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[PP-F7] It's time for a resupply [Mari]

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Jun's shop was doing ok, but he was crafting for people so much that he had run out of materials, his guild material hunt had gathered a few materials, but not enough to keep him going. Knowing that he inevitably had to go on a hunt for materials, he messaged his guild leader, in hopes that she would join him.



Hi Mari


I was going out on a material hunt, and I wondered if you wanted to join me. I'm not too sure what kind of materials performers use, so if it is anything specifically found on a certain floor, I will meet you there. Pretty much just plan to look around for some minerals and then dig them up.  I shall be waiting just outside of town



Jun, aka Fallen


Jun stood at the edge of town, he remembered that Mari couldn't enter towns due to her status, so he didn't enter, but he had picked up some bread and other little food incase they got hungry along the way, he doubted they would be eaten but if they weren't that would be his dinner. Cracking open a bottle of iced tea he started to stare off into the distance, his eyes darting from the roof, which was illuminated by the green crystals, and the passageway in front of him, sometimes Jun got a little impatient.

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Mari wasn't exactly in the mood to socialize, still Fallen was one of the guild members who seemed to be more easy going. He didn't pry or question her or her motives. So when he asked if she would join him on a material hunt, she begrudgingly accepted. He was standing at the entrance to one of the towns, illuminated by the crystals that were spotted in and around the settlement. He seemed to have a bored look upon his face. Blue eyes dull with disinterest as he held a chilled drink in his hands.

"Bored already?" Mari asked as she crossed her arms in front of him. "Well you won't get too far."

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Jun shook his head, "I'm not bored Mari, I was just staring at the ceiling." He sighed, Mari was her usual self, he knew she didn't like people prying, but he still used his usual greeting, "So how have you been?" He pulled out his pickaxe and continued to lean against the wall, it sort of irritated him when people were acting as though the people around them didn't mater, but he knew that Mari usually just wanted to be alone, which is why he was confused she came. "I packed some snacks and stuff if you got hungry or whatever." Jun smiled and then gestured for Mari to follow him. A little ways down the road there was a shining node, jun dug his axe into it, but he put too much force into it and smashed the node, leaving nothing to be gathered.


Rolled 9 on Loot Die

ID: 6481

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Fallen had greeted her in his usual, friendly manner. With a small wave and an innocent question. Something he had always asked when they crossed paths. Mari lifted a hand and brushed it through her hair - choosing not to answer him straight away. She gave him a silent stare, darkened eyes, plagued by signs of sleepless nights bore through the underling. "Let's not worry about that." She muttered finally, turning on her heel to begin walking away from the city. There would  be little materials there for them to mine.


"I don't eat much these days." Mari said in response to his offer of food. Since that day with Life - since that anguish Mari barely ate. Generally she'd eat once a day, sometimes forgetting to eat entirely. She watched him strike into an area; he had come up empty. Mari knelt down; brushing away the dust that remained to reveal another. She pulled out her dagger and struck it against it, but her blow - unlike Fallens' didn't crack it. 

"Why did you invite me here?" She asked, not bothering to look up at him.

Loot Dice: 7 FAIL

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Jun frowned, "I know you don't like people prying, but I want you to promise me you will take care of yourself, I don't care if you do anything else, I just want you to take care of yourself. Is that ok?" He sighed and moved along, this place was good for mining mats because they all appeared in caves anyways. Mari asked him something he didn't expect, why did he invite her. It took him a good minute to think, in all that time he fell silent and just stared off into oblivion, a very serious expression on his face, "Do I tell you..." A very ambiguous question, one he also had to think about, "Mari, in all honesty, I invited you here because I wanted to make friends, we are guild mates and all, that is all well and good, but I don't feel as though we are very close, you seem so distant from me, always being so cold towards me, never answer my question, I can never tell, it always seems as though you hate me...I understand we are two worlds are apart, you are double my age, I can tell you don't want hang around a bunch of kids." He finished with that, he was not going to say anymore, instead he was going to search for a material, he found a node, just like last time he shoved his sword into the rock, shattering it. Jun sighed, he wasn't really in high spirits after that.


Rolled 8 on Loot Die
ID: 6562

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Mari rolled her eyes. "I do that, as much as I can take care of myself living out of towns." She muttered. She understood Fallen was trying to help and she knew he was making a conscious effort not to pry, so she had to give him that much at least. Mari shifted to the next place, ramming her dagger into the mineral vein. As luck would have it, a material popped out. She placed it in the satchel she had strapped around her waist.


"We aren't guild mates." Mari corrected absently as she positioned herself to sit on a large rock as she watched him work. "You're my subordinate. Don't take it personally. I'm not close to anyone within the guild. I don't trust people. I'm cold toward everyone. I don't hate you. I just don't do people well. I don't socialize. I don't make friends. I don't play nice."




Loot Dice: 16 SUCCESS!
Materials Collected: 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

He looked away, Jun knew what the answer was going to be, yet, deep down inside him he wanted a different response, "That...Yeah, I guess. That was pretty much expected, but I think you should try to make friends, who knows, you might meet someone nice." Jun looked around, in the caves, ore stood out, quite a lot, so it wasn't that hard to find one. He stepped close to it and drove is sword directly into it, shattering it, Jun sifted around in the rubble and noticed a piece of ore sitting right underneath all the dirt and shattered rock, "Found one...Finally." He was hoping this trip was going to be positive, but apparently not. "So, anything you want to talk about, I got no ideas."


Rolled 16 on Loot Die

ID: 7736

+1 Material

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Mari didn't react when he turned away. She suspected as much. "I did try making friends." Mari mused, turning her eyes to the sky. "They left, and threatened to kill me. Laughed at my anguish. Lavished in it." She turned her cerulean gaze back down to Fallen. "So I don't exactly do friends any more. Call me bitter, call me a coward. Heck call me what you will. The people I trust are very few and far between."

Mari watched as Fallen successfully managed to loot a material. She gave him a curt nod, and an approving smile. She had her dagger and had tried to loot a nearby vein of ore, but had come up empty. The two were slowly making progress when it came to materials, but they were at a complete standstill when it came to understanding each other.

"How old are you Fallen?" 




Loot Dice: 14 FAIL!
Materials Collected: 1
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​"Those don't sound like very good friends to me." He still didn't look up, ​"I'm not going to call you anything, not really my place at all, I can see why you don't trust people." She had asked him his age, what an odd question, he shifted his gaze towards her "I'm 16." He continued to look around in the caves, eventually coming across an ore node, "Why?" Jun shoved his dagger right into the node and smashed it to pieces. He sifted around in the rubble yet again, and came across another piece of ore, "Found another" Jun's voice was still quite upbeat, so it had a slight happy tone to it. Casually walking around, he spotted a nearby rock and decided to take a seat, he dug into his inventory and pulled out a bottle of water, opening it and taking a large gulp before putting the lid back on, he looked over at Mari, "Did you want a drink?" Jun pulled out an unopened bottle and extended it towards her.


Rolled 19 on Loot Die


+1 Material

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Mari shrugged when Fallen made a comment about friends, and how they shouldn't behave that way, but he at least agreed with her and why she didn't trust people. He didn't argue with her or tell her he was wrong. He accepted her outlook, it may be wrong, it may be warped but he accepted it. He quoted his age and Mari gave a small smirk. "I'm almost 10 years your senior." She commented, giving a nearby wall a small tap with the butt of her dagger. Nothing came out, another failed loot.

"You seem pretty mature for your age. Wish others were as nonchalant as you." 

Mari shook her head when he offered her a drink. She wasn't thirsty.



Loot Dice: 13 FAIL!
Materials Collected: 1

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​"Nonchalant? Why wouldn't I be, I was pretty excited to be up and outside again, and now I am back here, I guess I am outside, but in a video game. I am not angry, that wouldn't really help would it? I could sit in a field and scream at the sky until I suffocated and died, but I don't. Seriously, if the creator of this game has already started this, he is going to see it though to the end, he isn't going to have a change of heart, we have to accept out situation and deal with it. I don't really have many friends either, bit of a loner." Jun stood up and walked further down the passageway, before coming across another ore node, it was embedded into a wall so he adopted a fighting stance and use all his might to drive his sword into it, but he ended up shattering it and sending all of the ore flying to the floor in a fine, powdery dust. "No ore, oh well."


Rolled 2 on Loot Die

ID: 8884

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"Excited to be outside huh? How much time do you spend indoors? Or in towns?" Mari asked, it was an odd phrase to hear, especially to her since Mari was outside well, all the time. Housing hadn't opened up yet, heck they hadn't even cleared the boss and opened the way to the 10th floor yet. Mari sighed, running a hand through her hair. "You may be right, but what can one do? Other than push forward, I never expected to be a frontliner. Or even a Pker, I just wanted to survive. Sometimes, I don't exactly know why I bother doing so. But, I guess there are so many people." Mari paused, thinking of Alkor, and how he wanted to see his grandmother.

"So many people who have others waiting for them. So it's only right to try to fight for them, I guess." Mari absently struck her dagger at the wall, and collected the small material that fell from it. The material hunt was going very, very slow, but she didn't mind as she had a decent stock pile of them.


Loot Dice: 16 SUCCESS!
Materials Collected: 2

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Jun chuckled a little under his breath, "I meant in real life, I was in hospital." He was starting to sound like a broken record, "I think that sometimes we as people do things without a reason, which is why it bothers me when people ask why I do things. I don't do things without a reason normally, but I guess sometimes we just act on impulse, and there is nothing wrong with that."


Jun dug his sword directly into a crack, he saw a slight shine coming from inside so Jun though that maybe there was some ore in there, sadly, it was all for nothing though as it was just an empty crack, "Have you ever thought about just chilling in the lower levels? I decided to hang down, not that I was really a front liner to begin with, but I didn't want to stick around there, it was all getting a little to hectic for me, the lower levels are fun enough for some relaxing, you should give it a shot." Jun's expression it was now more of a serious one that the carefree one he adorned before, "Mari, I am leaving the guild, I had been thinking about it for a while, and I can't keep up with the rest of you. I would just be holding you back, so it's best for all of us if I just go..."


Rolled 6 on Loot Die

ID: 10217

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I refuse to talk about my life outside the game." Mari said sharply. Hoping Fallen would drop the subject.  "But you are right, about the impulsive behaviour we have." 

Mari sat down on the ground, up-heaving rocks with her dagger; she successfully managed to find a small group of amber coloured ores. She pocketed what she could. Thinking about his question. "Sometimes, I do - but I get bothered a lot more on those lower levels than I do on the higher ones. Once the Hydra is defeated chances are I will spend most my time on the 10th floor."

It was then, that Fallen said he would be leaving the guild. Mari stopped what she was doing she straightened herself to observe Fallen, dark blue eyes hovering over his form. "Really? Honestly I am disappointed in you Jun." Mari said, for once using his real name - her tone serious and disappointed. "You always pushed forward, what changed?"



Loot Dice: 15 SUCCESS!
Materials Collected: 3

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