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[PP-F5] Pursuers (Asen, Souske)

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He has a grin that spreads on his face as he extends his hand to shake the man's hand. "Aye, that would be most helpful. Though I only have one condition." It's more out of concern for this type of stuff can get real nasty very quickly. To be perfectly honest even Asen can't exactly predict on what's going to happen, and since Souske is now his partner he doesn't want to risk the chance of having him captured which he doubts it'll happen. "I don't mind that we're partners, I only ask that you don't do anything that'll get you killed. Though this mission kind of contradicts that, but i'm referring to unnecessary acts while in espionage." While he was talking he swiped his hand in the air to open his menu and sent him a friend request and a party request.

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Sousuke nodded as he accepted both of the requests that were sent to him and noticed the health bar of his new partner crop up in the corner of his vision. He took note of both of their own stats and opened his mouth to speak. ''Ok its a deal i wont play risky, so whats the plan then.'' he asked as he prepared to take notes on what the plan was.

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"The Sabre Cat moves from one hideout to the next, usually up to the next floor or the one below them to throw off anyone such as us to get to them. Unfortunately for them, regular players has been keeping track of their movements and are now aware of when and where they usually strike at. From what I have gathered, these PKers doesn't go any further than two thousand feet from where they hold up unless they're moving out. The most recent attack took place somewhere in the 48,258,85. The closest spot that would be suitable for hiding is a cave that was infested with monsters or was last time I checked. So I was planning on going there and see if they've taken residence there or not." He explained in detail as he wanted to make sure that Souske knows what they'll be doing and where this will take place. "As for you, I would like to suggest that you just stick close to me, but if you have a plan of your own then I wouldn't mind cooperating with that."

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Sousuke thought for a moment and decided to put his thoughts forward to his partner to see what he thinks of his idea. ''Ok so ill go along with you for now but i suggest when we arrive we stakeout this cave of yours instead of walking into a trap or something. We should also inspect the surrounding areas to check for enemy guards and such so we know exactly what we are walking into.'' he suggested before they set off.

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"Sounds good enough for me, i'm in for it." He admitted as he really wasn't going to jump in the cave guns blazing or anything. That'll be too reckless and a quick way to die out here. If this was an ordinary game then sure he might've done just that, however this is a death game. Asen just wanted to hear Souske's suggestion, plus it's better if two minds work on the plan rather than just one. Needless to say, Asen agrees on that as he turns on his heel and begins to walk in the direction where he said the cave would be located. In a way he's glad that he's a Player Killer, since he can't really stay in towns due to the guards he pretty much has to take refuge in places like caves. Even then he has to sleep with one eye opened or else either another player can kill him or a monster can spawn. Though lately he's taken the liberty on sleeping on the roofs of other buildings in towns. A lot safer that way and hardly anyone checks on the roof anyways.

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Sousuke nodded and began to follow Asen to where ever it was they were heading to. He thought about the whole  situation for a moment wondering what it was they were going to but against and he realised he knew nothing about this dark guild besides what they did. He had no idea of their fighting styles or weaponry or even how many members they had. He supposed any knowledge was better than none even if Asen knew very little more than him. ''SO what are we expecting to be up against any ideas?'' he asked

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"I know they're a band of sorts, so it's more likely going to be a number ranging from ten to twenty. If not more. Their weapons are a little hard to pick out individually, but I know of their leader's name Levia. She has a rather... unique sense of pleasure to say the least." From what he's heard Levia is more of a sadistic person, which means she enjoys pain and making others suffer. "Other than that I can't exactly say how well skilled they are, but they're not a bunch of newbies either for they know what their stuff."

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Sousuke nodded as they continued to walk into the desert area. He wasnt sure how this was going to turn out a sand storm was starting to kick up so that would limit visibility giving them atleast some cover from sight as they approach the cave. ''Sandstorm ... to familiar. We need to be careful despite this giving us some visual cover it will make scouting equally as difficult we will need to stay sharp if this is to work.'' he said to his companion as he raised the hood of his trench coat casting a shadow across his face so that only his mouth could be seen.

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Asen nodded as he swipes open his menu and brings out kind of a cloth like face mask to cover his mouth and nose to keep the sand out. He would have to rely on the coordinates, though there was also a reason why Asen had come to know of this cave. It was because Asen himself took refuge there because of these sandstorms that kicks up quite often making it difficult to find if they don't know where it is and lowers the chance for players to find it and him when he was in it. The only part he didn't know was that somebody else had called dibs on that cave as well, as a certain Player Killer had shown up and attempted to kill Asen. The player didn't make since Asen was given no choice but to do what he had to do in order to survive. Closing his eyes, he let's his body lead the way since he pretty much has this area mapped to where the cave was.

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Sousuke continued to walk forward ignoring the sand storm. He had alot of experience with tracking and didnt require to look at the map or anything to find his way towards the destination. He stopped for a moment and knelt down to investigate the sand. ''Hey Asen stop for a second, we arnt alone here these tracks split into different directions. Im guessing there is a patrol of some sort around this area. We need to veer off to the left and cover our tracksor they will know we are coming.'' He said standing back up and waiting to see what the man decided would be the best course of action.

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"I think that might be a little late my friend." He mumbled as he couldn't help but get this eerie feeling that has two holes in his chest meaning they already know that they're coming. Nonetheless Asen felt that taking cover might be a good thing. "That's fine, though we'll have to make it fast since the sand leaves tracks of where we go." He points out meaning that they can't stay in one spot for very long.

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Sousuke nodded and began to cover their tracks as the moved, using a long piece of cloth to dust the tracks away. In a sandstorm he would normally leave it but if someone is close then the could stumble on the tracks in the time it takes for the sand to blow them away. "Where to Asen." Sousuke called over the sound of the wind

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He looks over his shoulder to see Souske but he also seemed to be searching for something else as they walked. "Same spot, we're just taking a little detour. We might encounter Sand Goblins in the process though." He warns as they advanced further into this storm.

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Sousuke nodded and continued to cover their tracks. It wasn't a tough task, but it annoyed Sousuke. It was causing him to be less alert to his surroundings and that bothered him greatly. The enemy could easily get the jump on them and have the advantage in a fight, should it come to that. "Keep you wits about you, one wrong move and we could be in for a world of hurt." He called back in response.

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