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[PP-F3] Harmony of Two Classics (Arekkusu & Destiny) [Complete]

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Destiny on the fountain brim of the town square.  There were people bustling and hustling along. She watched people as they seemed to be in their own little world within a world.  It felt rather strange to think about since many of them hadn't seen home in far too long.  Destiny ran her fingers though her hair as she thought to herself.  It had been sometime since she had seen her friends and acquaintances, it has been so long that all she could really remember was the battle with the MPE.  She wondered how they were and if they were still alive.  

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Arekkusu sat on an NPC roof because he felt like he can. He didn't really like staying on the lower floors and his shop just isn't the tallest building... Especially since it it is on a different floor. Arekkusu acted like he was playing non-diegetic music, blending his Violin playing with the peaceful background music. The bow slid down the strings so fast yet it had a soft amount of dynamics. Arekkusu was somewhat sight reading... Except listening. He then missed a note completely, it was so loud as well, shatterin the peace of the walking players.

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Destiny closed her eyes and thought to herself.  Once she closed her eyes she could hear the gentle notes of a violin.  They were blending in to the background so well that they were nearly inaudible.  Destiny swayed a bit as she listened to the violin play its song.  Suddenly she heard a rip in the music.  “Hmm..†she said to herself.  Destiny looked around for the direction of the music come from.  She scanned the ground level but could not find the source.  She then looked up and saw a figure in the distance.  

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Arekkusu had to bail out quickly, and he almost did until he lost his grip of his Violin... The one true item he cared about. Out of desperation, Arekkusu jumped down to get his Violin, caught it midair, then he realized that he caused a lot of attention just by doing that. He was surrounded by a crowd of people too... But one seemed familiar... He just couldn't remember where from. He couldn't ask anything though, not with this high amount of attention. Arekkusu kept quiet, trying to rush his way out of the crowd.

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Destiny watched as the figure attempted to leave the scene quickly but then nearly lost its violin.  The figure landed in the same area as her but surrounded by a crowd of people.  “Oh snap…Ugh.. It’s what’s his name…†she thought to herself as she brought a hand up to the side of her head and began hitting herself with it.  â€œOh gosh… I forgot his name… What is it…†Destiny searched her brain in an attempt to figure out the person’s name.  “Hmm.. There was Christoff, Sousuke,  Sousuke’s girlfriend, Claim and Sol..Eh… Sol…..† Destiny then stuck her tongue out at the thought of him.  “There was that one lady, and Piper….â€

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Arekkusu was being pushed though by the crowd, he wasn't gaining any distance. Once again he saw the girl and obtained a flashback. It was him being choked by... Not her, but the mpe that looked exactly like her... By that time he called it ...Destiny? That was all Arekkusu could think of. He had to drive off the crowd, so he played the Violin eerily hitting notes way too high for the human ear to endure, causing the crowd to isolate itself away from him.

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“Gahhh.  What’s his name… What is it.† She thought to herself as she continued to hit herself on the head.  Then Destiny heard some brain agonizing notes that would surely educed a coma in someone.  “Yepp… And now my head hurts…Maybe I should have stopped hitting myself a while ago.†She said to herself as she rubbed her temples.  “Ehh.. Go away… Ehh… Go away.†She said to herself as she paused for a couple moments to wince at her pain. 

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The crowd began to clear out, just as planned, they needed to stay away. Ironically, the girl he was just thinking about stayed, however she winced one of her eyes in pain and her hand was on her head. Arekkusu could understand that, even if he thought that wouldn't be possible. Arekkusu heard much worse in music playing blaring into his ears, so to him, this was nothing. Arekkusu decided to approach the girl with an apology.

"Sorry about that." Arekkusu said to her, putting his Violin back into his inventory to assure her that he wouldn't do that again. "I just needed a little bit of space from these strangers, I know that isn't a good excuse for what I did, but I'm hoping you can understand me right?"

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Destiny kept on pounding her head a few more times until she heard someone talking to her.  She looked up at the person and was a bit wide-eyed.  She didn’t really hear what they had to say, but she had stopped rubbing her temples.  “Hey! I know you.†She pointed at the person. “You’re the guy who gathered all of us together to fight that morphing thing!† Destiny then started rubbing one of her temples again as she stood up and gave out her other hand.  “I’m Destiny.  Nice to meet you.  I’m sorry but… I have completely forgotten your name…†

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"Yeah... that happens." Arekkusu said as he remembered the enemy that really messed up some people in the head. Regardless of that, he was still fasinated by the enemy, but he didn't really care to include everyone else in his research and loot gathering. Sure the loot was high, but it really wasn't worth the shattered feelings. "My name is Arekkusu, the dumbass who really ruined some people with that fight. That... wasn't a fun experience to say the least. Things could've turned out better. Anyways, that was me, the leader of that fight. You're a friend of Sol right? That's how I was able to get to you in that fight."

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“Yeaaaaaahh………You can say that..†she murmured to Arekkusu.  “So the fight, you really think you messed some people up by inviting people to that?  I mean.. Personally I think it wasn’t that big of a deal.  But, that’s just me.  It didn’t seem that bad of a fight.  I mean. It could have been plenty worse, someone could have died for all we know.†She blatantly stated.  Destiny looked at her hand which was still extended to shake with Arekkusu, and then pulled it back.  “Anyways…†

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Arekkusu was confused about the random hand movement, but didn't decide to pay any attention to it. It was just a hand, how was it going to affect his life. And this person, Destiny, was being really nice to him. He had no reason to judge her, if anything he should just continue the conversation. Arekkusu kept his hands in his pockets, then began to speak.


"Well some people broke down pretty badly in that fight." Arekkusu said to Destiny. "That fight could've went a lot better. But hey, you're right, no one died I guess. I guess I'm worrying over nothing and should get over it... so how are you? I know it's none of my business, but I'm just a bit curious."

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Destiny shrugged.  “I dono.†She said and suddenly laughed a bit.  “I mean what do you want me to say? Nothing too much has changed really.  Same [censored] different day, I guess.  We are all fighting for something that it seems we are all losing grasp of.  You know?†she looked at Arekkusu with an eyebrow up.  “I mean.. I can’t complain too much.  I guess…. And yourself?â€

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"I could be better." Arekkusu said as he looked to the side to avoid her gaze, remembering the day he was on the 9th floor alone. Seeka isn't coming back, she's dead and it's all because of Arekkusu. But at least he didn't kill her directly, and he didn't even see her die... though he did die. Still, she was insanely obsessed to the point in which she was going to kill Arekkusus older brother, Arekkusu had to put her down. "Just... uh... fighting some bad guys I guess and... well I guess I am all right if you mind that... sort of... damn it I don't know how to say it. I don't want to say it, we just actually met so I won't bother you with it."

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 â€œHmm… How about you indulge me by telling me what is up?†she asked Arekkusu.  Destiny looked away at Arekkusu when he looked to the side to not make eye contact with her.  “Soo……†she said as she looked at the ground and scuffed her feet.  “Do you want to tell me or what? Or is that you’re too uncomfortable with this….. talking about your feelings?†

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"It's not like I have any reason to." Arekkusu said as he looked down at his blade holder. It made him smile once again, it was like a pacifier for Arekkusu and he couldn't explain it. "Besides, again, I am not here to trouble you... though that Violin did just about the opposite of that. It's a small problem, I'll get over it anyways. I don't regret my actions why I did what I did, I just dwell over the small stuff I swear. Don't worry, I'm fine honestly."


Arekkusu then looked through his inventory, the picture was still there. He was going to have to bring it to the police once he was done.It was the head of the one who he left to die, his brother sent it to him after she was taken out by the Nervegear. It was proven by Dan that Nervegear did hurt and kill when players die.

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Destiny observed as Arekkusu pulled up his inventory.  "What is this kid doing....What is he thinking...." she thought to herself.  Not only was Arekkusu just resistent, but Destiny was stubborn and persistent.  "Listen.  Arekkusu. You can just tell me.  Its not like I am going to tell anyone, not to mention, who do I have to tell.  Really.  I mean if you want to hold onto something that much and let it eat away at you.  Be my guest.  It might just consume your heart and who you are.  Then things might get worse.  But that is all up to you.  Life is about choices that you have to make.  Some easy, some hard.  And it seems like in this world the choices that we make will always have a consquenece."  she stated to Arekkusu.  It didn't really matter if he cared for what she had to say.  Nearly everyone had to hear it sooner or later.  "As for what reason... You have no reason not to tell me."

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Arekkusu felt the tension rise in him, the more pressure added onto him, the more his problem and guilt attacks him, his mouth pried open just that much more, no matter how much he wanted it shut. She just wouldn't shut up, and Arekkusu was about to snap the truth. He wasn't going to sugar-coat the problem, he was going to say what he did directly. Arekkusu looked up to lock his eyes into Destiny's demanding attention that she so desperately asked for. He wasn't going to hold back. Arekkusus eyes were hollow with pain, but he also felt a bit of comfort for a reason he didn't even know of.


"I killed someone all right?" Arekkusu said as he looked down at his blade... it was the truth spat out all ready. The picture of Seeka was now hurting him even more, and his throat vibrated now. Yet... in a scratchy voice, he continued on. "She was my ex-girlfriend... she tried to control my life... use me like a puppet... she smashed the one thing I loved the most, and she knew my passion for it. Her name was Seeka... she is one twisted person... she threatened anyone who got near me, and actually it turns out she stabbed someone to make that statement clear. My older brother, Dan, he had his modifed Nervegear to hack his way into the game, but she stabbed him 3 times and got into the game... I fought her to the point in which I didn't want to kill her myself, I didn't want a player killer marking. But the people she killed, hurt, just for me to be hurt in the end... I have to stop her. I held her down with my old starter blade and let a wave of monsters get to her... her screams... her cry for help... it was like an innocent child trapped in the insanity of an older one... that was what it was in my opinion..."


Arekkusu instantly shed a tear before he could finish his story, and he silenced himself with that. He let the tear go down, it helped him with what he just said. If Destiny wanted feelings, she had it, Arekkusu just spilled everything that made him sad. He didn't hold back a single detail... it was out.

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Destiny listened as Arekkusu seemed to spin a tale of sorrow.  She searched his eyes as she talked to make sure that he was telling her what happened.  She was slightly surprised that someone this young would be able to go through something so tramatuic as that.  “He is so young……And……He has already suffered so much…..†she thought to herself.  “Hmm… What if he has PTSD….. He did just see someone that he knew in the real world…..die…..killed…..murdered?..... I don’t know…. All I know is that he is cracking.  And this first crack can lead to a larger seizure in the structure that is holding him together. “  Destiny kept eye contact with him until he had finished and saw that he shed a tear.  “A tear of remorse…†she thought to herself.  Destiny breathed in some air and thought to herself a bit longer about how to respond to the situation.  Some responses that others may receive would be painful and could even push a player to the edge, but this is something that Destiny didn’t want.  “Well.. First,  I am happy to see that you’re okay.  I don’t know how to explain it, but it gives me some comfort that you’re alive and well.  It’s like I feel some sort of connection to you. “  Destiny paused and looked away from Arekkusu, and up at the sky for a second before locking eye contact with him again.  “Second, I am sorry to hear about what happened.  I am sorry that you had to go through what you did go through.  I would never wish that to happen to anyone, especially a player as young as you are.  Third… “  Destiny put a hand on Arekkusu’s shoulders and put her forehead against his as she gave him and even more direct look.  “..If you ever need to talk about this… Again.. Ever again.  I want you to know that you can come to me for your needs.  If you ever need to talk about anything ever again, you can always come to me.  And lastly… It’s not your fault.† Destiny spoke with genuinely  and with a tone of truth, she didn’t really think that it was Arekkusu’s fault for there was no one to blame. 

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Arekkusu hung his head down to process what had just happened. He was actually... Not to blame? But he killed someone... Yet... Someone thought for once it wasn't his fault. For once someone was willing to be in his corner for this kind of thing. He didn't know what to say, yet he felt the need to say something.

"T-thank you." Arekkusu said as he then tried pulling himself together. His tear dried due to the fact that his face was burning. He then put up his face and put a small grin on it. He wanted to do a lot better than that. "Like I said, I won't bother you with things like this. Don't worry, I can get over them, its not like that had been the worst thing in my life. How about I make up for this? One free meal on me all right? Any food is on the menu."

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