop being a wuss and just kill it already. You shouldn't need my help with a small mob." He didn't want to intervene because Aki wouldn't learn anything that way, but he would if he had to, he didn't want another player to die.


Meanwhile, the boar had been hit by the player, he was a little stunner by the attack so he was wobbling around, he charged at the human but veered to the left and missed by a large margin. The boar huffed and shook his head, bring him back into the game and maintaining his focus.

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ID: 4432

Battle: 10


Saoant didn't appreciate being called a wuss but brushed it off, if what the guy was said was true he knew a lot of girls and he didn't want him to tell them he failed. With this in mind he steadied himself and watched as the boar missed him, it was now or never. He jumped at the boar and landed on it as if he was surfing, it took him a second to get his balance but he was fine, for now at least.  He then changed his grip on the rapier and thrust it into the base of the boar's neck.




Health: 6/10



Critical +2 Damage

Total damage dealt 3

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Rolled 2 on Mob Die

ID: 4433


Jun was cheering and jumping around like an idiot, "Yea! Go Aki!" That was the first time he had ever called him Aki, he'd always used it to refer to him when he was thinking, but he'd never called him that, it felt a little odd but the name stuck with him, it was more comfortable than calling him Saoant. The boar on the other hand was not doing so well, he had been stabbed at the base of the neck and was unable to attack, all he did was squeal and run around in circles in pain.



Health: 6/10

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ID: 4434

Battle: 6


Saoant was on a roll, he was somehow managing to stay on the boar and Jun was cheering him on, it felt great and he couldn't help but shouting "Woohoo" at the top of his voice as he once again stabbed the boar. He didn't hit it's neck this time but he still hit nevertheless and he figured he was at least half way there.




Health: 5/10


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Rolled 10 on Mob Die

Rolled 6 on Battle Die

ID: 4435


Jun started to cheer in a tribal fashion, "Down with the boar! Down with the boar!" The boar on the other hand was quite pissed and charged at the human, his tusks digging into the humans chest, which did quite a lot of damage. Jun stopped and picked up his sword charging the boar and slashed across it's body, leaving a large red mark on it's side. He then kicked the boar away from the two of them and pushed Aki behind him, "I'll take it from here, just try not to get hit anymore."


Saoant: 1/5

Boar: 1/10

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ID: 4436

Battle: 3


Saoant was really getting into it with the cheering, however, he wasn't focusing enough and got thrown off the boar and received two tusks in the chest for his troubles. Thankfully Jun pushed Saoant behind him and he was safe, still, his inner gamer wasn't going to give up and he attempted to charge but before he got far he fell head first onto the ground before he could get anywhere near the boar or Jun. He felt quite pathetic and his chest was a killer, almost literally. He winced and looked on with one eye closed, keen to try and get some more tips and learn how to improve.

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Rolled a 3 on Battle Die

Rolled a 7 on Mob Die

ID: 4437


Jun turned around, "I said I'll take it from here, if you try to hit it it will just kill you, stay there." Before he could react, the boar had charged at him and knocked him to the floor, incapacitating him. He shoved the boar off of him and stood up, "You overgrown pig, I'm going to kill you and make bacon from your corpse!" Gripping his sword tightly and preparing for another attack.

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Battle: 8

Loot: 10


Saoant appreciated the sentiment but he wasn't going to listen and said as much "I've been playing games for years, I would rather die than let a stupid pig get the better of me" He pulled himself up as he watched his friend struggling, he never used to think of himself as a prideful man but it seems he was. He stood up and held out his sword, he was going to kill this boar one way or another. He saw an opening as Jun shoved the boar off him and he struck, he just nicked the boar before he fell down but it seems that was enough and the boar exploded into little pieces. He rolled over and smiled coyly whilst breathing heavily "See, I told you I could take it" he wasn't in denial about the seriousness but it worked out fine. He didn't even look at his loot but he didn't get anything anyway, well, anything he could use.



You gain!

1 Blacksmithing mat

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Rolled 2 on Loot Die (Damnit)


Jun was surprised when Aki beat the boar, he didn't want to admit it but he half expected him to miss the boar, he'd done it enough times before. A little window popped up in front of Jun



You gain!

1 Blacksmithing mat


Jun sighed, "Haven't gotten anything so far." He sat down and pulled out another iced tea, "Maybe we should hold off on fighting the boars, you seem to be getting your ass kicked by them." He laughed and took a swig of his drink. Jun stared off into the distance, "So what's your story man? I mean outside the game?" He felt as though to get closer to someone in this game was to know more about them outside the game.

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Saoant pouted at the suggestion he was getting his arse kicked by the boars, he knew it was true but didn't like it being said so bluntly. He couldn't think of anything to say before the guy asked him about his out of game life, it was quite rude but he didn't mind "Well, I don't really have a life outside of games. School was easy so I lost interest, work was boring so I have that up. Before I came here I only logged out to piss, shower, poop, eat and drink. I have all my food and stuff delivered to my door so I never have to leave" Saying this might have depressed some people but t didn't bother Soant. He figured he'd said his bit so it was Jun's turn,  he attempted to put the guy into a friendly headlock and give him a noogie as he said "So, I've told you mine, what's yours?" He wouldn't normally ask but it was only fair.

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Jun jumped a little when he was put in a headlock, when he noticed it was just Aki he laughed. He then asked Jun about his life, Jun looked down at the ground and smiled a little. "Well, I spent most of my life in and out of a hospital bed. I had some sort of disease that affected my immune system, so I couldn't really go outside much, there were a lot of kids at the hospital so I had a ton of friends, but at least a year ago now I left the hospital for good." He lay down and stared up at the sky, "I got into video games, it was sort of a crutch, I'd never dealt with the outside world before and it was a little overwhelming, I found a great escape in VRMMOs, it gave me the freedom that I never had. Knowing the situation we are in now, I'm guessing I'm back at the hospital, oh well, at least it will be a familiar environment for when I wake up." He sighed and took another sip of his iced tea.

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Saoant listened intently to what the guy had to say and slowly released him "You know you're a pretty strong guy to go through all of that and be who you are now, I wish I could be that strong" he felt quite emotional as he put a supportive hand on his shoulder. He knew this would probably make the other guy sad so decided to change the subject "So, care to tell me more about these girls you know? You know things like what kinda guys they like, favourite drinks that sort of thing. I'm going to have competition with you around, you look like a harem mc!" He was trying to be nice but there was some truth in it.

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Jun shook his head, "I'm not that strong, you pretty much just get used to it, I mean, the hospital wasn't that bad, there were a bunch of kids there that were always my age so I wasn't alone, I didn't meet any kids that were like me though, a lot of them were pretty much in and out and I never saw them again." He sighed at Aki's next question, he was always on about the ladies, "Well..." Jun thought for a moment, "I don't really know how to put it, I guess my guild leader? And a few other friends that I have. I wouldn't exactly call myself a harem main character, I mean, I know like what, 3 girls in this entire game of 10,000. Good luck finding one though, if you do introduce me to her friends." 

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Jun was modest as well, he was like the ultimate friend and wingman, the guy had even saved his life twice so he owed him a lot. He had a slight smile on his face as he responded "Well, I didn't say you was one, you just look like one. Hey, would you be my wingman? I mean you're a good looking guy, kind, modest and I can trust you not to try and steal the girls I like" he had never found a wingman this fast before, he impressed himself. Before the guy could answer he added some more "So, can I join your guild? It sounds like a cool place" his main motive was that his first friend in the game was there, his secondary motive was that the leader was a girl.

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Jun thought for a moment, â€‹"I'll counter that offer, how would you like to be my wingman." He laughed a little, "I'm only joking, course I'll be your wingman, we just need to find some chicks though." Jun gave him a friendly punch on the arm before standing up and stretching, "Sure you can join the guild dude, just need to PM Mari and wait for her to accept you, it shouldn't take to long for her to respond she's usually pretty quick with that kinda stuff." He walked out a little into the field, "Those boar kicked your ass so I'm not going to let you fight anything more alone. You will die. We should go find some more stuff to kill though, might be worth it."

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