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[PP - F1] A Cold heart (RIn)

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The mention of Sousuke's brother hit Rin with a pang. The memories of him had been pushed to the back of Rins mind by force, because every time she thought of him she was reminded of how much she hated being trapped inside of Sword Art Online and the reality of how anyone of them could die at any moment. Rin sighed and wiped Sousukes eyes, "Stop crying baka, tears arent going to help you get stronger now are they?"

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Sousuke shook his head and smiled at her as she wiped his eyes. He forgot how much he cared for Rin, but that had developed into more of a brother and sister relationship now than the romantic one they had all that time ago. ''Your right Tomoya wouldn't want me to be sitting here crying he would want me to get out there and get us all out of here.'' he said hugging Rin

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"Yes that is exactly what he would want! Now you need to make sure you try your best to save everyone here, dont do anything stupid either. Like smoking. I dont care if it doesnt affect your body here, it is a bad habit to pick up." She nodded to herself, agreeing with the things she had just said to Sousuke. She hoped he would manage to get over his troubles somehow and she would try her best to help him.

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Sousuke pulled away from Rin and grinned, the same silly grin his brother always wore making him look just like Tomoya besides the scar. "Your so right Rin as for smoking maybe i should quit im just using it to make excuses arnt i." he said throwing the packet into the nearing bin

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"Mhmm!" Rin was trying her best to support him, and so far it looked like she was doing an okay job... hopefully. "Excuses arent needed, no matter what situation youre in you should always face your fears and overcome your opponent no matter what it is!" Even though she was saying all of this in an enthusiastic tone and she might be convincing Sousuke, she certainly wasnt believing herself. Her words may be inspirational to others but to herself they were lies. They made her seem stronger than what she actually was. They made people think she was okay.

"Well done," She smiled brightly at Sousuke as her threw the cigarette packet into a nearby bin, "Thats the first step of your recovery!"

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Rin stood still for a moment as Sousuke's face went blank and his eyes snapped shut. She frantically jumped forward and caught him before he hit his head on the floor. Resting his head on her lap she poked his head curiously, wondering if he was going to recover soon. Even though she was worried about his health she couldnt help but to smile at the situation. He really shouldn't have drank all of that alcohol. "Sousuke," She said quietly, shaking his shoulders, Wake up."

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Sousuke opened his eyes his vision still blurry and he still felt dizzy. He lay where he was for a few moments trying to figure out what he was looking at and then it came to him and he managed to focus. ''Rin?'' he asked ''What the hell happened and why are you looking at me like that?'' he asked rubbing his head. He was starting to get a head ache an Rin didn't seem drunk anymore

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Rin sighed in relief, she had thought for a moment there that Sousuke had passed out completely. However it seemed that he had actually just fainted and the bump to his head had caused him to forget what had happened and return him to being sober. She felt happy but frowned down at him, "What do you mean 'looking at you like that' pfft am I not allowed to be concerned?! You got drunk, thats what happened. Baka."

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Sousuke remembered what had happened and thought about how he had acted and treated her. In general he didn't remember doing anything wrong but he had to ask just incase. ''I didn't do anything I shouldn't have right?'' he asked the worry clearly shown on his face.

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Rin plastered a smile on to her face, not wanting to tell Sousuke that he had hurt her a lot, and spoke in a happy tone, "No it is fine, you didnt do a thing wrong. You just drank a little bit too much," She laughed lightly. It wasnt her normal laugh, it was a forced one. She held out a hand to Sousuke to help him get up off of the floor.

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Sousuke wasn't convinced that he had done nothing wrong but decided for now just for the sake of the moment and friendship he would ask about it later, for now he needed to lie down or something. He accepted her hand as she helped him up and he hugged her in a friendly way. ''Im sorry for the trouble he said.'' as he let go of her and bowed as a sign of respect

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"Haha, no problem." She rubbed the back of her neck, "Just make sure you look after yourself better in the future, got it baka? And you dont need to bow, geeze, its not like I did anything special for you." Rin was convinced he had no idea about what he had done and continued with her facade. 

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Sousuke stood up embarrassed and rubbed his head. ''Im sorry Rin I need to lie down.'' he said. His psychological state was un balanced causing mood swing and flashbacks which were usually followed by intense migranes. He was slipping in and out of a flash back at hat very moment he could hear the wind in the Afghan desert whistling in his ears and could feel the sand hitting his skin as he tried to press on through the desert sands and then he hit a brick wall and collapsed in tears screaming in pain. ''MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!'' he begged tears streaming down his face

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"Erm... Sousuke? Are you okay? Umm... I think you are still drunk... Or have a really really bad hangover..." She stared at the flailing boy before her. Rin didnt really feel much sympathy for him at the moment, she didnt full understand his situation and found it extremely odd how he suddenly broke down like that. Especially when he hadn't seemed bothered by anything before. Motionless she stood by his side and waited for him to either respond or calm down.

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Sousuke clutched at his head as the migrane began to stop he could still feel the pounding in his head as his crying ceased and he saw Rin looking over him confused. He clawed his way back up the wall leaning on it for support. Recent events had lead to the surfacing of some of his old memories which left severe mental trauma on his mind. Sure he was fine in general but when the flash backs started he got migranes and such. ''Sorry Rin I ... ive been suffering from flashbacks lately and it feels like my head is going to implode.'' he said still clutching at the wall for support.

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"Hmmmmm..." RIn examined Sousuke's actions and tried to determine what sort of condition he was in before approaching him in anyway or speaking to him and further. He appeared to be having some sort of mental breakdown, this was something she couldnt really help him with but she could help him deal with it better. Rin stepped towards Sousuke and folded him into her arms, resting her head on his shoulder and patting is back slightly as she hugged him. "Dont worry," She said quietly, "I am here for you." 

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Sousuke was taken aback when Rin stepped forward and hugged him his migrane beginning to subside. He hugged he back as she whispered she was there for him and he smiled. He was glad she was there to support him and maybe being stuck in this game wasn't so bad after all. ''Thanks ...'' He whispered back

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Rin found it rather easy to calm Sousuke down, she wondered if it was even a proper panic attack? Because their victimed certainly dont recover that quickly. Rin mused on possible explanations for Sousukes behavior but came up with nothing certain. "No problem," She replied to his words of thanks before pulling back and staring at him, "Look... Youre going to be fine."

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Sousuke shook his as she said he would be fine, these flash backs were getting more and more frequent since that fight with the MPE but it was all in his head after all he just needed to hold himself together and he would be ok. He wasn't insane just suffering from mental trauma from seeing his dead brother again, when the monster had turned into his brother and he had killed it it had really left a mark on his mind. ''I wont be fine Rin, well at least not for a while until I get over things that is.'' he said  avoiding eye contact with her.

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